Wednesday, October 30, 2019
History of Art 101 Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
History of Art 101 - Movie Review Example The most evident elements include the Baths of Caracalla and the matching of soldiers led by the eagle ‘king of the sky’ curved or molded from metal The town setting built and developed with aspects of the Trajans Column, Circus Maximus and Curia Hostilia (Senate House) was always utilized to pass laws and decision to the military activities. The ancient assembly bell is featured as an art and architectural piece, which sermons people to Verona Arena an architectural element, where announcements were made (Veronus). Winding stairs in ancient Rome was common especially in Villas and Domus. The series uses Alyscamps in its development of the war activities between Rome and France. Daily activities are full of ancient civilization approaches and feature the Roman watermill, Antonine Wall in Scotland and Limes Germanicus in the military soldier activities of the day. The Rome series opens with soldier going out to defend the kingdom with their eagle mess always before them. In the film, the soldiers; Titus Pullo and Lucius Veronus spend time in the Domus that winds up with stairs and small window openings light the rooms (Veronus). The Titus Pullo and Lucius Veronus appear in one scene being in Egypt when in an incident of war, their fellow soldiers were killed and decided to escape. Art and architecture brought out in scenes in the right mix of the ancient setting of the movie. Together with clothing and the color, mixes specifically red for the soldiers, brown for the protagonists, white for inhabitants of the empire leadership
Monday, October 28, 2019
Group Behavior and Processes Essay Example for Free
Group Behavior and Processes Essay GROUP BEHAVIOR AND PROCESSES Group behavior and processes in this paper is about a problem with a new low income government housing development and the illegal activities that have impacted the community in making the neighborhood unsafe. The author of this paper sees not only the different illegal groups behaviors as the problem in this scenario but also the behavior group that is supposed to be in charge of this low income government housing development as the problem also. This is the processes that the author of this paper would do to resolve a lot of these problems (Peak, 2012). WHAT KINDS OF INFORMATION WOULD YOU COLLECT TO ADDRESS PROBLEMS SUCH AS DRUGS, PROSTITUTION, AND VANDALISM? First you have to use the local law enforcement agency to come into this neighborhood and having them do round the clock undercover and stakeouts. Having the local law enforcement agency identify and keep accurate records on the main problem persons in the drug, prostitution, and vandalism issues. Also have the law enforcement agency document thoroughly everyone involved in doing illegal activity at the local convenience store that is close by. Try to make active narcotic buys, prostitution buys, and finding the perpetrators in the vandalism problem and documenting them to make cases against each and every one in this small apartment unit neighborhood will help slow down and eventually alleviate the illegal activity in short order (Peak, 2012). You also need to identify all the bureaucrats involved in working at the low income government housing project. Find out with an external audit who makes the decisions in approving applications to move into this government housing unit and why their rules were broken allowing those with criminal records to move into this small 58 apartment housing unit. Once the external audit has found culpability, replace those involved in breaking the rules. Re-evaluate each and every application of those residents who have criminal records and place them in a separate file from the law abiding residents in the units.. (Peak, 2012). WHAT KINDS OF RESPONSES MIGHT BE CONSIDERED? The local law enforcement agency can take one apartment over and have a senior law enforcement officer move into the apartment and take up residence. By having an officer live in the apartment unit would give the residents a sense of stability in their unstable world. Having this form of community policing will get needed intelligence from residents to help fight the crime in this apartment unit. While patrol officers are patrolling the neighborhood they should each make it a point to stop at the convenience store for coffee stops and spend time on foot patrol in the area. Field interviews should be done with the individuals just hanging out. Make it known that law enforcement is in the area to stay. Monthly meetings need to be put together with the bureaucrats at the low income housing agency and law enforcement agency to keep each other informed on what is going on with these apartment units (Peak, 2012). WHAT TYPES OF ASSESSMENT WOULD YOU PERFORM? I would assess the local law enforcement agency with how much help are they giving the low income government housing agency for all their low income housing units. The bureaucrats need to work together with the local law enforcement agency to eradicate the illegal activity. Once the local law enforcement agency has all the evidence they need to make cases, start the arrest process. When the arrest process takes place, eviction notices needs to go out to those with criminal records at the same time in coordination with the arrests. Once an apartment unit opens up the bureaucracy moves a new resident in with no criminal record and none on their childrens record. Every six months gradually going to once a year external audits need to assess the performance on the low income government housing agency to make sure the rules are being applied to make sure the safety of the residents are a priority (Peak, 2012). Reference Peak, J.K. (2012). _Justice Administration: Police, Courts and Corrections Management_ (7th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Proces art Essay -- Essays Papers
Proces art In mid 20th century, the art world completely changed into a new way of expressing ideas. Many artists began to look for different ideas and styles. It started in the 1960s and 1970s, as many artists attempted to free art from the art marketsâ€â€a system in which works of art become commodities to be bought and sold or held as a financial investment (Lucie-Smith 220). They wanted to create art that would be too short-lived to be sold. To them the beauty of their work is the process of it. This includes the Earthworks artists Robert Smithson, Michael Heizer, Walter De Maria, and Nancy Holt, not only they were interest in the process of making it, also intrigued by how the forces of nature could be incorporated in a work of art. As the technology become more advance; these artists chose to move their work outdoor. Instead of brushes or pencils, â€Å"they used bulldozers and other machinery to move earth into giant sculptural forms†(). They believed that everything on this world is a part of a process. According to philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, every real-life object may be understood as a similarly constructed series of events and processes (Donald, 852). They began to see the importance of forces of nature and the process of their work. Earthworks artists has been developed in many ways, such as the processing idea and social influences, the subject matter, and the style. These artists were influenced by the idea of process, when Whitehead introduces the notion of an actual occasion. According to his view, an actual occasion is not an enduring substance, but a process of becoming (Donald 852). This influenced the thinking of process, and the notion that sometime things falling apart are far more interesting than building it. As we see in Smithson's work Spiral Jetty (1970), which made a giant coil of earth, rock, and salt crystals extending outward from the shore of the Great Salt Lake in Utah. He left it vulnerable to the natural forces of rain, wind, and erosion. To him, time of his work is so important that is one of his most important mediums (Flam XIX). He also mentions the idea of entropy. In nature green plants use light energy from the sun to manufacture carbohydrates for their own needs. Most of this energy is processed and dissipated as heat in respiration. After that it converts the remaining energy to biomass, to both woody... ...ny canyons. You cannot tell the difference of these changes when you look at it, but a stone from there can tell you a lot more, because it show the process. Of course a scientist can tell the changes in a site, but a stones are easier. To us, an abstract way to think about that stone is way deeper than the site. The idea of whole site tends to evaporate. â€Å"The closer you think you're getting to it and the more you circumscribe it†(245). The site is a place where that stone should be but isn't, now the stone is elsewhere, where it cannot evaporate as fast. Now the stone brought back into non-site, where it could be a room. Its regular process will â€Å"take place outside room. But the room reminds us of the limitations of our condition†(245). So, that we understand what process is all about. Work Cited Donald W. Sherburne, "Whitehead, Alfred North", in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Robert Audi (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Flam, Jack, ed. Robert Smithson: The Collect Writing, University of California Press, 1996. Traver. Ancient forests, 1998 online. Greenpeace USA. Internet. 19 Sept. 2002. Available:
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Horus Research Paper
Horus is one of the oldest and most important deities in the Ancient Egyptian religion. He was worshipped from at least the late Pre-dynastic period through Greco-Roman times. (Remler) Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as different gods by some Egyptologists. However these different forms may possibly be different perceptions of the same god who served many different functions. (Remler) The earliest recorded form, dating around the 25th century B. C. , is Horus the Falcon who was the patron god of Nekhen in Upper Egypt and who is the first known national god. Meltzer)However the most widespread and popular story, and the one that I will focus on, describe Horus as the son of Isis and Osiris. (Meltzer) Isis was said to be the daughter of the gods Geb and Nut. She was thought of as the perfect example of the Egyptian mother and wife. She was therefore considered the symbolic mother of all the Pharaohs. (Shaw)Osiris was one of the oldest and most wor shipped gods in ancient Egypt. He was generally referred to as the god of the Afterlife. This would make him one of the most revered gods because the ancient Egyptians felt that the Afterlife was more important than actual life. They often referred to their dead as the â€Å"living ones†. (Meltzer)Horus served many functions in Egyptian mythology, but mostly he was known as either the god of the Sky or the god of both War and Protection. He was also considered the role model for all of the Pharaohs. Each ruler was looked upon as a living Horus. His other roles will be mentioned later. Horus in Egyptian is pronounced Haru, meaning Falcon. Horus has also been translated to mean â€Å"He who is above, over†. Horus also appears as the Egyptian name Har-Si-Ese which means â€Å"Horus, son of Isis†. Horus was also sometimes known as Nekheny, meaning â€Å"Falcon†. Meltzer) In the majority of Egyptian hieroglyphics the Pharaoh is often portrayed as Horus. Countless depictions of the Pharaoh almost always featured him wearing the Eye of Horus and with Isis as his mother. As mentioned before, Pharaoh was looked at as the living version Horus in life so when he went to the Afterlife he woul d be greeted by Osiris as a son. The idea of a Pharaoh as being the son of Osiris seems to have changed to Pharaoh as the son of Ra during the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt but the ruler while alive was always considered as the living Horus. (Meltzer) Horus was the son of the goddess Isis. He was formed from all the dismembered body parts of her murdered husband Osiris. She then used her magic powers to conceive her son. Once Isis knew she was pregnant with Horus, she ran away to the Nile Delta to hide from her brother Seth, who had killed Osiris and knew he would want to kill their son. Since Horus was said to be the sky, he was considered to also contain the sun and moon. It was said that the sun was his right eye and the moon was his left eye, and that they traveled across the sky when he flew over as a falcon. This is why he is sometimes referred to as Harmerty – Horus of two eyes. Later, the reason that the moon was not as bright as the sun was explained by a tale, known as the Contesting’s of Horus and Seth. (Remler) In this story Seth, sometimes referred to as Typhon,(Shaw) the patron of Upper Egypt, and Horus, the patron of Lower Egypt, had a bloody battle for Egypt. They had always each other since Seth had killed Horus’ father, Osiris, and tried many times to kill Horus as a child. Neither was the clear winner but in the end the rest of the gods took Horus’ side. In the battle two important things happened. Seth lost a testicle which explains why the desert which he ruled over was in fertile. Then Horus had his left eye gouged out which explained why the moon was so much weaker than the sun. They would go on to have many more battles. The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and royal power. The symbol is seen on images of Horus' mother, Isis, and on other gods associated with her. Horus was also said to be a god of war and hunting. After the death of his father Horus took it upon himself to wage war against Seth and his forces. In one story Osiris appears to Horus from the underworld and asks him â€Å"And what is the most glorious deed a man can do? Horus was said to have repliedâ€Å"To avenge the injuries done to his father and mother. †(Shaw) The Horus falcon often appears is hieroglyphs which shows a lion hunting. This made him a symbol of majesty and power as well as the model for the Pharaohs. (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Horus-15) Other gods would later be referred to as gods of war Isis told Horus to protect the people of Egypt fr om Seth, the god of the desert. As mentioned before, Horus had many battles with Seth. These battles were not only to avenge Osiris but also to figure out who the rightful ruler of Egypt was. In these battles, Horus came to be associated with Lower Egypt (where Horus was worshipped), and became its patron. One story shows how Horus was on the verge of killing Seth but Isis, who was Seth’s sister, stopped him. Isis injured Horus, but eventually healed him. They both went to appeal to the various other gods to have them proclaim who was the winner once and for all and they eventually sided with Horus. Seth refused to give in, and the other gods were getting tired of the fighting that had continued for 80 years. Horus and Seth then challenged each other to a boat race, where they each raced in a boat made of stone. Horus and Seth agreed, and the race started. Horus had tricked Seth however. Horus’ boat was made of wood but painted to look like stone. Seth's boat sank, but Horus's did not. Horus then won the race, and Seth stepped down and officially gave Horus the throne of Egypt. But after the New Kingdom, Seth still was considered Lord of the desert and its oases which were greatly inferior to the fertile delta of Lower Egypt which Horus ruled over. While researching Horus it was important to understand just what his significance was in the lives of Ancient Egyptians. Was he just another one of their many gods or was he placed on a higher level than most? There are many heroic stories about Horus. The fact that the Egyptian people considered Pharaoh, their all-powerful rulers as living version of Horus tells us something. This is proof that he was one of the most important gods in the ancient Egyptian religion. It shows that Horus was the role model for all Egyptians. They were always hoping to conduct themselves in a manner that was Horus-like. Not surprisingly there have actually been many comparisons between the roles of Jesus in Christian religions and Horus in the religion of ancient Egypt. (Meltzer)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Village Volvo
1. Describe Village Volvo’s service package. The service package consists of five points: supporting facility, facilitating goods, information, explicit services and implicit services. †¢Supporting facility: The car repair is based in a new Butler building in a suburban location with four work bays, an office, a waiting area and a storage room. Because of the location Village Volvo considers a shuttle service two or three times a day. The waiting room is equipped with a television se, comfortable chairs, coffee, a soft-drink vending machine, magazines and the local newspaper. †¢Facilitating goods: Facilitating goods are on the one hand the parts which are used to replace worn-out parts of the cars and on the other hand goods which are provided in the waiting room like coffee, soft-drinks, magazines and the local newspaper. †¢Information: The client and the mechanic who will be working on the vehicle discuss the problems the client has noticed and sometimes they may take a short test drive. Another source of information is the Customer Care Vehicle Dossier (CCVD) which is a continuing file of each vehicle the garage services. The CCVD can help the mechanic to diagnose problems and provides a convenient record if a vehicle is returned for warranty service on an earlier repair. †¢Explicit services: On the basis of 22 years of training and experience with the local Volvo dealer, they have earned a respected reputation and they offer any repair service on Volvo cars. For services which are not part of Village Volvo the owners developed a network of other service providers who can satisfy the customers’ needs. Care is taken throughout the repair process to keep the car clean, and the inside is vacuumed as a courtesy before pickup. After the repairs are finished, the vehicle is taken for a short test drive. Another explicit service is the availability. They have set aside specific â€Å"drop in†times (3 to 5 PM Wednesdays and 8 to 10 AM Thursdays) each week when clients may drive in for quick routine services. Between 7 and 8 AM and 5 and 6 PM the two owner-mechanics do not repair, because they want to be available for customer contact. †¢Implicit services: Implicit services include good attitude of mechanic, the comforts of the waiting area, and the convenience of the services offered. Mechanics take time to discuss problems with their clients; they even take a short test drive with the finished car and inform the customer about any other steps necessary whilst reparation. Although the customer will be consulted before any work other than the agreed-on job is done. Village Volvo 1. Describe Village Volvo’s service package. The service package consists of five points: supporting facility, facilitating goods, information, explicit services and implicit services. †¢Supporting facility: The car repair is based in a new Butler building in a suburban location with four work bays, an office, a waiting area and a storage room. Because of the location Village Volvo considers a shuttle service two or three times a day. The waiting room is equipped with a television se, comfortable chairs, coffee, a soft-drink vending machine, magazines and the local newspaper. †¢Facilitating goods: Facilitating goods are on the one hand the parts which are used to replace worn-out parts of the cars and on the other hand goods which are provided in the waiting room like coffee, soft-drinks, magazines and the local newspaper. †¢Information: The client and the mechanic who will be working on the vehicle discuss the problems the client has noticed and sometimes they may take a short test drive. Another source of information is the Customer Care Vehicle Dossier (CCVD) which is a continuing file of each vehicle the garage services. The CCVD can help the mechanic to diagnose problems and provides a convenient record if a vehicle is returned for warranty service on an earlier repair. †¢Explicit services: On the basis of 22 years of training and experience with the local Volvo dealer, they have earned a respected reputation and they offer any repair service on Volvo cars. For services which are not part of Village Volvo the owners developed a network of other service providers who can satisfy the customers’ needs. Care is taken throughout the repair process to keep the car clean, and the inside is vacuumed as a courtesy before pickup. After the repairs are finished, the vehicle is taken for a short test drive. Another explicit service is the availability. They have set aside specific â€Å"drop in†times (3 to 5 PM Wednesdays and 8 to 10 AM Thursdays) each week when clients may drive in for quick routine services. Between 7 and 8 AM and 5 and 6 PM the two owner-mechanics do not repair, because they want to be available for customer contact. †¢Implicit services: Implicit services include good attitude of mechanic, the comforts of the waiting area, and the convenience of the services offered. Mechanics take time to discuss problems with their clients; they even take a short test drive with the finished car and inform the customer about any other steps necessary whilst reparation. Although the customer will be consulted before any work other than the agreed-on job is done.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
What is the policy-making process Essay Example
What is the policy What is the policy-making process Paper What is the policy-making process Paper Policy-making process involves a linked series of actions or events1. It focuses on the way in which policy is made (process), rather than on the substance of policy itself and its consequences (product)2. In general, there are four main stages of the policy-making process, which are initiation, formulation, implementation and evaluation. The institutions or participants of policy-making process include political leadership, citizen participation or interest groups, legislature and legislators, bureaucracy and judiciary. In this essay, I will use the government policy to overcome traffic congestion in Singapore as a case study to illustrate the different stages. In my view, the implementation process is the most important stage in the policy process. Central to understanding policy-making process is the understanding of how decisions are made. Decision-making is a process that focuses on the people involved in the policy process and on the part of the process that deals with choosing among alternative course of action. This led us to the different theories of decision-making process: the Rational Actor Model (Rationality), the Incremental Model (Incrementalism), Bureaucratic Organization Models and the Belief System Model. The Rational Actor Model occurs in a very methodological, neat, problem solving process. Its features include the appraisal of problem, to identify the goals and rank order them, to canvass the possible alternatives, to consider the consequences of each alternative and finally to select the alternative that most closely matches the referred goals. In the Incremental Model, decisions are made through small or incremental moves on particular problems rather than through a comprehensive reform program. It is also endless because it takes the form of an indefinite sequence of policy moves. It focuses on making necessary changes and sees policy as variations of the past. In this model, the decisions are the product of bargaining. It implies that policy-making is a messy or untidy process of muddling through. The Bureaucratic Organization Models basically means getting into the Black Box. The organizational process model looks at values, assumptions and regular pattern of behavior in the organization. The policy itself is placed within the context of the organizations objectives, overall strategy and structures. The bureaucratic politics model involves bargaining between personnel and agencies. Lastly, there is the Belief System Model where the role of beliefs and ideologies and political values held by political parties and politicians determine what is to be done. Such ideologies often have the effect of excluding ideas, information and empirical evidence when they fail to support the political partys core beliefs3. The first stage of the policy-making process is initiation or agenda setting process. Agenda setting is the process by which problems and alternative solutions gain or lose public and elite attention4. It means getting problems to government. The participants of this process include governmental and non-governmental actors. The first component of initiation gets at the recognition of the problem with agenda setting. Without the perception of a problem, there is no incentive for the organization to disturb the status quo or to expend organizational energy initiating the policy process. A condition becomes a problem when we come to believe we should do something about them. A problem can be formally defined as a condition or situation that produces needs or dissatisfactions on the part of people for which relief or redress is sought5. Using the case study to illustrate this stage, traffic congestion (initially a condition) becomes a problem because it causes car owners to miss their appointments or be late for work. Traffic congestion is really a matter of time and money. Government or authorities need to solve the problem as it would save a lot of time and money and this would improve the welfare of the population as a whole. Government authorities like the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and academics suggest that traffic congestion may develop due to the size of vehicle population or limited amount of road space. The second stage of the policy-making process is formulation. According to Charles Jones, Formulation is a derivative of formula and means simply to develop a plan, a method, a prescription for acting on a problem6. In other words, formulation is a process of developing a plan or action to resolve a problem identified in stage one. It is about deciding what should be done, considering the alternatives and the actual drafting of legislation. In the case of the traffic congestion problem, the Chief Ministers, Cabinet and the Civil Servants are involved in the policy formulation. The roles of civil servants include information gathering, analyzing advising. They advise the Ministers the Cabinet for example on the cause of the problem, what options should be chosen how the policy should be developed. It thus gives them significant influences over policy formulation. The Ministers lack the expertise and time to perform many of these functions and are therefore dependent upon these Civil Servants. Next, the available options to solve the problem such as building more roads, widening existing roads or limiting vehicle use (by making it more expensive) are identified. Each of these options has benefits and costs. For example, building more roads involves financial costs, opportunity costs disruption to communities but provides more road space. After this, the option is finally chosen in this case study i. . to limit vehicle population by implementing the Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system. The third stage is policy implementation. It involves those activities directed toward putting a program into effect7. Basically, it is concerned with putting the ideas of stage two into action. It is essentially a practical activity, as distinguished from policy formulation, which is essentially theoretical. The bureaucracy is the executive arm of this process. There are three sets of activities that the bureaucracy engages in order to execute a course of action over time. The top-level bureaucracy (Cabinet and Ministers) is involved in the interpretation activity i. e. the translation of program language into acceptable and feasible directives. The mid-level bureaucracy (Civil Servants) is involved in the organization activity i. e. the establishment of units and methods for putting a program into effect. The Street-level bureaucracy (Personnel of LTA) is involved in the application activity i. e. the routine provision of services, payments, or other agreed-upon program objectives or instruments. Returning to the case study, the Singapore government implemented the ERP system in 1999 to better manage road use. The Ministry of Transport, the LTA and the Subordinate Courts are involved in the implementation stage. Basically, the LTA sets the amount that motorists have to pay at different times of the day. Motorists who pass through an operational ERP gantry without a properly inserted Cash Card in the In-Vehicle Unit (IU), or with a Cash Card with insufficient balance to pay for the ERP charges, will have to pay an administrative surcharge plus the ERP charge within two weeks of the violation8. If the administrative charge and the ERP charge are not paid within this period, they will receive a Notice of Traffic Offence offering to compound the offence payable within 28 days9. Upon expiry of the Notice, the matter will be referred to the Court. There is also composition fine for passing through an ERP gantry without an IU. The final stage is policy evaluation. Given the imperfect nature of formulation and the contingent nature of implementation, a policy will meet with varying success. In the evaluation stage, analysts will return to evaluate the policy to determine whether it is producing the desired results, to recommend whether it ought to be modified, and even to determine whether resources should be shifted to other programs. The results of evaluation may suggest that the policy ought to be abolished or replaced with a new approach to the issue. This often-ongoing evaluation may well serve to set the agenda again, setting off another round through the policy process. Success itself has to be evaluated. For instance, the ERP system may be relatively effective in managing traffic conditions along major roads and within the central business district, but at the cost of reducing disposable income. This would in turn increase the cost of living the costs of businesses. The authorities might incur a backlash or criticism from the people. Therefore the costs and benefits need to be examined in every case. Side effects must be taken into account. The government can be seen to create its own problems, which then require new public policy to deal with them. The government may, for example, choose to cut down the steep prices of the ERP system or to widen existing roads. In my view, the implementation process is the most important stage in the policy process. It is an important but frequently overlooked step. Firstly, lacking proper implementation, policy innovation and selection may end up being little more than intellectual exercises. Indeed, faulty policy implementation can invalidate the earlier, carefully considered steps in the policy-making process and thereby intensify the original problem. This stage then, warrants our careful attention. Secondly, policy failures mostly occur at the implementation stage. This is because policy-makers have not paid enough attention to policy implementation. To identify the problems caused by implementation, one needs to first acknowledge the difference between non-implementation and unsuccessful implementation. Unsuccessful implementation is where the failure is in the policy or the theory it is based upon. This may happen due to insufficient resources, organizational complexity, inadequate planning, inflated aspirations and complex environments. Non-implementation is when a policy is not put into effect as it was intended. It could be that those involved in its execution are uncooperative or inefficient. Government influence on the interpretation and application of laws, rules and guidelines is seen to be diluted by the delegation of wide discretion to those actually carrying out the policies10. Besides, the government may leave it to the discretion of agencies and Civil Service departments. Hence, the problem of unclear objectives is noted. There is a need during the implementation stage for an understanding and agreement on clear objectives, which must persist throughout the implementation stage, for it to be successful. Thirdly, different implementing agencies may depend on other agencies for success. The smaller the number of relationships between agencies and the smaller their importance, chance of success would be greater. The more they depend on others the more inefficient they will become. In addition, administrators can face many obstacles outside their control, as they are external to the policy or the implementation process. Sometimes these can be put down to bad luck, like physical obstructions such as drought upsetting an agricultural program. Sometimes it may be political obstacles that get in the way, as with the public condemnation of the Poll Tax in Europe, leading to reforms in the policy cycle. However, this is not to say that the other stages of the policy-making process are unimportant. We still need to consider the relative importance of other stages as well because any policy failure may be due to the problems arising from these stages. Policy initiation is crucial in that it sets the political agenda by both defining certain problems as issues and by determining how those issues are to be addressed. Problem definition and policy formulation have contingent or dependent relationships. Problems need to be defined first before policy formulation on a particular course of action is made. As Charles Lindblom says Policy-makers are not faced with a given problem11. Policy-makers are constantly probing, searching and redefining problems and issues. Basically, how one diagnoses a problem would determine ones prescription. Formulation is also important because it includes a number of analytical steps such as the decision about how to decide, assessing the various options and selecting the best, and the actual drafting of legislation. It is the decision-making stage of the policy process. It is the most overtly political stage insofar as the many potential solutions to a given problem must somehow be winnowed down to one or a few picked and readied for use. Obviously, most possible choices will not be realized. Moreover, the policy-makers might get it wrong at this stage by choosing the wrong approach and this can result in policy failures which subsequently occur at the implementation stage. Policy success does require that policy be formulated upon a valid theory of cause and effect. Formulation should be based on adequate understanding of the problem; otherwise it can lead to reasoning of its effects which are very different from the eventual actuality. If policy does fail, it might be this underlying theory that is at fault. Undoubtedly, the evaluation stage is also important. This process is required as our understanding of social issues and the effect of government intervention is imperfect. We cannot be certain of the results a policy will bring or of the efficiency and success of implementing it. Therefore there is a need for evaluation in the policy-making process. It must be decided whether the policy meet the objectives it was designed for. Even when a policy has enjoyed some level of success it is unlikely that it will act as maintaining this level of improvement. It is more likely to lead to a continuation or modification of the existing policy. In conclusion, policy-making process is a long-term matter starting with the establishing of goals and moving through the selection of alternatives and to the implementation and evaluation of the solution. Nonetheless, policy-making is instead a complexly interactive process without beginning or end12. This process model is criticized as being too ordered, predictable and rational. In actuality, policy does not follow this sequential order of approach. Moreover, the boundaries between the different stages are blurred. For instance, policy implementation may lead to problem definition and policy evaluation is a constant activity. They are not restricted to a stipulated stage or time. In my view, the implementation process is the most important stage in the policy process, as a policy will remain as an idea if it is not implemented.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Kindergarten Bigger and Smaller Math Lesson Plan
Kindergarten Bigger and Smaller Math Lesson Plan Students will compare two objects and use the vocabulary bigger/smaller, taller/shorter, and more/less to describe their respective attributes. Class: Kindergarten Duration: 45 minutes each during two class periods Materials: Cereal (Cheerios or something else with similar pieces)Used pencils and/or crayonsManipulatives such as unifix cubes and/or Cuisenaire rodsPrepared booklets (see below)Pictures of cookies or fruit in various sizes Key Vocabulary: more than, less than, bigger, smaller, taller, shorter Objectives: Students will compare two objects and use the vocabulary bigger/smaller, taller/shorter, and more/less to describe their respective attributes. Standards Met: K.MD.2. Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has â€Å"more of†/â€Å"less of†the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter. Lesson Introduction If you want to bring in a large cookie or cake to divide among the class, they will be very engaged in the introduction! Otherwise, a picture will do the trick. Tell them the story of â€Å"You cut, you choose,†and how that is how many parents tell their children to divide things in half so no one gets a bigger slice. Why would you want a bigger slice of cookie or cake? Because then you get more! Step-by-Step Procedure On the first day of this lesson, show pictures to students of cookies or fruit. Which cookie would they want to eat, if this looks good to them? Why? Highlight the language of â€Å"bigger†and â€Å"smaller†- if something looks yummy, you’ll want the bigger portion, if it doesn’t look good, you’ll probably ask for the smaller portion. Write â€Å"bigger†and â€Å"smaller†on the board.Pull the unifix cubes out and let students make two lengths - one that is obviously bigger than the other. Write the words â€Å"longer†and â€Å"shorter†on the board and have students hold up their longer stack of cubes, then their shorter stack of cubes. Do this a couple of times until you are sure that they know the difference between longer and shorter.As a closing activity, have students draw two lines - one longer, and one shorter. If they want to get creative and make one tree that is bigger than another, that’s fine, but for some that don’t like to draw, they can use the simple lines to illustrate the concept.On the next day, review the pictures students did at the end of the day - hold a few good examples up, and review bigger, smaller, taller, shorter with the students. Call some student examples to the front of the classroom and ask who is â€Å"taller†. The teacher is taller than Sarah, for example. So that means that Sarah is what? Sarah must be â€Å"shorter†than the teacher. Write â€Å"taller†and â€Å"shorter†on the board.Hold out some Cheerios in one hand, and fewer pieces in the other. If you were hungry, which hand would you want?Pass out booklets to students. These can be made as easy as taking four pieces of paper and folding them in half and stapling them. On two facing pages, it should say â€Å"more†and â€Å"less†, then on two other pages â€Å"bigger†and â€Å"smaller†and so on, until you have filled the book. Students should take some time to draw pictures that represent these concepts. Pull students aside in small groups of three or four to write a sentence that describes their picture. Homework/Assessment: Have students and their parents add pictures to the booklet. Evaluation: The final booklet can be used to evaluate the understanding that the students have, and you can also discuss their pictures with them as you pull them in small groups.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Build Your Reputation at Work
How to Build Your Reputation at Work Having a good reputation at work is not only important to get along well with your colleagues, a less than pleasant reputation can follow you to future jobs and hold you back. If you’ve been too gossipy, difficult, testy or unreliable with your coworkers, it isn’t too late to change their perception of you by doing a little damage control. A few tips can get you started on the way to becoming an employee with a good reputation and these tips work for all types of jobs, whether in a health care job, at a desk or outdoors in construction. Keep DeadlinesYour reputation can be injured if you are one of those people who promises faithfully to have your work finished on time but can’t seem to hit that deadline. While you might be the nicest person in the office, bringing in homemade brownies and remembering everyone’s birthday with a card, that won’t count for much if you don’t get your work done on time. Make a serious effort to get your work in o n time, and your reputation as a reliable employee will increase.Make Your Office the No Whining ZoneEvery business environment has an employee who complains and is negative all the time. Instead of complaining and rehashing a complaint to everyone at work, if you have an objection to some issue or way of doing something, just say it and move on. When you do have an objection to something, try and say it tactfully and perhaps offer a suggestion that might be an improvement.Stay Away From GossipAll workplaces seem to have a gossip, and gossiping and spreading tales is a good way to get a damaged reputation. Ignore the office negativity and never spread rumors because it might come back to you in a bad way. If you feel the need to talk to someone, make it a friend outside the office environment. Gossiping at work can create hard feelings among other employees and cause you to lose their trust.Learn to Prioritize and Be PreparedEveryone in a business setting knows at least one individu al who doesn’t carry his or her load and is unprepared. This is a big way you can damage your reputation. It can make you look uninterested, lazy or flighty, even though you have the best of intentions. Use a calendar or planner to organize your work, include notations, deadlines and other information that can help you get the job done. Don’t take on more work than you know you can do. While you might want to be perceived as a super worker in the office, that can backfire if you can’t get the work done on time. Spend a little time to prepare for meetings in advance. Showing up at a meeting appearing as though you are the only one who doesn’t know what is going on can not only be embarrassing, but it can make others wonder why you are there.Offer an ApologyIf you do something wrong or offend someone at work, apologize for it. A sincere apology can do a lot to raise yourself in the eyes of others. If you are late getting your work done or were in a hurry an d brusque with someone, an apology can go a long way toward making amends.How Long It Takes to Change a ReputationThe amount of time it takes to raise a reputation can depend on what the offenses were and how long your reputation has been suffering. Just remember that once you begin to change that pattern, the faster you will reach your goal. People tend to be forgiving, especially when they see that someone is trying to improve themselves.Building a good reputation is important in any work environment because it makes the job more pleasurable. In addition, it may affect your future employment if you decide to check out the classified job ads to move up or just because you want a change. TheJobNetwork can help you by searching job ads for you and sending alerts to your email when those jobs come on the market. All you do is fill out a form with your qualifications and job preferences to start the search. Sign up with TheJobNetwork now to get started.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Week8 dq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Week8 dq - Essay Example they put is that researchers would need, at best, to blend something both of these concepts, but it is to be preferred if they stress one more than the other .Research undertaken by researchers who do not belong to an organisation is referred to as an outside inquiry. The opposite term, an inside inquiry, is used to refer to research undertaken by an employee of the organisation. My particular research is the latter, an enquiry from the inside as I am a manager/member of the organisation where I am undertaking research into poor levels of employee motivation, as well as seeking ways in which the situation could be improved. If I took my research further, by investigating in the same way some other Kuwaiti companies then they would be outside enquiries. .There is however a slight conflict of roles – inside or outside, because if I investigated motivational levels in other companies and the methods they employ, my purpose would be ultimately to benefit myself as a researcher and also give me ammunition with which to attempt to convince my own company’s top managers to try out new techniques. A researcher needs to be aware of various possible approaches and to both understand and use a paradigm that will create fresh knowledge with regard to organisational theory. Such new knowledge will benefit the workplace environment. Action learning is one of the best ways to create knowledge, and is commonly used in organisations. It is closely associated with action research, something Eden and Huxham (1996) express as being as increasingly popular in the field of management research. The term is linked to various approaches to research and, despite being popular, has received criticism for not having sufficient rigor. Despite this Eden and Huxham, 1996; p. 75. argue that provides â€Å"richness of insight which cannot be gained in other ways†Zuber-Skerritt and Perry (2002) focus on academic writings and give fresh insights into this. They argue that in the research
Second Language Aquisition and Perceptions of Native Language by Essay
Second Language Aquisition and Perceptions of Native Language by Foreign Students in UK Colleges - Essay Example Foreign students of English in the UK may feel particularly overwhelmed as they learn what is now the global language in its birthplace. Feelings of embarrassment over their accent and unfavorable comparisons with their own language could come into play in such a setting. The purpose of my study will be to investigate these comparisons and to find out to what extent it affects the performance of foreign students in UK Colleges. Learning a second language in young adulthood, as compared to any other age, has as many advantages as disadvantages. Young adults according to Clyne (2006) possess a distinct advantage in comparison to children in that they are better able "to achieve an analytical understanding of the new language being studied, while children can only reason about language in relatively concrete terms. Adolescents can add a child-like willingness to experiment and play with language to this capacity for metalinguistic awareness, and so they become the speediest second language learners" (P. 2). Despite these advantages it can be argued that psychological factors often outweigh mental preparedness, depending on the case. Problems with motivation and anxiety that young adults often face can impede even the brightest of students from reaching their academic goals. Anxiety surrounding language learni... Phillips claims, "Although many variables may interact to affect language learning, foreign language anxiety should be of considerable concern to language educators and students because of its potential impact not only on performance on oral tests, but also on students' affective reactions, hence their attitudes toward language learning in general" (P. 14). If a foreign student is having troubles with or doubts about the culture they are immersed in they may not feel comfortable speaking with those who are a part of this culture. This could result in the anxiety levels of foreign students building with few outlets for relief. 2. Motivation Motivation is key to success in education. If a student is not motivated they will most probably not be successful in their studies. Green (1993) believes that there are two levels of motivation in language learning. One level is cognitive linguistic which is brought out in formal language-learning situations. The second is cultural linguistic which is brought out in the environment outside of the classroom when the student is driven by what he calls instrumental and integrative motivation. Instrumental motivation comes from such forces as employment, promotions and academic success while integrative motivation comes from positive perceptions of the target-language culture and its peoples (p. 3). Green believes that, "integrative motivation might best be redefined as a force potential in any environment conducive to second-language acquisition, while acknowledging that it could equally well be viewed in universal, nonlinguistic terms as the drive for acceptance and security to bring a sense of belonging to a particular community (p.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Statement of Needs for a Grant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Statement of Needs for a Grant - Essay Example Majority of the new cases of breast cancer are associated with lack of awareness and inability to obtain proper medical attention. Researchers have proposed that the only way to prevent breast cancer is to launch a prevention plan that would facilitate public education. In this light, this statement of need for a breast cancer prevention project is a relevant idea. The economic impact of breast cancer has far reaching effects. When women suffer from breast cancer, they are scheduled for a treatment program in which they visit the relevant hospitals. With the current population of working women, this will mean the absence in their respective workplaces and wastage of working days. In a year, a woman may lose over a week out of work to attend the demands of her treatment plans. In financial terms, treatment of breast cancer is expensive and has a wide range of financial implications. First, women with breast cancers have to pay for their treatment and this will reduce their incentive to invest. As such, their productivity becomes limited and their families may suffer financial loss. Those with insurance plans will have to pay for the extra expenses and this has equal consequences on the financial aspect of the family. Women covered under family insurance plans are compelled to remain within unpleasant marriages to secure their treatment. From th is point of view, starting a breast cancer prevention plan will have a lot of financial benefits of the society. The World Health Organization (2013) has asserted that it is possible for the save the lives of many people in the society if a prevention plan is launched. Over 89% of the people who have been diagnosed with cancer in the last 5 years are still alive due to effective cancer management plans. This group also estimates that over 50% of the cases of cancer can be avoided if proper awareness in created and
Reinterpreting a Tourism Experience Dissertation
Reinterpreting a Tourism Experience - Dissertation Example The Florida coastal leads the path and assists the guest in identifying the unique creatures on the island and the sandbars. The dolphin discovery boat tours are the most adventurous tour since this is the place where fresh water and salt mingle. There are more than 4000 species of animals and plants which includes a list of 35 species that are considered as endangered or threatened. Birds which include pelicans, herons, spoonbills, osprey and bald eagles are commonly found here. Numerous species of fish abide in this island. Each outing offers new adventure to its guest. The Dolphin Discovery Centre assists the visitors in exploring the fascinating behavior of the wild dolphins (Edensor 59-81). The fascination of dolphins attracts the guest, the dolphins interacting with the humans and boats, media portrayal and performances in Marine Park such as flipper are responsible for increasing the popularity of the concerned destination. The marine environment offers many opportunities f or visiting the wildlife and tourist in natural setting. The spot increases the motivation and the expectation of the tourists. The activities organized by the camp ranges from the small scale beach combining to large scale luxury cruises. The tours are dedicated to one particular species or depend upon the opportunistic sighting of a range of wild life. The most significant form of wildlife tourism is marine mammal tourism. It is associated with increasing the desire of the human to interact with the mammals.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Progress Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Progress Report - Assignment Example Chinese Restaurants are facing direct and indirect competition. So, in order to stay and remain competitive in the market Chinese Restaurants should work on increasing the awareness of their products. In the case of Chopsticks Express, this restaurant is targeting only the small amount of Chinese consumers, who are the students of the State College. My efforts would be to make awareness of the Chinese foods in the market along with highlighting how the local customers could be attracted towards Chinese foods. The role of supervisor has been important for this project and I have been guided by my supervisor throughout the project and this has helped in improving the quality. I have been incorporating the feedback of the supervisor and will continue doing so. After receiving further feedback, the research would continue its steps for the submission of its final draft of proposal. Work Completed I have received the approval and feedback from my instructor about my research. The feedback included instructions of carrying out my research and his instructions have been helpful in improving the work. I have identified that Chinese restaurants are facing some direct competition from the other Asian and American restaurants. The draft proposal of the project was due from 10th June and after modifying my research according to the feedback received I submitted my final proposal in the third week of June with my final topic of Research Information of Chinese Restaurants in State College. My research included analysis of different Chinese restaurants. 13 Asian and 8 Chinese restaurants are located in State College Downtown. Among the Chinese restaurants, Chopsticks Express offers the authentic cuisine of Chinese. Chopsticks express, situated in the center of the state downtown, enjoys the advantage that it could attract more customers apart from the local Chinese customers. I have identified the reason why the restaurant has not been highly successful and the reason is that it does not influence other customers of the region. I figured out that majority of the people do not visit Chopsticks Express because of its unpopularity. When I have researched on it further, I identified the reasons why no one would want to visit a restaurant which does not have a welcoming environment. In the ending days of June I was supposed to work on the demographic part. Demography included the study of population and size. The study included sample size of 800 customers who received questionnaires; these 800 people were those who belonged not only to the area of downtown but also those who visit downtown. The questionnaire was also provided for the managers of the Chinese restaurants operating in the State college downtown. Information and awareness play an important role in marketing of the restaurant. The responses suggested that awareness of Chinese food in US was relatively low and only local customers like Chinese students preferred Chinese cuisine in US. For determi ning the possible solutions for the Chinese restaurants to attract larger number of customers I submitted my recommendations on 30th June. Work to be completed Through this questionnaire I will try to identify the tastes and preferences of the people.I will also appoint interviews with the managers of the Chinese restaurants where I will ask questions related to my study. I want to help Chinese
Recruitment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Recruitment - Assignment Example 38). These stages give recruitment the outlook of the tool that finds the right person for the right job that goes beyond an activity for the human resource team to involve line managers as well. This paper will discuss recruitment in terms of the different ways and methods it is conducted, the wrong and right ways is usually done, and what the individuals conducting it should act. Recruitment methods that are available to organizations can be categorized broadly into two: internal and external recruitment, which can then be broken down into smaller methods (Alrichs 2000, p. 14). Internal recruitment aims at personnel already on the recruiting organization’s payroll and is a significant source of recruitment as it offers opportunities for the utilization and growth of the current human resource. The organization’s management may approach internal recruitment from the aspect of either promotions or transfers. Promotions involve upgrading existing employees by upward shif ts in responsibilities, status, facilities and remuneration (Maloney 2008, p. 114). On the other hand, transfers provide an alternative procedure to promotions, whereby employees are moved from their present work locations to new ones, and not necessarily on upward or downward shifts in their positions. Rather, transfers are simply an interchange of responsibilities, duties, departments or geographical locations. Transfers are the best way to generate qualified personnel from departments that are either over-staffed or redundant. Under the internal recruitment, two methods are available, which are employee referrals and job postings. Employee referrals do not recruit internal employees, but all potential candidates are nominations by current employees, mostly supervisors. The effectiveness of employee referrals is seen in how organizations can capture critically skilled employees known to their general workers. Job postings are open and equal-opportunity invitations to employees in an organization to submit applications for arising vacancies. The announcements are made via lists and bulletins accessible by all employees. Generally, internal recruitment methods are characterized by the advantage of being quicker and cheaper than most external methods. Internal recruitment also targets personnel the management already knows and can quickly evaluate their capabilities from their performances even without looking at their portfolios. Further, such targeted candidates are already familiar with the operations of the organization and are suitable for filling higher vacancies in the organizational hierarchy because they can psychologically motivate former peers to perform better. However, internal recruitment, with the exception of employee referrals, limits the chances of bringing in new talent because of its nature of restricting the number of applicants. This shuts out the introduction of external business ideas and may draw bitterness from candidates dropped by th e selection process (Herman & Joyce 2001, p. 186). Ultimately, internal recruitment will create another vacancy that will need to be filled. Some of the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Progress Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Progress Report - Assignment Example Chinese Restaurants are facing direct and indirect competition. So, in order to stay and remain competitive in the market Chinese Restaurants should work on increasing the awareness of their products. In the case of Chopsticks Express, this restaurant is targeting only the small amount of Chinese consumers, who are the students of the State College. My efforts would be to make awareness of the Chinese foods in the market along with highlighting how the local customers could be attracted towards Chinese foods. The role of supervisor has been important for this project and I have been guided by my supervisor throughout the project and this has helped in improving the quality. I have been incorporating the feedback of the supervisor and will continue doing so. After receiving further feedback, the research would continue its steps for the submission of its final draft of proposal. Work Completed I have received the approval and feedback from my instructor about my research. The feedback included instructions of carrying out my research and his instructions have been helpful in improving the work. I have identified that Chinese restaurants are facing some direct competition from the other Asian and American restaurants. The draft proposal of the project was due from 10th June and after modifying my research according to the feedback received I submitted my final proposal in the third week of June with my final topic of Research Information of Chinese Restaurants in State College. My research included analysis of different Chinese restaurants. 13 Asian and 8 Chinese restaurants are located in State College Downtown. Among the Chinese restaurants, Chopsticks Express offers the authentic cuisine of Chinese. Chopsticks express, situated in the center of the state downtown, enjoys the advantage that it could attract more customers apart from the local Chinese customers. I have identified the reason why the restaurant has not been highly successful and the reason is that it does not influence other customers of the region. I figured out that majority of the people do not visit Chopsticks Express because of its unpopularity. When I have researched on it further, I identified the reasons why no one would want to visit a restaurant which does not have a welcoming environment. In the ending days of June I was supposed to work on the demographic part. Demography included the study of population and size. The study included sample size of 800 customers who received questionnaires; these 800 people were those who belonged not only to the area of downtown but also those who visit downtown. The questionnaire was also provided for the managers of the Chinese restaurants operating in the State college downtown. Information and awareness play an important role in marketing of the restaurant. The responses suggested that awareness of Chinese food in US was relatively low and only local customers like Chinese students preferred Chinese cuisine in US. For determi ning the possible solutions for the Chinese restaurants to attract larger number of customers I submitted my recommendations on 30th June. Work to be completed Through this questionnaire I will try to identify the tastes and preferences of the people.I will also appoint interviews with the managers of the Chinese restaurants where I will ask questions related to my study. I want to help Chinese
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Los Angeles book festival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Los Angeles book festival - Essay Example One of the most important reasons for the enormous success of Los Angeles was the development of railroads in the city. This was the period of time when railroads from the Eastern part ultimately reached the city of Los Angeles. Another major reason for the exponential growth was the fact that the city’s population doubled during the end of 1800s and tripled during the beginning of 1900s (Schmap, Inc, 2009). Los Angeles is considered to be a good place to hold book festival because the scope and importance of higher education in the city is huge. According to the US census reporting of the year 2000, the number of elderly population during the period grew enormously when there was typically low achievement of education. However, pertaining to this situation, the number of highly educated students gradually enhanced. This is because the elderly population was definitely followed by young students who could be considered to be more educated than the former population. With due passage of time, the diplomas and degrees also got enhanced along with the enhancement of the educated population within the country. The rate of growth was so enormous that it outperformed the growth in the number of overall national population (Census Scope, 2000). Fortunately, during this period, the number of population was enhancing in Los Angeles as also mentioned earlier. The organizers of book festival overv iewed this situation as an opportunity of promoting education. This is the reason as to why Los Angeles is considered as a good place to hold book festivals. Along with book festivals, during the past also, a number of other festivals were organized within the city and the festivals were conducted successively. The list of festivals were inclusive of a number of festivals depicting cultural and ethnic values along with major events of sporting activities and arts, music and entertainment. The book festivals are specifically held in University of Southern
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Decision Making Process Essay Example for Free
The Decision Making Process Essay Abstract As a senior, the decision on whether or not you want to go to college comes out being the hardest decision some students make. I have made the decision that I want to go to college. Going to college will get me where I want to be. Not only that, but it will further my education. The decision that I need to make is whether or not I want to play volleyball in college or not. Colleges have given me several opportunities to do this. However, it just comes down to me making the decision. Not only just a decision, but the right decision. This decision will have an affect on several different things throughout the rest of your pathway. This is why it is important to make the right decision. Introduction When you make your decision this way, you think it out before you make your final decision. Two ways to make a decision include rational and emotional. When you make a rational decision, you think it through and when you make an emotional decision, you just up and decide without thinking it through. Seven steps will lead to a smart and successful decision. First, you must define your problem. Next you will gather information, which becomes an important step. Third, you will identify your choices. Fourth, identify advantages and disadvantages of each choice. This will also be a big part of your decision-making. Fifth, you will finally make a decision. The sixth step, making a plan to get there. Last but not lease, you will evaluate your decision. Define Your Problem I have made the choice that I want to attend college after I graduate from high school. The problem that I have comes down to whether or not I want to play volleyball in college or not. I have loved playing volleyball ever since I started when I was little. I would love to continue to keep playing after high school. The only thing that stumps me is the fact that once you join a college sport, it then becomes a job. This choice remains to stand the hardest decision for me. I want make the best decision I can because if I don’t, I know I will regret it. I will use the seven steps to make the best decision. Gather Information Next, I must gather information about me problem. We all know that college is the complete opposite from cheap. Many students have to pass up the opportunity on going to college because of the cost. Scholarships come in handy for this. If I would go to college and want to play volleyball, it will still cost me a lot of money. However, if I can get a vast scholarship to go play volleyball for a college, I’m more likely to jump on that opportunity. According to the Chadron State website, the estimated cost to attend CSC to fit my needs, it will cost me $5,032.20 per semester. This is including room and board and also a meal plan. Now on the other hand, if I were to get an offer to go play volleyball somewhere, some of that money would be waived. This is defiantly an advantage in the long run when I am paying college off later on in life. Paying off college will take awhile if you don’t apply for scholarships. However, if I apply for scholarships and receive them as well as get a volleyball scholarship, it would be to my advantage. List Options When you look at my options, I could have several different ones. It just depends on which choice I am leaning closer to. If I do want to play volleyball in college, I would have options to which schools I want to go to. It will narrow down to which schools accept me. Not only that, but also which schools will offer me a scholarship. I think it would be awesome to receive a full ride to one of my top choice; however, I need to have a backup plan. My other options consist of if I don’t get a scholarship to the schools I want to go to, if I will even play volleyball in college. Advantages and Disadvantages There remain several advantages and disadvantages to each of my choices. One of the advantages that I consider the biggest stays getting a scholarship. Like I said earlier, college stands far from cheap. Yes, you can apply and receive scholarships, but that will not cover everything. If I would receive a major scholarship to go play volleyball and also receive other academic scholarships, paying for college would become easier. Another advantage is playing a sport would push me to keep my grades up. This would also force me to maintain a certain GPA to stay a member of the team. Therefore, I would have excellent grades. On the other hand, playing a sport in college can also come with some disadvantages. One of them includes that the sport becomes your second job. You leave for college sooner so you can train for your sport. You also have late practices, leaving little time to study. The disadvantages won’t faze you if you are dedicated to that sport. Make a Decision and Explain Why Having much time to think this through, I have made a decision. However, there are some twists and turns to my decision. It will depend on what all happens in the future. I feel that I am dedicated enough to the sport to play it in college. After attending try-outs for one college, I have found out it’s at a whole different level. I will have to not only prepare myself physically, but also mentally. I have come to a choice that if I receive a big scholarship, I will play volleyball in college. I know that it may be difficult my first year. Havening to manage not only my studies but also volleyball. I have thought about this long and hard and realized that I am capable of doing this. I am doing my best to get recognized by my top colleges for volleyball but if it’s not my top choice that does, I will evaluate that college and make my choice. My choice is well thought through and I am able to make a wise final decision. Make A Plan of Action Making a plan of action becomes the most important step. Several people have goals that they want to reach in life but they never have a plan of action to get there. When people don’t have a set plan, most of the time they never reach their goal. My plan of action can become a little flexible. My first step, I have already completed. That step remained applying and getting accepted into colleges. I have gotten accepted into UNK, CSC, Colby Community College in Kansas, and University of Wyoming in Laramie. My next step, to determine which school will give me the best offers based around my nursing major. Then, I will narrow it down to two schools. My last step stays that if one of those colleges offers me a scholarship to play volleyball, I will go play for them. Having a set plan will help you get to your goal. So make sure you make a plan of action to reach your goal or it’s possible you won’t get there. Evaluate The Decision I think attending college on a volleyball scholarship will remain the best decision. I feel that way because it will become much easier to pay for college. Also, I would love to continue playing volleyball. This would stay the best choice for those reasons. If I am able to do so, it will hopefully give me a whole new experience. It is much different than high school level. This remains why it would benefit to play volleyball in college. Conclusion In conclusion, the decision making process has several steps to it. First, you must define your problem. Next, you need to gather information about your problem. Then, you will need to list your options. Fourth, you have to find the advantages and disadvantages about each of your choices. Fifth, you must finally make a decision. Sixth, you must make a plan of action. This step can become the most important part because you need to make a plan on how to get there. Last, you need to evaluate the decision after it has happened. Decide whether your decision was a good or bad choice. References Retrieved from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Extraction of iron to steel The Earth is mined to obtain the rocks that containing iron ore. Then the iron ore was transferred to factory to be extracted. In order to get the iron, we have to extract them from the iron ore. Heamatite (Fe2O3) and Magnetite (Fe3O4) are two common iron ores that usually used. In this assignment, we will use the equation of heamatite. Figure shows a Blast furnace Taken form : The iron ore, limestone and coke are burn together inside the furnace. The hot air that goes inside the furnace from the bottom is heated up by the heat that escape from the top. This process is to ensure that heat are not wasted because heat is a essential in this process. The coke, (fuel with few impurities and highly carbon content, usually made of coal –Wikipedia) which burns in the blast of hot air gives out carbon dioxide under an extreme exothermic reaction, is the main source of heat in the process. ( C + O2 = CO2) At bottom where high temperature is, carbon will react with carbon dioxide to form carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is the main source of reducing agent. ( C + CO2 = 2CO) The carbon monoxide will react with iron ore, haematite to form iron and carbon monoxide. ( Fe2O3 + 3CO = Fe2 + 3CO2) In hotter part of the furnace, carbon itself can be a reducing agent but the product is carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide. (Fe2O3 + 3C = Fe2 + 3CO) The iron that results from the process is molten due to the high temperature at the bottom of the furnace. They will tapped off from the furnace at the bottom. Iron ore does contain impurities. The limestone that are added together with iron ore and coke is used to eliminate the impurities because they... ...gulation should be done regularly by the officers. Any factory that does not follow the regulation should be given a notice to shut down its operation within 24 hours until the solution to the pollution problem have been taken. The factory should be sued due to their mistake. This will educate other factory to take care the environment. By doing so, we could minimize the water pollution and save aquatic life. Clean water source also will be guaranteed safe if there is not pollution. Those are three action that the government should take in order to prevent more pollution caused by the iron industry. There are more suggestion that government can take, but it does not change anything if government itself does not take any action. Our government should take action now so that future generation does not blame us due to the pollution that they may encounter in future.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
surgery on amputations :: essays research papers
Amputation is a surgery to remove a limb or part of a limb. Amputation can also happen as an accident, which is called a traumatic amputation. Who is a candidate for the procedure? Amputation is most often used for one of four conditions:  · gangrene, which is a severe limb infection with death of tissue  · lack of enough blood flow through the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the affected limb  · severe trauma or injury of a limb  · cancer or a tumor involving a limb Amputation has serious emotional and physical effects. For this reason, limb removal is usually advised only when other options are not possible or have little chance of success. How is the procedure performed? There are many different ways to perform an amputation. A single finger or toe may be removed, or an entire arm or leg. The surgeon will usually try to remove as little of the limb as needed to treat the condition. An amputation is done in an operating room. In many cases, general anesthesia is used to put the person completely to sleep with medications. Regional anesthesia may also be used. In this case, a person is awake but has no sensation of pain. The area of skin where the incision will be made is cleaned. The surgeon then cuts into and through the skin. In most cases, the surgeon will remove the limb or part of the limb at a point where there is a joint. For instance, the entire leg below the knee may be removed. The knee area is chosen partly because this is where the shinbone, or tibia, meets the thighbone, or femur. Removing the part or whole limb at a joint prevents the need to break one of the bones. After the part or whole limb is removed, the skin is closed with sutures. A bandage or dressing is then placed over it. What happens right after the procedure? The person is taken to a surgery recovery room while he or she wakes up from the surgery. Pain medication is given if needed. Antibiotics and other medications may also be given. When the person is awake and his or her vital signs are within normal limits, he or she is usually taken back to a bed in the surgical inpatient unit. In most cases, the person will need to stay in the hospital for at least 1 or 2 more days.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Declining Birthrate Singapore
After Independence in 1965, the population of the country was growing at a rate that would seriously threaten the success of Singapore. The Government introduced the â€Å"Stop at two†policy to help control the rapid population growth. It was introduced in 1969. The policy had a very successful response; in fact, it was so successful that the population started to decline. Couples saw the benefits in having a smaller family, such as more money, higher quality of life and cars. The population increase stayed low. Women started to pursue careers before having children.With a rise in University graduated women failing to marry and bear children, the policy â€Å"three or more, if you can afford it†was introduced because the Singaporean government saw this as a social problem. It was introduced in 1986. The policy has been described as ‘population rejuvenation'. Its goal was to address the ageing of Singapore, which was threatening the country's quality of life. It was quite effective at first but despite the government's slew of measures including longer maternity leave and cash incentives, the Total Fertility Rate plummeted from 1. 6 in 2000 to 1. 3 last year. This is a far cry from the 2. 1 needed for the population to replace itself. Families are having less children due to the following reasons: High cost of living, insecurity of jobs, high cost and burden of educating the child, no fun for children to take the pressure of childhood. Low birth rates means that the government will continue to be more liberal in allowing foreigners to come here as PRs or citizens. And, unlike the times of our forefathers, Singapore today is unlikely to allow the naturalization the peasant, the construction worker or the cleaning lady.The Singapore government wants talents, or in the absence of talent, rich people. The natural result is that native Singaporeans get squeezed in the job markets and the housing markets. Young Singaporeans like myself are now sq ueezed particularly hard in the housing markets because these PRs or new citizens come in either not knowing the local real estate market or having too much cash to burn, start offering high prices for property, driving property prices upwards. As for the employment landscape, that doesn’t need much explaining; it’s a demand and supply problem.I think that the Government should promote more of the benefits of having children – joy and laughters of the children through different media (T. V. , radio, internet etc. ). The more the Government emphasises on the family life and support the birth rate, it will help to increase the birth rate. There should be more television shows about families. The mindset of parents is important. When we think of raising children is very expensive, it will not encourage us to have children. The joy of having children cannot be measured by the cost or spending on the children.We need to see beyond the money cost of having children as children are the bundle of joy and gift from God. Companies should not be bias on employing pregnant women and the government should change the policy again to state that as long as a woman is pregnant, the company that terminal her should pay up the four months maternity leave instead of the current one that states it’s only liable if it’s 6 months form due dates. A declining fertility rate also affects the social structure of a nation. As less and less people are having families, social networks are affected and support within the family unit changes.Where previously children may have provided a support network for their parents, in many cases, older, childless Singaporeans may turn to the government to assist in providing this network. With an increase in the number of one to two person households with steady income which is often relatively high, standards of living increase for these households, where standards for families with dependants may struggle to keep up . This will then lead to even further decreases in birth rates as couples postpone having a family based on their financial circumstances. It’s not just the jobs and ever rising property prices.Later on, the kids of native Singaporeans are going to face fiercer competition for good Singaporean schools. Parents will have to end up forking more money for tuition classes and other enrichment classes to improve the odds of their kids getting into a good school. The PRs and new citizens will probably do the same thing too, so the only winners will be tuition teachers. Encourage companies to let women work from home. A change of mindset from the work force is very much needed for families to want to have more children. More children equals more money needed, especially in the country like Singapore.Stay home mom wants to stay home to take good care of kids and they also want to stay economically. Nobody is going to take care of the kids, nurture them, giving them a good solid found ation if all moms go out to work. Right now parents get the following: A cash gift of $3,000 each for 1st and 2nd child, a cash gift of $6,000 each for 3rd and 4th child, 2nd to 4th children will also enjoy government contributions in the form of a dollar-for-dollar matching for the amount of savings you contribute to your child’s Children Development Account (CDA).This is a special savings account that you open at any POSB branch. You can save in the CDA any time until the day before the child’s 6th birthday. The savings will be matched up to the cap of $6,000 for the 2nd child and $12,000 each for the 3rd and 4th child. Another significant effect of a declining birth rate is a reduced workforce which can equal decreased productivity for a nation. A decrease in the size of the workforce will reduce the capacity of the economy to maintain rates of output growth which in turn puts pressure on the existing workforce to increase productivity and performance.A smaller work force also means a smaller tax base which in turn can place further pressure on the social security system; less people of working age means less revenue collected by the government in taxes to support a proportionately large aged population. Each of these effects – a negative workplace dependency ratio and a reduced workforce – points to the growth of the aged population. A falling fertility rate accompanied by increasing longevity and a low aged mortality means that the proportion of older groups in society is growing.This is a widely publicised issue in most developed countries and can have significant impact on the economy and social support systems. As the aged population increases, so too does the need for increased spending on areas such as aged care, health and income support, especially in societies where the working age population is not encouraged to prepare or save for their retirement. This can prove to be a significant drain on resources and the general e conomy. As the population aged 65 and over increases in size, associated social expenditures on income support, care and health services can be expected to increase. months maternity leave for mum, 3 days of paternity leave on the birth of your first four children. 5 days of unrecorded childcare leave, must be substantiated by the child's MC. Maid levy reduction of $95 if you have kids under 12. And since the birth rates are falling so drastically, the government should redouble their efforts by doubling everything that they are doing right now. We could follow the Swede way to generate children. First, all parents get 13 months of leave, and continue to receive 80 per cent of their pay – with the cost borne by both the state and employers.On top of this, they can opt for another three months, though they will get just $40 a day during this time. Second, they get tiered child allowances – from 105 euros (S$225) a month for the first child, to 190 euros for the fourth c hild. Thirdly, childcare is â€Å"very affordable†, capped at $30 a month. In contrast, childcare costs here average $670 a month. In fact more childcare centres should be built around office areas so mothers or fathers can look after them more easily instead of hiring a maid which will make them more dependent on maids and miss out family bonding with their children.Free (or even more greatly subsidised) post-secondary education for the third and fourth children; Free (or even more greatly subsidised) medical care for the third and fourth children, up to a certain age or ceiling. Nominal or token pension for parents (or for at least the one parent who has given up his or her job to care for children full time) with more than two children upon statutory retirement age; and more significant tax reliefs for working couples who have, in addition to more than two children, aged parents.The Baby Bonus was definitely a step in the right direction, as evinced by a slight increase in birth rates in recent years. Putting additional measures such as these suggestions in place will go even further towards alleviating some of the pressures and insecurities couples face in deciding whether to have more children. The government should sponsor another matchmaking effort through a Social Development Unit, like a few years back. The aim, to ‘romance Singapore'. It had a month-long festival in the Valentine’s period was introduced to try to bring people together.Other measures included rock climbing for couples, a love boat river race, and a vertical marathon called ‘lovers’ challenge' etc. New laws should be enacted to prevent employers from dismissing women because of marriage, pregnancy or childbirth. This should help push up the birth rate, as more women are going to be able to marry, have children and keep earning money. A good way to get Singaporeans to produce more babies is to improve gender equality, and how can we support more active f athering?The â€Å"Dads for Life†national campaign is a commendable initiative of the National Family Council and a step in the right direction. Traditional gender roles not only deprive men of the opportunity to play an active role in their children’s lives but create an imbalanced environment where women are discouraged from having more kids. I am quite sure that these measures if implemented can improve our situation on the declining birthrates. Monetary incentives, tax incentives, more maternity leave, paternity leave, and the other solutions.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Ethical Business in Global Trade Essay
Ethical Business in Global Trade Introduction     Ethics can be defined as the â€Å"well founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to the society, fairness or specific virtues†(Manuel et al., 2010) In relation to Human labor, Auret van Heerden (2010) says that employers should treat employees like Human beings. Violation of human rights in the global food chain amounts to unethical business practices. Employees working for excess hours, companies employing children below the International Labor Organization required age, employees being paid peanuts and safety measures for employees not being maintained to avoid injuries are some of the unethical practices related to global chain     The role of the governments in the supply chain is to ensure that the rights of workers who work hard in production of raw materials and preparation of the final products are maintained (Auret, V.H. 2010). These governments are also placed with a duty to ensure that the safety of the products is maintained. This is possible with establishment of a code of conduct to govern operations of the companies involved in the global food chains. Frequent Inspection should be conducted with stiff penalties to companies that violate the human rights and safety measures of the product.     Management of a global market presents a challenge due to involvement of many governments. While the USA may have well laid down measures and regulations for ethical business practices of these companies, other countries in the global food chain may not have them. Some countries avoid putting up stringent measures in order for them to attract investors at the expense of ethical business activities     The fight for ethical business practices in the global food chain is very much achievable. These will require governments to work together. Consumers of these products can also have a critical role to play by giving a snub to products from companies that do not conform to ethical business practices. References Auret van Heerden (2010). Making Global Labor Fair. Retrieved from, V., Claire, A., Thomas, S., S. J., & Michael, J.M. What is Ethics? Retrieved from Source document
Literature of the Great Depression: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, the Graphes of Wrath and Tobacco Road
Literature of the Great Depression: A Survey The Great Depression, beginning in 1929 and continuing throughout the next decade, was a time of extreme economic decline, devastating people of nearly every social class, race, age, and geographic region. Millions of unemployed Americans everywhere suffered the burdens of poverty, homelessness, and crime.While vast numbers of citizens lined up in long bread lines, waiting for hours for the small amount of free food offered by government relief agencies; many others, outraged by their living conditions, took to the streets to protest, sometimes violently, demanding that the government take immediate action to alleviate their suffering. It is these images of such widespread trouble, distress, and social and political upheaval, that sparked the attention of literary writers everywhere. As literary writers assessed these new situations brought on by the Great Depression, one group in particular, the South, piqued the interests of many writers .Economic as well as environmental factors, such as drought and the Dust Bowl, adversely affected the South's economic dependence on agriculture; forcing many farmers into poverty, and driving thousands from their homes elsewhere in search of better opportunities. It is these immense economic adversities as well as vast human suffering experienced by the South that drew interest from many literary writers, making the South the subject of many famous and important works of literature, and thereby securing for the Southern regions an important historic niche in the history of the Great Depression in America.By examining the literary depictions of Southern life during the Great Depression, of works such as The Grapes of Wrath, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, and Tobacco Road, we gain essential insights into the cultures, lifestyles, and sentiments of those Americans hardest hit by the Great Depression; farmers and sharecroppers in the American south. Among those works of literature depic ting the Great Depression is Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, written by James Agee with photography by Walker Evans.Written at the height of the Great Depression in 1936 as an assignment for Fortune magazine, and later published in 1941 as a novel, this lengthy four hundred page text is a work of non-fiction that sets out to document the often harsh conditions of white Southern sharecroppers in rural Alabama by spending time with and even lodging with three actual sharecropping families known in the novel as: the Gudgers, the Ricketts, and the Woods for a period of several weeks. In Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, passages of extraordinary description and poetic beauty describe the various settings in which the novel takes place.Agee describes in great detail the homes of the farmers, the work they do, how the people looked, what they ate, how they spoke, their possessions and the surrounding land in order to paint an accurate picture of the living conditions as well as the plight of th e sharecroppers. As Humphries points out, although Agee urges his reader not to view the novel as â€Å"high art†Agee's ability to convey beauty even in those things not typically viewed as beautiful makes the artistic value of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men quite clear.Equally as powerful as the elaborate visual images Agee so skillfully conjures within the reader and the poetic beauty of these images, is the appeal to sensation Agee conveys in his description. Agee in seeking to fully and accurately convey the experiences of Southern sharecroppers, utilizes sensation to attempt to make the reader feel what it is like to be a sharecropper, the physical pain caused by bending of the back, the sensations of cramping in the hand, and the feel of sweat dripping down the body all combine to allow the reader to feel what it is like to be a sharecropper (Quinn).It is through these depictions of sensations that Agee hoped to make the sharecroppers â€Å"so real to you who read of it , that it will stand and stay in you as the deepest and most iron anguish and guilt of your existence that you are what you are, and that she is what she is, and that you cannot for one moment exchange places with her†(Praise 321).In addition to the artful skill with which Agee so vividly depicts his novel, another notable aspect of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men is the unconventionality and experimentation through which Agee, with the help of his partner Evans, crafts the novel. The reader is confronted with this unconventionality upon opening the book, in which the presentation of the scores of photographs taken by Evans appear before any other words in the text, even before the table of contents and copyright information.Additionally, none of the pictures provide any sort of captions, a fact that could be best attributed to Evans' preference for presenting his images without the accompaniment of words (Jackson). In keeping with the lack of traditionalism of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Agee casts himself as a character in the novel in which, at parts, he interacts with and reacts to the other characters in the novel. The significance of this is that it provides the reader with insight into the author's thoughts and feelings about the events in the novel.However, this fact along with Agee's Southern ancestry has caused Let Us Now Praise Famous Men to be criticized as being too preoccupied with Agee's personal introspection than with creating a more meaningful depiction of the lives of his subjects (Humphries). Furthermore, in his literary criticism of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Coogle contrasts Agee's and Evans' work with that of Jacob Riis' work, How the Other Half Lives in order to demonstrate both Agee's and Evans' intentional preservation of human dignity as well as the rejection of more traditional worldviews, namely Victorianism (Coogle).Coogle's summation of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men is that, â€Å"with its concern for respecting human di gnity and its view of the world as complex and confusing, serves as a striking contrast to earlier notions. Agee and Evans reject any vision of the world as clearly understandable and ordered,†While Riis' Victorian sentiments simplify the human experience and presents his impoverished subjects as inferior, Agee and Evans actively avoid such degradation of their subjects and acknowledge the complexity of life.This new approach to journalism and depicting of social issues coupled with the intentional preservation of human dignity further demonstrates the unconventionality of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and reflects the surge of new and innovative ideas that the Great Depression spurred. No better example of the Great Depression's call for innovative and experimental ideas is one that has been frequently cited by scholars, and that is the parallel between the innovative economic policies of Roosevelt's New Deal with that of the unconventional approach to the making of Let Us No w Praise Famous Men.Austgen makes the assertion that, â€Å"As Roosevelt recognized that traditional plans for economic recovery could not end the Depression, so Agee and Evans knew that traditional methods of photography and journalism would not work to convey accurately the hard and simple lives of the tenant farmers. †Furthermore, as Evans and Agee seek to preserve the dignity of its subject, so too does Roosevelt's economics (Austgen).In conclusion, while Agee's poetic, and often excruciatingly descriptive journalistic reportage coupled with Evans' contribution of a slew of candid photographs work together to create an accurate depiction of the impoverished Southern farmer's experience during the Great Depression on the surface, it is the the radical experimentation of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, as well as Agee's and Evans' attention to human dignity, that illuminates the new and innovative ideas that times of social upheaval and economic hardship such as the Great De pression call for.Like Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, another work of literature depicting farm life during the Great Depression is John Steinbeck's American classic The Grapes of Wrath. Published in 1939, The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of the fictional Joad family, who after losing their Oklahoma farm due to economic hardship and the Dust Bowl, embark on a trek westward to California, hoping to find work and economic stability, but only find continued hardship and despair.After losing two family members to death, characters Granma and Granpa Joad, and two more family members, Noah the oldest Joad son and Connie the pregnant Rose of Sharon's husband, decide to leave the family; the rest of the family, however discouraged, continue on their journey to California. After their arrival in California, the Joads endure exploitation by the powerful upper-class employers, horrible living conditions, as well as police brutality.In response to the migrant laborers lack of power and rights , as well as their absurdly low wages, the laborers, including the preacher Jim Casey, unionize in order to fight back against the exploitation of their corrupt employers. Through his depiction of the unionization of exploited workers, Steinbeck advocates for worker's unions and the need for collective action among the masses. Furthermore, by emphasizing the exploitation of the lower classes, as well as the human suffering caused by the powerful and corrupt upper-class employers, Steinbeck's firm stance against the power of big-business is lucid (Hendrick).Steinbeck's further asserts his political ideas by depicting the Joads as having an extended concept of family. Throughout the novel, various instances arise in which the concept of family extends beyond the traditional conjugal unit, â€Å"to include members related by plight as well as by blood†(Hinton). This is first evidenced in the opening chapters of the novel, as the Joads prepare to embark on their journey westward , they allow the preacher Jim Casey to join them on their journey to California, accepting them as one of their own.Ma Joad's attempt to help starving children in the migrant camp, even as her own children do not have enough to eat further depicts the Joads extended concept of family as well as the altruism displayed by the Joad family. It is this extension of the traditional familial structure that conveys Steinbeck's Socialist viewpoints and his emphasis on the altruism and goodness of the Joads that seem to convey the message that during times of immense suffering and social upheaval people must come together to help one another.Perhaps however, the most notable depiction of the altruism and goodwill of the Joad family occurs at the end of the novel by none other than Rose of Sharon, the Joad family's eldest daughter, a character up until this point plays a relatively secondary role in the novel. After the Joad family suffers yet another tragedy, when Rose of Sharon gives birth t o a stillborn baby, the family, devastated by their loss come across a dying elderly stranger.In an act of extreme kindness, Rose of Sharon offers her breast milk to the man in order to save his life. Moreover, Steinbeck emphasis the humanity and compassion of the Joads in order to provide a stark contrast to the cold and unfeeling upper-class employers that exploit the migrant workers in order to both invoke sympathy in the reader for the plight of the workers as well as to further argue against big-business (Hinton). Finally, The Grapes of Wrath, as a renowned work of literature, fosters a prevalent image of the Southern farmer.For those with even the vaguest knowledge of this important historical era, the Great Depression conjures up images of impoverished farmers, driven from their homes, stoic-faced and desperate, in search of better opportunities and a future for themselves and their families. Although The Grapes of Wrath provides a fictional account of one sharecropping famil y, and while it can be argued that Steinbeck creates a rather dramatized depiction of the sharecroppers, the story Steinbeck tells was one that was true for many.The Great Depression did indeed drive thousands of sharecroppers from their lands, many of which may have been subjected to some of the same horrors the Joads endured. In conclusion, The Grapes of Wrath is valuable for its image of Southern farmers that has become the poster image for the Great Depression, and still remains as such even today. In stark contrast to both Agee's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, is Elskine Caldwell's Tobacco Road.While both Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and The Grapes of Wrath work actively to maintain the dignity of its subjects, Tobacco Road instead provides a much more negative image of the novel's characters. Caldwell's fictional Lester family like the focus of both Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and The Grapes of Wrath are a family of Southern farmers enduring the intense suffering wrought by hunger and extreme poverty in the midst of the Great Depression.Whereas Agee presents a dignified image of his subjects, and Steinbeck emphasis the altruism and goodness of the Joad family despite their conditions, Caldwell seems to reduce his characters to less than human. Driven by base instincts the Lester family seem to epitomize vulgarity, violence, obscenity and general indecency. It is in this way that Caldwell depicts the darker side of poverty. In conclusion, by examining the authors intent of renowned works of literature depicting life during the Great Depression we gain essential insights into the social realities of Southern sharecroppers during the Great Depression.Works Cited Agee, James, and Walker Evans. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. 1941. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1988. Austgen, Susan A. â€Å"Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: Agee and Evans' Great Experiment. †Agee and Evans' Great Experiment. Web. 04 May 2012. . Coogle, Matt. â€Å"The Historical Significance of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. †The Historical Significance of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. Web. 05 May 2012. . Hendrick, Veronica C. â€Å"John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath (1939). †Pop Culture Universe: Icons, Idols, Ideas. ABC-CLIO, 2012.Web. 8 May 2012. Hinton, Rebecca. â€Å"Steinbeck's ‘The Grapes of Wrath. ‘ (John Steinbeck's book). †The Explicator 56. 2 (1998): 101+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 8 May 2012. Humphries, David T. â€Å"Returning South: Reading Culture in James Agee's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and Zora Neale Hurston's Mules and Men. †The Southern Literary Journal 41. 2 (2009): 69+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 10 April 2012. Jackson, Bruce. â€Å"The Deceptive Anarchy of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. †The Antioch Review 1999: 38-49.ProQuest Research Library. Web. 5 May 2012 . Quinn, Jeanne Follansbee. â€Å"The Work Of Art: Irony And Identification In Let Us No w Praise Famous Men. †Novel: A Forum On Fiction 34. 3 (2001): 338. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 May 2012. Rothstein Arthur. Fleeing A Dust Storm. Cimarron City, Oklahoma. 1936. Web. 10 May 2012. Silver, Andrew. â€Å"Laughing over lost causes: Erskine Caldwell's quarrel with Southern humor. †The Mississippi Quarterly 50. 1 (1996): 51+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 5 May 2012.
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