Thursday, August 27, 2020
Arthur Birling and inspector goole Essay
  Priestley shows this in the segment after the reviewer has left â€Å"I recollect what he stated, what he looked like, how he affected me. Fire and blood and anguish. †This shows the influence that he had on specific characters was huge. In his end discourse the Inspector left with a notice; â€Å"And I tell that the opportunity will before long come when, in the event that men won't discover that exercise, at that point they will be shown it in fire and blood and anguish. †This could be alluding to the primary universal war, where men from every single diverse foundation, and classes, would need to stand together, as equivalents, and battle for their nation. This negates Mr Birling’s forecast toward the beginning of Act 1; â€Å"Just on the grounds that the Kaiser makes a couple speeches†¦ The Germans don’t need war. No one needs war,†This shows the distinction between the methods of reasoning of the Inspector and Birling, it additionally exhibits Priestley’s thought that Mr Birling’s entrepreneur sees aren't right, and how the Inspector, who is directly about war, is most likely right about everything else. Priestley utilizes this to show the advantages a communist society would bring to the world. Priestley is recommending that Birling’s â€Å"every man for himself†thought will end in catastrophes like Eva. While the Inspector’s Philosophy of shared obligation would dodge such horrendous occasions. The experience of the Inspector’s addresses changes a few characters, yet has no impact on others. It begins with the entirety of the family plunking down inclination no blame at all, however after the Inspector comes Eric and Sheila understand the reality of what they have done, while the others, now trusting it is a handy joke, feel no blame. What Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald didn’t appear to comprehend is that regardless of whether it wasn’t a similar young lady (and nobody was certain in the event that it was or not) that they despite everything did these savage activities, and a huge number of others do comparative things without knowing the outcomes, numerous youngsters and ladies will reach a comparative conclusion. Another point to the structure of the play is that the investigator just uncovers little pieces of Eva’s story to specific characters, failing to let more than one individual see the photo without a moment's delay. This gives the turn toward the end more secret. The Inspector influenced various characters in an unexpected way, contingent upon the amount they comprehend what was happening on the planet by then. Mr Birling was influenced marginally toward the beginning, yet being a feeble character, and in light of his wife’s unrivaled class consistently follows her lead. Along these lines in the wake of watching his wife’s cross examination, and seeing the manner in which she would not yield to the Inspector, and not feel regretful about what she has done, he sticks to this same pattern. He and Mrs Birling were the least influenced characters, at long last, conceivably in light of the fact that they didn’t comprehend what life would have been similar to for Eva Smith without all the things they did to her. Gerald felt regretful from the start, since he had affections for her, yet then he took a walk and didn’t feel as remorseful any longer. This is presumably on the grounds that Gerald has grown up used to cash, and acquired his parent’s entrepreneur sees. Eric and Sheila were generally influenced by the Inspector, particularly his last words, this is demonstrated when Sheila rehashes them â€Å"Fire and blood and aguish. †Sheila and Eric see most about what goes on the planet, this is shown at an opportune time †however shouldn't something be said about war? †and when Sheila thinks about Eric’s drinking issue. They see more that this kind of thing can happen to individuals, and these little activities can lead individuals to end it all, this is most likely why the monitor influenced them more. In the wake of watching the play, the crowd can decipher the character of Inspector Goole from numerous points of view. You could consider him similarly as a typical man, who, having known about the Birling family’s narrow minded acts, wishes to assist them with improving. Or then again he could be a still, small voice to cause them to feel liable about what they’ve done, and quit separating themselves from the regular workers. He could likewise be the phantom of Eva Smith in another structure to make them pay for what they’ve done. His last name likewise demonstrates this as it is a homonym of fiend, another word for apparition. I presume that Birling speaks to the perspectives on business people and the assessor speaks to the perspectives on communists. Priestley makes Birling a powerless, unintelligent, uninformed and Selfish character who babbles a piece and frantic to fit in with the higher class that he follows his wife’s lead. Sybil appears to manage her better half, Telling him what he ought to or shouldn’t say, this is made apparent when she dislikes with him saying: â€Å"Good supper too †Sybil tell cook for me. †Mrs Birling would dislike since saying what great food it was, wasn’t viewed as a respectful thing since it resembles angling for praises from Gerald. She doesn’t like him saying tell cook for me since it suggests they converse with their workers, which wouldn’t have been done back then. Birling likewise duplicates Gerald’s father’s (his social prevalent) decision of wine, to make Gerald imagine that he is wedding into a family with as much cash as his. Interestingly, Priestley causes the overseer to show up as an individual who talks cautiously, is savvy, realizes what is happening on the planet, is exceptionally solid and appears to be a kinder, sacrificial individual; Priestley utilizes this to make the crowd believe that a communist society will give a more pleasant, all the more only answer for the world’s issues.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Fund Flow Analysis Free Essays
Each business worry, toward the finish of its money related period, plans Income Statements and Balance Sheet. Pay Statements show the net outcome, Net Profit, of the business activities and contains different costs brought about and misfortunes and income earned during that period. Accounting report gives a synopsis of advantages and liabilities as on a specific date and shows the monetary situation of the business. We will compose a custom article test on Store Flow Analysis or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now The liabilities side of a monetary record shows the sources from where assets are raised and the advantages side shows how the assets raised are used. However, it doesn't show the causes or purposes behind changes in resources and liabilities, stream of assets, between two monetary record dates. Thusly, an announcement is set up notwithstanding the Income Statements and Balance Sheet, to show changes in resources and liabilities between two asset report dates, which is known as Fund Flow Statement. It is an announcement, otherwise called Statement of Changes in Financial Position, intended to break down the progressions in budgetary state of a worry between to determined dates. The Term â€Å"Fund†The term â€Å"Fund†can be clarified from multiple points of view. In the tight sense, it implies money as it were. Exchanges including money receipts and installments are considered in this methodology. In the more extensive sense, finance implies working capital, which is the overabundance of current resources over current liabilities. For subsidize stream investigation, the more extensive methodology, working capital methodology, is thought of. The word â€Å"Flow†implies change and â€Å"fund flow†implies change in assets or change in working capital. Any expansion or diminishing in working capital is stream of assets. Stream of assets might be either inflow of assets or outpouring of assets. Inflow alludes to wellsprings of assets and outpouring alludes to utilizations of assets. In the event that an exchange gets any change working capital, progression of assets happens. This will happen when changes happens in the estimations of fixed resources, share capital, long haul obligations and so forth with the comparing changes in the estimations of current resources or current liabilities. Numerous exchanges which happen in a business venture may increment or decline its working capital or even may not influence any adjustment in it. Following are a few models: Purchase of fixed resources: When an advantage is bought, money is going out there by diminishing the money balance. The impact of this exchange is that working capital abatements and this change (decline) in working capital is called as utilization of assets. Here the records included are Current Assets (Cash) and Fixed Assets. Issue of offer capital: This exchange will expand the working capital as money balance increments. This change (increment) in working capital is called as wellspring of assets. Here the two records included are present resources (Cash) and Shareholders’ Funds (Share Capital). Offer of Fixed Assets: The exchange will have the impact of expanding the working capital as the money balance increments accordingly expanding working capital. It is a wellspring of assets. Here the records included are present resources (Cash) and Fixed Assets. Reclamation of debentures: This exchange has the impact of decreasing the working capital, as it brings about decrease in real money balance. It is an utilization of assets. The two records influenced by this exchange are Current Assets (Cash) and Long-Term Liability (Debenture). Acquisition of stock: This exchange brings about lessening in real money and increment in stock along these lines keeping the complete current resources at a similar figure. Consequently there will be no adjustment in the Working Capital. For this situation both the records included are Current Assets (Cash and Stock). Tolerating Bills Payable gave by banks: The impact of this exchange on Working Capital is Nil as it brings about increment in charges payable (a present risk) and diminishes the leasers (another present obligation). Since there is no adjustment in all out current liabilities there is no progression of assets. The records required as present liabilities. Fixed Assets bought and installment is made by giving offers: This exchange won't have any effect on working capital as it doesn't bring about any change either in the present resource or in the present obligation. Thus there is no progression of assets. The two records influenced are Fixed Assets and Shareholders’ Funds (Capital a/c). From the above models, plainly there will be stream of assets when the exchange includes: a) Current resources and fixed resources b) Current resources and capital c) Current resources and long haul liabilities d) Current liabilities and long haul liabilities e) Current liabilities and fixed resources. Instructions to refer to Fund Flow Analysis, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Dean Profiles Peter Henry, New York Universitys Stern School of Business
Blog Archive Dean Profiles Peter Henry, New York Universitys Stern School of Business Business school deans are more than administrative figureheads. Their character and leadership is often reflective of an MBA program’s unique culture and sense of community. Each month, we will be profiling the dean of a top-ranking program. Today, we focus on Peter Henry from the Stern School of Business. In January 2010, Peter Henry took over as dean of NYUs Stern School of Business (replacing Thomas Cooley). A native of Jamaica, Henry came to the school from the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB), where he was an international economics professor and served as associate director of the GSB’s Center for Global Business and the Economy. A January 2010 Bloomberg Businessweek article on Henry’s hiring projected that the new dean would face considerable challenges at Stern in his efforts to diversify a school with such strong ties to Wall Street. The article described Henry as anxious to expand Stern’s reach beyond finance so that students would also consider careers “from those in public policy and emerging markets to more traditional roles in sectors such as marketing and media and entertainment.†Henry, whose research explores emerging economies, told Bloomberg Businessweek, “At Stern we want to create leaders who say it is a corporate imperative that we train peo ple who are as comfortable in the Middle East as they are in Manhattan.†Henry also told Bloomberg Businessweek back in January 2010, “Let’s imagine what the possibilities are for our students and the kind of world we might create with a broad-based view … Let’s train the best people and see where the opportunities arise,†and students with whom we spoke seemed to appreciate Henry’s approach. One second-year student in particular told us, “I chose Stern because of Dean Henry’s vision to show what a business school can do to educate and prepare its students to think creatively about creating valueâ€"both for business and societyâ€"in the 21st century.†“People like him a lot,†a first year we interviewed commented about Dean Henry. “He’s a great person, and it seems that he actually cares about the students. A good example is he takes the stairs up to the 11th floor every day. He doesn’t walk over to the elevator, pop in the elevator and take it up and not say hi to anyone; he takes the stairs so he can talk to students on his way up to his office.†He added, “There’s a couch in his office, and he will literally talk to you about whatever you want to talk about.†For more information about NYU Stern and 15 other top-ranked business schools, check out the mbaMission Insider’s Guides. Share ThisTweet New York University (Stern) Professor Profiles
Monday, May 25, 2020
A Case Manager At An Outpatient Clinic - 1578 Words
Ms.C was a case manager at an outpatient clinic that provided a variety of services. One of her clients was Ms. R, who was receiving services as a result of a recent divorce. Ms. C had also experienced a divorce in her past and though she had effectively dealt with that experience, but found herself identifying with many comments by Ms. R. Through their work together, the two women realized they shared many common interests. They often found themselves talking about these shared interests in their time together and eventually began meeting for coffee after their sessions. Ms. R soon suggested they begin spending additional time together socially and Ms. C agreed. Before long, they became fast friends, spending significant amount of social time together on evenings and weekends, visiting clubs, going to movies or visiting local restaurants. After several months, the two had a falling out about a gentleman both women favors. Ms. R filed a complaint with the Regulatory agency in her state about the relationships. Throughout this paper this case will be analyzed including the harmful effects of the relationship on all parties involved in the helping relationship, the social and emotional impacts of the relationship, the effect on the treatment relationship, the likely outcome of Ms. R’s complaint if filed in New York State, and the strategies to minimize the likelihood of such a relationship arising. There are a few things within this case scenario which could causeShow MoreRelatedJob Training Experience With Nurse Manager Ms1158 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction This paper will illustrate a job shadowing experience with nurse manager Ms. Sarah Erb, RN, BSN. The shadowing experience was completed on 04/14/2017. Ms. Erb is enrolled with Georgetown University where she is two terms away from obtaining her Family Nurse Practitioner license. She has worked for UNM Carrie Tingley Hospital for 7 years. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Save the Endangered Animals Essay - 977 Words
Could you imagine a world without tigers, the giant panda, or the rhinoceros? What a paler place it would be. Astonishing amounts of animals are considered critically endangered and near extinction. If we would like these animals to be around for future generations, we cannot hesitate in our efforts to help them. Rhinoceros - Sadly, the White, Black and Javan rhinoceros are all on the critically endangered list. The Indonesian Javan Rhino is in particularly bad shape with having less than 60 of their kind left in the world. There are about 3000 Black Rhinos. Illegal Hunting is their major threat. Giant Panda - The Giant panda originates from China, Burma and Vietnam. High estimates say there are fewer than 2000 left in the world low†¦show more content†¦Their numbers once in the thousands, now is estimated at less than 700. Thankfully, due to serious conservation efforts, there has been a significant increase in the mountain gorilla population over the last few years. Black-Footed Ferret - The Black-footed ferret makes their home in North America where sadly they have been hunted to almost extinction. They are the most endangered species in North America with less than 100 of their kind remaining. Man’s unrestrained hunting is bringing about their extinction. Golden- Headed Langur- This adorable monkey lives in Vietnam. They are critically endangered with their numbers now only being between 60-70. Hunters, traders and loss of habitat are bringing about their extinction. African Wild Ass- The African wild ass is a critically endangered animal. In the year 2002, there were less than 570 of them. Their decline in population is due to illegal hunting, loss of habitat and from the interbreeding between them and domestic donkeys. Dama Gazelle - The Dama Gazelle originates from Africa. There is three subspecies of Dama gazelles - the Addra, Dama and the Mhorr gazelle. Two of the subspecies - the Mhorr and the Dama are now extinct in the wild and only exist in zoos. While, the Addra is still seen in the wild, their numbers count less than 2000 and they are considered critically endangered. Multiple threats endanger the remaining wild gazelle, everything from illegal hunting, disease from domesticShow MoreRelatedShould We Save Endangered Species?1740 Words  | 7 PagesShould more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals? The reasons for saving endangered species might seem obvious to many people, but many question why we should save a species from dying out. Isn t this part of the process of natural selection? Is there any environmental benefit to preserving a dying species? For some it s a question with an obvious answer, for others... it requires some thought. What benefit is there to saving an endangered species from dying out? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Dark Depths Of Life - 2434 Words
I never knew that my fixed straight path of life will take a huge turn that day. The feelings that overwhelmed my body engraved itself in the inner depths of my mind as days walked pass by. And how much remorse and shame that continues to pile up within my soul; how painful it was to keep it hidden from the world was the past that can never be erased. If I had the power to turn back time and rewrite that whole day, will my life be the same as now? But as I continue to search for my lost one, the feeling of true love can never be conveyed within me ever again. As the sun shone radiantly, the memories of 8 years ago still presented itself in front of my eyes. Why was there rain instead of stars in the sky? Why was this sky covered in†¦show more content†¦I don t! What made you think that? I put on a strong mask to portray the strong rejected No. Their eyes dilated as they sharply stared at the self-confidence body. They grinned directly at me but their gazes soon stopped staring at me. I follow their sight of light; a girl - no... it was Jyotsna, standing with a disbelief face. What have I done? My self-confident composure slowly peeled itself off my bare skin. I retreated and ran into the library. From that day on, I never dared to stared at her. ~*~ Many years passed by, we were both in grade 10. The world dramatically changed from that time. as the sun flashed its warmth like usual, my feelings for Jyotsna suddenly lowered itself down ever since that day. Our classes with each other dropped - there we walked on separate on paths that was parallel to each other. As the light reflects itself into my pupil, a sense of traumatic changes soon crept slowly. As I continued that mundane timetable of mine, the day where my views of the world slowly transformed itself into something else. The day where her existence soon became meaningless was the day I lost my reason to love anyone else. As the thunderclouds switch positions with normal clouds, the world s memories pierced through my body. It was normal school day for everyone but not for me. I was joking normally with my friends but the stumble of hell befall on my soul. But as the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essay on About a Time - without Technology
Question: Write an Essay on about a time, without technology. Answer: Man and technology is inseparable from each other, as the first one is the inventor and the other is the invention made by him. However, there was once a time when man had to tackle all the hurdles without the help of the modern technology. When there was no alarm clock to wake us all and there were no modern ways to connect us to the virtual world. Life was full natural recourses; it was not so easy but was soothing (Gillespie, Boczkowski, and Foot 2014). The age without the help of the technology provided man the opportunity to connect to nature. People were more connected with the people rather than to their mobile phone. The days started with the chirping of the birds and ended with the owls cry. It was very difficult and at the same time very exciting to collect food for the day and to cook them. Woods were collected and fire was made with the help of the stones. There not a broad availability of the food items and a lot of time was devoted in the cooking process. The spare times were passed in the family gatherings and people in that age were more connected with their families. Before the invention of the modern technology, the social structure was different. Without much access to the outside world, the women were the the ones who managed the household and the most important task for them was to look after the children. Men were engaged in works. The works mostly included the agricultural and a lot of work force was required (Harding and Figueroa 2013).Without the technology, there was a very less amount of entertainment available. People then used to visit the parks and they used to stop by their friend or relatives places. The age without the technology enabled man to secure a close connection with the nature but it was an age full of difficulties. It was at that time very difficult to communicate with the people living far. The access to information was not only limited but also difficult. Another big challenge was to deal with the medication of the sick (Nakamura and Chow-White 2013).The transport system too was not well developed. It took days to reach a place. However in an age, which was free from the technological benefits, was an age where people were more active. There were face-to-face conversation and life was simple. The age was free from the complex family problems and there were more trust among the people. People knew the worth of hard work. People were equally able to perform their work it just took them more hard work and a bit more time to organise the environment (Perloff 2015). The human brain back then was more active than the computers. Therefore, to conclude it can be said that ev ery age had its advantages and the disadvantages so does the age without technologies, with its distinctive features. References: Gillespie, T., Boczkowski, P.J. and Foot, K.A., 2014.Media technologies: Essays on communication, materiality, and society. MIT Press. Harding, S. and Figueroa, R., 2013.Science and other cultures: Issues in philosophies of science and technology. Routledge. Nakamura, L. and Chow-White, P. eds., 2013.Race after the Internet. Routledge. Perloff, H.S., 2015.The quality of the urban environment: essays on" new resources" in an urban age. Routledge.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
In The Taming Of The Shrew, Shakespeare Creates Humour Through His Cha
In The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare creates humour through his characters by creating false realities (as demonstrated by Petruchio's behaviour and attire in the scene of his wedding) and by the use of subterfuge and mistaken identity (shown in the final scenes with the transformation of Kate and Bianca's respective personas). He also uses irony quite extensively, especially towards the end of the play (as can be seen in the final ?wager' scene). The concept that ?things are not always as they seem' is quite evident in the events surrounding, and including, Petruchio's wedding ceremony. This particular scene in the play demonstrates how the use of false realities (a real situation falsely presented in order to deliberately deceive) can be used to create humour. Biondello describes Petruchio's appearance to Baptista, and by doing so sets up the expectations of the audience. He says that Petruchio comes wearing: New hat and old jerkin; a pair of old breeches thrice turned; a pair of boots that have been candle-cases, one buckled another laced; an old rusty sworde...with a broken hilt and chapeless; his horse hipped...with an old mothy saddle (Act III Scene II) This depiction of Petruchio conforms to Shakespeare's technique of using false realities, in order to create humour. This can also be seen in the false identity that Petruchio puts forth in his quest for dominion over Kate (that of the eccentric egomaniac). However, these false realities are not enough by themselves, as the audience has nothing to go by but what they see before them, and so they are not to know that this is not Petruchio's true personality, and so Shakespeare employs another essential element of humour: he lets the audience know what is truly transpiring, while the characters themselves remain oblivious to the truth. He does this using a soliloquy, in which Petruchio states the strategies he shall use in order to tame Kate: She ate no meat today nor none shall she eat...and as with the meat some undeserved fault I'll find about the making of the bed... This is the way to kill a wife with kindness...he that knows better how to tame a shrew, not let him speak (Act IV Scene I) This soliloquy serves to reinforce the fact that ?things are not always as they seem'. So the knowledge gleaned from this soliloquy means that we find the other events involving Kate and Petruchio even more amusing, as we can see that it is nothing more than an elaborate game of chess, instigated by Petruchio. Another example of where we find humour being generated by the fact that ?things are not always as they seem' is the relationship between Kate and Bianca. Here Shakespeare uses the device of mistaken identity and combines it with a strong sense of irony. On the outside, Kate appears harsh, cruel and frightening to all of the characters. Even her father is scared of her monstrous temper, begging anyone to marry her. Yet as her relationship with Petruchio grows, her true identity emerges and our perception of her changes. She becomes much less of a shrew, her mistaken identity, and begins to become more obsequious and agreeable, her true identity. Despite all of her outward appearances, she is truly a good person in her heart. Yet Bianca's scenario is different. She is perceived as a sweet and gentle person, a false conception, devoting herself to her studies and never wanting anything else out of life. Yet once she achieves her goal, to be married, her true self appears. She becomes q uarrelsome and apathetic. She becomes almost what her sister was. It is here that Shakespeare once again creates humour through the concept that ?things are not always as they seem'. The irony that comes from seeing the reversal of characteristics and the drastic change in our perceptions of Kate and Bianca provide a sense of amusement, and self-righteous satisfaction at the way the tides have turned. An example of this is in the final scene where Petruchio and Lucentio place a wager on the obedience of their wives (Kate and Bianca respectively). Of course Lucentio loses due to Bianca's disobedience and near-contempt for her husband, while Petruchio and his newly transformed Kate, proceed to win a
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Free Essays on FORECASTING(Manegment)
Relate the situation with the world cup jerseys to the importance of forecasting. What specific factors make accurate forecasting especially critical in this application? WHAT IS FORECASTING: To foresee and make decisions accordingly is Forecasting. This is a word, which we can relate to a term Fortune telling. Forecasts are vital to every business organization and for every significant management decision. Forecasting is the basis of corporate long run planning. But it has to be remembered that a perfect forecast is usually impossible. Too many factors in the business environment cannot be predicted with certainty. Therefore, rather than search for the perfect forecast, it is far more important to establish the practice of to learn to live with inaccurate forecast. Relationship of Forecasting with W/C Jerseys: During the time of world cup, the jerseys of the participating team were a product, which would sell like hot cake. And for the athletic apparel companies that pay thousands of dollars to sponsor the top teams in the world cup, it is the time for them to recoup some of their investments. And to do this they have to predict before hand which team is going to win the world cup. Usually, the top teams like Brazil, Italy, and Argentina are always top favorite to win the world cup. But besides these countries other country jerseys are also hot favorite. Like during the first world cup of the new millennium held in Korea, the jerseys of Korea were sold weeks before their surprising run into the semifinals. On the other hand, retailer had tens of thousands of jerseys of France who being the defending champion was shot out of the first round even without scoring a single goal in the tournament. So a good forecasting is essential to make sure that the product will be in demand and the whole stock can be sold during the time. But as mentioned earlier, an exact forecasting is not possible. But had the manufacturer of ... Free Essays on FORECASTING(Manegment) Free Essays on FORECASTING(Manegment) Relate the situation with the world cup jerseys to the importance of forecasting. What specific factors make accurate forecasting especially critical in this application? WHAT IS FORECASTING: To foresee and make decisions accordingly is Forecasting. This is a word, which we can relate to a term Fortune telling. Forecasts are vital to every business organization and for every significant management decision. Forecasting is the basis of corporate long run planning. But it has to be remembered that a perfect forecast is usually impossible. Too many factors in the business environment cannot be predicted with certainty. Therefore, rather than search for the perfect forecast, it is far more important to establish the practice of to learn to live with inaccurate forecast. Relationship of Forecasting with W/C Jerseys: During the time of world cup, the jerseys of the participating team were a product, which would sell like hot cake. And for the athletic apparel companies that pay thousands of dollars to sponsor the top teams in the world cup, it is the time for them to recoup some of their investments. And to do this they have to predict before hand which team is going to win the world cup. Usually, the top teams like Brazil, Italy, and Argentina are always top favorite to win the world cup. But besides these countries other country jerseys are also hot favorite. Like during the first world cup of the new millennium held in Korea, the jerseys of Korea were sold weeks before their surprising run into the semifinals. On the other hand, retailer had tens of thousands of jerseys of France who being the defending champion was shot out of the first round even without scoring a single goal in the tournament. So a good forecasting is essential to make sure that the product will be in demand and the whole stock can be sold during the time. But as mentioned earlier, an exact forecasting is not possible. But had the manufacturer of ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Consumer Behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Consumer Behaviour - Assignment Example 87) the market situation analysis of Nestle shows: Sales- It holds the first position in selling foods. It makes major profits from the sales of food products alone, this year sales rose to 67.6 billion swiss francs which were only 60.9 billion francs last year. Also it’s the world leader in manufacturing coffee. The first three months of 2013 shows that the company’s sales rose to 21.9 billion Swiss francs from the last year but it failed to meet the expected sales which are 22.5 billion Swiss francs. Competitors-Nestle give good competition to most of the fmcg brands like Kraft Foods Inc., Unilever plc. , P & G, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Heinz etc. Its huge range of diversified products makes it a strong contender in the fmcg & food sector (Express, 2012). Market Share- It’s the market leader in the coffee & mineral water segment. The table below displays the sales & market shares in the year 1992, of different companies- (Source: Pagell and Halperin 1999, p. 195) Pr oduct Range- The product range includes bottled waters, chocolates, cereals, dairy, coffee, drinks, food, ice-creams purina pet care etc. It puts more emphasis on the taste & nutrition content of the product & therefore it ends up fixing slightly higher prices than its competitors. Creating pet foods makes it a unique brand which not only cares for humans but also it shows significant care to the pets. Its delicious range of hot chocolate & sausage makes it the number one brand in the food & drink sector. Also the beverage systems offered by the company is used widely throughout the world. (Gilbert, 2013) Markets- It has its presence in the continents of Africa, America, Asia, Australia & Europe, in almost over 80 countries. It customizes its product according to the place where it’s being sold. More or less every household contains a product of this brand. 2. Target Market Customer base of Nestle ranges from middle income groups to higher income groups, from kids to adults, from the health conscious to the junk food eaters because Nestle’s products serve various day to day needs of a person. 3. Social Influences on Buying Behaviour PERSONAL FACTORS Age serves as an important factor for the products and services of the firm. Nestle’s consumer range includes adults, aged people, teenagers as well as kids below 12 years. Due to the brands all over presence across the world, its customer base includes people from various race, religion and ethnicity. These things affect the consumer’s food habit to a great extent. The climate, food habits, language, religion, dressing style, income status, etc. falls basically within the wide gamut of geography. For example let’s think about the approach adapted by McDonalds. The well-known fast food chain has got diverse menu for diverse sites across the world. When the firm was asked to state the cause behind the broad range of menus, the firm replied, â€Å"We try to adapt our menu to reflec t different tastes and local traditions for every country in which we have restaurants. We're keen to respect cultural differences and so every country has its own policy of developing menu items†. Moreover consumer behavior depends to a large extent on the education and knowledge of the people, for instance people who are well educated are more concerned about the adverse effects of calorie consumption and thus they would prefer to choose the sugar free chocolate prepared by
Thursday, February 6, 2020
MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words - 1
MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS - Essay Example The quality of the brand and services offered by the company have improved, but the company has tried to personify the introduced products in such sophisticated manner, so as to attract the focus and interest of the customers; topped with whipped cream and a dusting of toffee sprinkles, McDonalds version of this traditional delicacy is a luxurious tasty treat (Burt, 2007) is one of the notations associated with the particular product. The McDonalds has been successful in offering convincing experience which has enthralled and delighted the customers, the company instead of coming up to the expectations of the customers, has further enhanced the level of their taste through magnificent offerings. The chairman of the McDonalds has agreed and stressed upon the effectiveness of such strategy, the one common thread to the success of these stories and the company is that they have to be true and they have to be authentic (Burt, 2007). As per the current record of the sales, and future prediction of the sales on the basis of current trend are encouraging, by the end of 2012 the sales of the Schultz will be three times higher and will reach the mark of twenty three billion US dollars. The company has revealed a comprehensive plan aimed at the expansion of units, more than forty thousand stores are expected to be launched in the coming few years. Keeping in view the mission statement of the company, which aims at the establishment of the McDonalds as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining the uncompromising principles during growth (Burt, 2007), the mission statement is in lieu with the planned and present activities of the company, and by the end of next five years, the company is expected to achieve the glory highlighted in the statement. The company has decided to create a healthy work environment, which is expected to develop positive consequences on the performance of the company. The importance of the healthy environment in the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Differences of North and South Korea Essay Example for Free
Differences of North and South Korea Essay South Korea is located on the southern part of Korea and boarders and is bordered by Eastern Asia, the southern half of the Korean Peninsula which borders the Sea of Japan, and the Yellow Sea. South Korea has a boring climate in my opinion. It is temperate, and during the summer months there is heavier rainfall than the rest of the year. The terrain in South Korea is much like that of North Korea. It is mostly hills and has mountains. There are wide coastal plains in the west in the south. These areas have many great harbors for fishing. The only natural disaster South Korea is really prone to are typhoons. The population in South Korea is larger than that in North Korea. There are 48,289,037 people which are mostly located along the coast. Sixty-nine percent of the people work in the services department, twenty-one and a half percent work in industry fields, and nine and half percent work in agriculture. There is a close race in South Korea for the number one religion between Christianity and Buddhist. other religions are Confucianism, Shamanism, and Chindogyo. Most people in South Korea speak Korean but more frequently are learning English. The capital on South Korea is Seoul, and South Korea is a Republic. One of the main reasons it is Republic is due to the US involvement in World War II. The president of South Korea is NO Muh-hyun who was elected in 2003. South Korea gained its independence from Japan in 1945 on August 15th. South Koreas biggest traitor is once again America. Popular exports in South Korea are things such as electronic devices, machinery and equipment, cars, steel, ships, clothing, footwear, and fish. In the agricultural department rice, root crops, barley, vegetables, fruit; cattle, pigs, chickens, milk, eggs; fish are the most popular. The currency in South Korea is known as the South Korean won also known as the KRW. One thousand, four hundred and one KRW is equivalent to one American dollar. The GDP in South Korea is nine hundred and thirty one billion dollars for a purchasing party power. Over the past few years, South Korea has gained much power economically. The GDP of South Korea is thirty times that of North Korea. Over the past years economic growth has been impressive. South Korea had come back from a crisis known as the Asian financial crisis of 1997-99. Here debt and legitimacy rations were causes and an effect was South Korea being forced to borrow food and having a very weak economic background. In conclusion it is clear that North Korea and South Korea in some ways are the same but in others are completely different. In my opinion and I am sure in the opinion of many others, South Korea is more successful.
Monday, January 20, 2020
gullivers travel :: essays research papers
I want to outline in this essay some of the ways in which Swift's texts - in particular the shorter prose works and the poetry concerned with the female body - take up and make explicit contradictory philosophical positions. Much time and critical effort has been spent attempting to trace some unifying philosophical thread through the maze created by these and other of Swift's writings, when such a thread may be elusive to the point of vanishing altogether.1 It seems possible that one cause of this critical need to establish consistency in Swift is the influence of Postmodernist thought, which tends to cause a conditioned response to eighteenth century literary works in which the instinctive move is to look for that which totalizes, compartmentalizes, reveals a master narrative or supplies a clearly defined linear teleology. If, however, this kind of pre-imagined consistency proves unavailable, the critic is left with the notion of a multi-vocal, polychromatic Swift which should not , perhaps, be so surprising as there seems nothing alien to the intellectual trends of early-eighteenth century England in Swift's assumption of positions that appear radically opposed to one another. Periods of transition necessarily involve the existence of contradictory positions in constellation often within the work of a single writer or thinker. Even Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest of all icons of Enlightenment rationality, can be represented in such a way: "Newton was a Janus figure, emblematic of the new, rationalist, scientific and secular future, yet also using his mathematical skills for abstruse astrological and biblical calculations." (Corfield, 11). Clearly any attempt to attribute a definitive philosophical position to Swift is fraught with difficulty.2 Not only must the reader attempt to penetrate multiple levels of irony at a micro-level, but at a macro-level the fact that Swift was an Anglican clergyman complicates any philosophical interpretation. The origins of the debates on this issue are contemporaneous with the publication of the texts themselves (William Wotton's observations, for example), and criticism up to the end of the nineteenth century continued, predominately, to insist on an irreligious Swift an approach that survived into the twentieth century: "no defence of Swift's fundamental religious orthodoxy can stand the test of such writings. He is a sceptical humanist who again and again tilts at Christian belief". (Wilson Knight, on "The Tale of a Tub",124). This strain of criticism has been long overtaken, however, by
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Philippine Literature Essay
Literature (from Latin litterae (plural); letter) is the art of written work and can, in some circumstances, refer exclusively to published sources. The wordliterature literally means â€Å"things made from letters†and the pars pro toto term â€Å"letters†is sometimes used to signify â€Å"literature,†as in the figures of speech†arts and letters†and â€Å"man of letters. †Literature is commonly classified as having two major formsâ€â€fiction and non-fictionâ€â€and two major techniquesâ€â€poetry and prose. Literature may consist of texts based on factual information (journalistic or non-fiction), as well as on original imagination, such as polemical works as well asautobiography, and reflective essays as well as belles-lettres. Literature can be classified according to historical periods, genres, and political influences. The concept of genre, which earlier was limited, has broadened over the centuries. A genre consists of artistic works which fall within a certain central theme, and examples of genre include romance, mystery, crime, fantasy, erotica, and adventure, among others. Important historical periods in English literature includeOld English, Middle English, the Renaissance, the 17th Century Shakespearean and Elizabethan times, the 18th Century Restoration, 19th Century Victorian, and 20th Century Modernism. Important political movements that have influenced literature include feminism, post-colonialism, psychoanalysis, post-structuralism, post-modernism, romanticism, and Marxism. Literature’s three main divisions When most people speak of literature they may be talking about short stories, novels, poems, verse, odes, plays, tragedies, even limericks. This wide variety of terms describing types of literature, at first, appears overwhelming. However figuring all of this out is simplified when you take into account that the menagerie of types begins with three major paradigms: prose, poetry, and drama. Prose Prose is derived from a Latin root word, prosa, that means â€Å"straightforward†(other scholars argue that the root for â€Å"prose†is proversa oratio, which means †straightforward discourse. †Prose is generally defined as direct, common language presented in a straightforward manner. A victim of identity by negation, prose is frequently defined as â€Å"that which is not poetry. †Prose demonstrates purposeful grammatic design in that it is constructed strategically by the author to create specific meaning. Prose also contains plot and the attendant narrative structures of plot. In most cultures, prose narrative tends to appear after a culture has developed verse. Prosegenres are many and varied, ranging from science fiction to romance. The major generic divisions of prose are: * novel – A lengthy fictional prose narrative. * novella – A fictional prose narrative ranging from 50 to 100 pages, most common in science fiction and detective fiction. * short story – a brief fictional prose narrative. * anecdote – A very brief account of some interesting, usually humorous, event. Poetry Poetry, from the Greek poetes which means â€Å"doer†or â€Å"creator,†is a catch-all term that is applied to any form of rhythmical or metrical composition. While poetry is considered to be a subset of verse (and also considered to be superior to verse) both are rhythmical/metrical. What distinguishes poetry from verse is its â€Å"imaginative quality, intricate structure, serious or lofty subject matter, or noble purpose. †Most culture’s first serious literary works are poetry (In Western tradition, we need look only as far as Homer and Hesiod). The purposes of poetry are said to include: 1. A didactic purpose, meaning that it aims to instruct the reader. 2. Unique insight that is not available in other genres. 3. To provide pleasure to the reader. 4. To uplift the reader to some higher insight or meaning. Drama Drama, is simply a work that is written to be performed on stage by actors. From the Greekdran, meaning â€Å"to do,†drama is thought to have developed from ancient religious ceremonies. For instance, Greek comedy is traced to ancient fertility rites. Tragedy (which comes from the Greek word for â€Å"goat song†) can be traced back to sacrificial rituals. The term play has come to mean drama written exclusively for performance, while the â€Å"loftier†term drama, is commonly reserved for works that are considered to be more.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
St. Augustine The Oldest Settlement Of European Origin
Milena A. Rodriguez Professor Patrick Leitch ENC 1102 10 September 2016 Castillo de San Marcos In the United States, St. Augustine is the oldest settlement of European origin which has been continuously occupied. It was founded in 1565 by Pedro Menendez de Aviles, a Spanish conquistador. The isolated outpost of St Augustine enjoyed a peaceful coexistence with the Native Americans which provided stability to the small province for a few years. The town would soon suffer at the hands of Sir Frances Drake, who in 1586 sacked and burned St. Augustine. 100 years later, sixty people were killed by Robert Searle, an English buccaneer who attacked the small province, pillaged churches, homes and government buildings. Further north, an English settlement at Charles Town posed a threat to the small Spanish colony, which after the raid by Robert Searle, forced the Spanish monarchy to consider the vulnerability of St. Augustine and seek to improve its defenses. Queen Regent Mariana in 1669 ordered the disbursement of funds to construct a masonry fortress. The constr uction of the Castillo de San Marcos commenced in 1672 and was completed in 1695. Shortly thereafter, a new threat arose. In November of 1702, under the command of Governor Moore, forces from Carolina mounted a 58 day siege on the Castillo. It was a failed attempt, but it prompted improvements to the town of St. Augustine and to Castillo. Bombproof rooms were built in the interior for the protection of supplies, vaulted
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