Monday, May 25, 2020
A Case Manager At An Outpatient Clinic - 1578 Words
Ms.C was a case manager at an outpatient clinic that provided a variety of services. One of her clients was Ms. R, who was receiving services as a result of a recent divorce. Ms. C had also experienced a divorce in her past and though she had effectively dealt with that experience, but found herself identifying with many comments by Ms. R. Through their work together, the two women realized they shared many common interests. They often found themselves talking about these shared interests in their time together and eventually began meeting for coffee after their sessions. Ms. R soon suggested they begin spending additional time together socially and Ms. C agreed. Before long, they became fast friends, spending significant amount of social time together on evenings and weekends, visiting clubs, going to movies or visiting local restaurants. After several months, the two had a falling out about a gentleman both women favors. Ms. R filed a complaint with the Regulatory agency in her state about the relationships. Throughout this paper this case will be analyzed including the harmful effects of the relationship on all parties involved in the helping relationship, the social and emotional impacts of the relationship, the effect on the treatment relationship, the likely outcome of Ms. R’s complaint if filed in New York State, and the strategies to minimize the likelihood of such a relationship arising. There are a few things within this case scenario which could causeShow MoreRelatedJob Training Experience With Nurse Manager Ms1158 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction This paper will illustrate a job shadowing experience with nurse manager Ms. Sarah Erb, RN, BSN. The shadowing experience was completed on 04/14/2017. Ms. Erb is enrolled with Georgetown University where she is two terms away from obtaining her Family Nurse Practitioner license. She has worked for UNM Carrie Tingley Hospital for 7 years. The past 2 years has been spent in the Orthopedic Outpatient Fracture Clinic. The focus of this paper is to evaluate the leadership style observed and analyzeRead More Social Workers in Mental Health Facilities and Outpatient Clinics 1487 Words  | 6 Pagesfacilities and outpatient clinics stands out as an area of depth and interest. This field is important because it allows social workers to play an integral part in assisting patients, some of who have been kept in large inpatient facilities for vast periods of time, to become functioning and active members of society, as they deal with the task of managing their particular mental illness. It is stated on the NASW occupation profile that Social workers employed with mental health clinics can haveRead MorePharmacist-Run Diabetes Clinics1554 Words  | 7 Pagesare not used to their full potential (Smith, 2009). 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Since it’s founding in 1937, LMH has expanded to include, a 327 bed tertiary hospital, and level II trauma center, a 107 bed community hospital, two skilled nursing facilities, a home care division, an ambulatory surgery center, and an outpatient behavioral health center. Anticipating growth in the populationRead MoreWhat Is The Implementation Of The Affordable Care Act990 Words  | 4 Pageswith these patients in the outpatient setting prior to their admission in addition to following them through their stay and back in the outpatient setting following their discharge. On occasion, even those medications have been approved prior to their admission, insurances will change their minds and decide they will not cover usually a high cost medication (that is required) when discharge is being implemented. The Nurse Practitioners, Physican Assistants, Case Managers, and if needed Physicans involved
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Save the Endangered Animals Essay - 977 Words
Could you imagine a world without tigers, the giant panda, or the rhinoceros? What a paler place it would be. Astonishing amounts of animals are considered critically endangered and near extinction. If we would like these animals to be around for future generations, we cannot hesitate in our efforts to help them. Rhinoceros - Sadly, the White, Black and Javan rhinoceros are all on the critically endangered list. The Indonesian Javan Rhino is in particularly bad shape with having less than 60 of their kind left in the world. There are about 3000 Black Rhinos. Illegal Hunting is their major threat. Giant Panda - The Giant panda originates from China, Burma and Vietnam. High estimates say there are fewer than 2000 left in the world low†¦show more content†¦Their numbers once in the thousands, now is estimated at less than 700. Thankfully, due to serious conservation efforts, there has been a significant increase in the mountain gorilla population over the last few years. Black-Footed Ferret - The Black-footed ferret makes their home in North America where sadly they have been hunted to almost extinction. They are the most endangered species in North America with less than 100 of their kind remaining. Man’s unrestrained hunting is bringing about their extinction. Golden- Headed Langur- This adorable monkey lives in Vietnam. They are critically endangered with their numbers now only being between 60-70. Hunters, traders and loss of habitat are bringing about their extinction. African Wild Ass- The African wild ass is a critically endangered animal. In the year 2002, there were less than 570 of them. Their decline in population is due to illegal hunting, loss of habitat and from the interbreeding between them and domestic donkeys. Dama Gazelle - The Dama Gazelle originates from Africa. There is three subspecies of Dama gazelles - the Addra, Dama and the Mhorr gazelle. Two of the subspecies - the Mhorr and the Dama are now extinct in the wild and only exist in zoos. While, the Addra is still seen in the wild, their numbers count less than 2000 and they are considered critically endangered. Multiple threats endanger the remaining wild gazelle, everything from illegal hunting, disease from domesticShow MoreRelatedShould We Save Endangered Species?1740 Words  | 7 PagesShould more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals? The reasons for saving endangered species might seem obvious to many people, but many question why we should save a species from dying out. Isn t this part of the process of natural selection? Is there any environmental benefit to preserving a dying species? For some it s a question with an obvious answer, for others... it requires some thought. What benefit is there to saving an endangered species from dying out? 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Being placed in a zoo can dramatically help endangered animals receive the care that they need which may not be accessible in the wild. In William Dudley’s Animal Rights, author John Ironmonger was quoted as saying, â€Å"Certainly, zoo animals do tendRead MoreThe Extinction, Endangerment, And Captivity Of Endangered Species1540 Words  | 7 Pagescaptivity of endangered species? That is the pressing question that seems to bug all environmentalists and scientists are stressing over, how long will it take for all of your animals to die out? And is it something we can stop or at least contain meanwhile we are trying to find the long-term solution for. Can we prevent this from happening all together? Or is it far too late to save our species that are dying out? We should worry about the extinction, endangerment and captivity of endangered speciesRead MorePersuasive Essay On Endangered Species1461 Words  | 6 Pageshumans grow, more and more environmental problems are developing such as global warming, pollution, and animal extinction. Unfortunately, endangered species are threatened by human population as we grow and consume resources at compulsive rate, and endangered species are most likely to go extinct if we do not take action. From animals, we tend to consume our sources of protein which means killing animals in order for ourselves to survive. For example, the fish provides 15 percent of protein consumed byRead MoreProtecting Endangered Animals Outweigh Its Costs?1145 Words  | 5 Pagesdecrease the rate at which endangered species become extinct?†; more specifically my perspective was that it cost billions of dol lars to save all endangered species. Does saving and protecting endangered animals outweigh its costs? Now I m going to walk you through my table of content. In the table of content my perspective is included which I already mention involving â€Å"biodiversity†, I m going to talk about local, national, and international examples of endangered animals, the counter argument toRead MoreThe Snow Leopard760 Words  | 3 PagesEndangered Species: Snow Leopard The Snow Leopard is a big cat that is found mostly in cold high mountains. This cat is an extremely endangered animal that has many conservation programs that help try and save them from becoming extinct. There are fewer than 7,000 of them left in the world and this number continues to go down. A conversation effort made by Through the Land of Snow Project in Mongolia , is starting programs to help protect them and their natural habitat. A conservation programRead MoreEndangered Animals Are Endangered Species1411 Words  | 6 PagesNot many people know about endangered animals or what makes them endangered. Animals have been endangered and going extinct for over 635 million years. Although extinction is a natural phenomenon, it occurs at a natural â€Å"background†rate of about one to five species per year. Scientists estimate that we’re now losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times the background rate, with dozens going extinct every day. As many as 30 to 50 percent of all species could possibly be heading toward extinction by mid-centuryRead MoreAnimal Safety : Endangered Species1645 Words  | 7 Pageshave lost many wonderful animals due to their extinction. These animals are considered to be an endangered species. These animals are being affected due to their habitat being destroyed and moving them to a new habitat in which they aren’t used to. Another main reason is because of illegal hunting. But today we have many organizations that travel around the world to help these poor species from being extinct and put them in captivity. But unfortunately, many of these animals don’t seem to adapt wellRead MoreA Brief Note On Animal Extinction And Its Effect On Society Essay1569 Words  | 7 PagesTehilla Silverberg Ethics In Business Research Paper 2    Animal extinction is a tremendous problem in our society. Every year more and more animals are going extinct. If we don’t do something to stop it we could see massive animal extinction is our lifetime. In nearly 100 years from now we could lose about 50% of the world s species. The next generation won t experience the wildlife that is still out there if we don t make a change. Every species in our universe is part of a web. If one specie
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Dark Depths Of Life - 2434 Words
I never knew that my fixed straight path of life will take a huge turn that day. The feelings that overwhelmed my body engraved itself in the inner depths of my mind as days walked pass by. And how much remorse and shame that continues to pile up within my soul; how painful it was to keep it hidden from the world was the past that can never be erased. If I had the power to turn back time and rewrite that whole day, will my life be the same as now? But as I continue to search for my lost one, the feeling of true love can never be conveyed within me ever again. As the sun shone radiantly, the memories of 8 years ago still presented itself in front of my eyes. Why was there rain instead of stars in the sky? Why was this sky covered in†¦show more content†¦I don t! What made you think that? I put on a strong mask to portray the strong rejected No. Their eyes dilated as they sharply stared at the self-confidence body. They grinned directly at me but their gazes soon stopped staring at me. I follow their sight of light; a girl - no... it was Jyotsna, standing with a disbelief face. What have I done? My self-confident composure slowly peeled itself off my bare skin. I retreated and ran into the library. From that day on, I never dared to stared at her. ~*~ Many years passed by, we were both in grade 10. The world dramatically changed from that time. as the sun flashed its warmth like usual, my feelings for Jyotsna suddenly lowered itself down ever since that day. Our classes with each other dropped - there we walked on separate on paths that was parallel to each other. As the light reflects itself into my pupil, a sense of traumatic changes soon crept slowly. As I continued that mundane timetable of mine, the day where my views of the world slowly transformed itself into something else. The day where her existence soon became meaningless was the day I lost my reason to love anyone else. As the thunderclouds switch positions with normal clouds, the world s memories pierced through my body. It was normal school day for everyone but not for me. I was joking normally with my friends but the stumble of hell befall on my soul. But as the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essay on About a Time - without Technology
Question: Write an Essay on about a time, without technology. Answer: Man and technology is inseparable from each other, as the first one is the inventor and the other is the invention made by him. However, there was once a time when man had to tackle all the hurdles without the help of the modern technology. When there was no alarm clock to wake us all and there were no modern ways to connect us to the virtual world. Life was full natural recourses; it was not so easy but was soothing (Gillespie, Boczkowski, and Foot 2014). The age without the help of the technology provided man the opportunity to connect to nature. People were more connected with the people rather than to their mobile phone. The days started with the chirping of the birds and ended with the owls cry. It was very difficult and at the same time very exciting to collect food for the day and to cook them. Woods were collected and fire was made with the help of the stones. There not a broad availability of the food items and a lot of time was devoted in the cooking process. The spare times were passed in the family gatherings and people in that age were more connected with their families. Before the invention of the modern technology, the social structure was different. Without much access to the outside world, the women were the the ones who managed the household and the most important task for them was to look after the children. Men were engaged in works. The works mostly included the agricultural and a lot of work force was required (Harding and Figueroa 2013).Without the technology, there was a very less amount of entertainment available. People then used to visit the parks and they used to stop by their friend or relatives places. The age without the technology enabled man to secure a close connection with the nature but it was an age full of difficulties. It was at that time very difficult to communicate with the people living far. The access to information was not only limited but also difficult. Another big challenge was to deal with the medication of the sick (Nakamura and Chow-White 2013).The transport system too was not well developed. It took days to reach a place. However in an age, which was free from the technological benefits, was an age where people were more active. There were face-to-face conversation and life was simple. The age was free from the complex family problems and there were more trust among the people. People knew the worth of hard work. People were equally able to perform their work it just took them more hard work and a bit more time to organise the environment (Perloff 2015). The human brain back then was more active than the computers. Therefore, to conclude it can be said that ev ery age had its advantages and the disadvantages so does the age without technologies, with its distinctive features. References: Gillespie, T., Boczkowski, P.J. and Foot, K.A., 2014.Media technologies: Essays on communication, materiality, and society. MIT Press. Harding, S. and Figueroa, R., 2013.Science and other cultures: Issues in philosophies of science and technology. Routledge. Nakamura, L. and Chow-White, P. eds., 2013.Race after the Internet. Routledge. Perloff, H.S., 2015.The quality of the urban environment: essays on" new resources" in an urban age. Routledge.
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