Monday, September 30, 2019
Response to a Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay
I grew interested in the play’s conflict, since it seems modern day typical. I, for one, enjoy watching love stories and dramas. This play, served just that purpose. Reading of the avenged lover’s, Hermia and Lysander, plan to run into the forest to marry seemed likely to be seen on a Wednesday night, 9:00PM, drama series. Which, I absolutely love! Then, the play takes a twist from reality. Helena acquires information related to Hermia and Lysander’s plan to marry, which provides her initiative to tell Demetrius. She intends on winning back the love of Demetrius. The two of them go out in search of the Lysander and Hermia, and find that they’ve all landed themselves in a forest filled with â€Å"fairies. †When introduced to the idea of fairies, I was a bit distraught. I was filled with enjoyment because the plot seemed so realistic! Discouraged from reading the play, I found myself wondering, what on earth could be the position of these fairies in the forest? Noticing that I was wondering about the fairies, made me realize that I actually was interested; otherwise I wouldn’t be thinking about it. What a premeditated man Shakespeare is! These fairies were passionate about disrupting the love affairs of surrounding humans. Ha! He just made it more interesting. By entrance into the fairy-infested woods, the romantic lives of these couples converted to very complicated. Oberon, the King, and Titania, the Queen of all the forest fairies lead and direct Puck, or Robin, as he achieves his mischievous tactics. Oberon, decided upon mismatching the lovers as a consequence for their disturbance. He refers Puck to the power of a magical, love-bringing flower. A flower that can literally teach someone to love, why can’t we have that in real life? Puck, being clumsily skillful, uses the magic against the wrong person! He played the magic trick on Lysander instead of Demetrius, the intended target. As a result, he falls in love with the first person he see’s after awakening, Helena. Trying to undo his mistake, Puck makes Demetrius fall in love with Helena as well. Hermia is now very upset. He created pure chaos, and just the way I like it. Firstly, I am not a fan of the comedy in this play. However, Shakespeare casually, yet competently, creates a mix of humor and love. The artisans are portrayed as foolish while imitating the play of â€Å"Pyramis and Thysby. They mock words in the play, for instance when Bottom says, â€Å"Thisbe, the flowers of odious savors sweetâ€â€,†Quince corrects him with, â€Å"Odors,†â€Å"odors. †â€Å"Odious†is another word for unpleasant, while â€Å"odors†pertains to the fragrant smell of â€Å"sweet†flowers. It makes me snicker at the th ought of messing up a line so simple and a word so ironic from it’s original. Yet it feels unrelated and sort of disconnects my thought from the play. I will however say, the thought of the Athenian’s head turning into that of an Ass is a bit amusing. I find that humor is necessary when writing works filled with such seriousness and drama, it just happens to be that I am not a fan. I found this play exciting and pleasantly full of drama. Shakespeare’s works of literature are all fabulous in many different ways through use of common themes such as love and dreams. The love of these couples was at first true, but then foolishly played around with. Hermia felt mocked by Lysander and Demetrius, a feeling that most females often feel when men act in this manner. She was accustomed to these men being in love with her, and then they suddenly were in love with Helena. By morning Puck is able to undo all the spells, making all well again. They engage in a group wedding, marrying Helena and Demetrius, and Lysander and Hermia. The end of the play involves the fairies sprinkling dust to protect these couples in the future. Puck also remains to ask for forgiveness and to remember the play as though it was all a dream. The theme of love and dreams combine in this play making it an excellent eye-opener. Sometimes, things must happen for all to go the way one pleases. I enjoyed this play from beginning to end because of its realistic encounters mixed with the ideas fantasy.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Reasons Women Live Longer Than Men
Reasons why women live longer then men It is an accepted fact of life that men enjoy certain physical advantages over women. Men are stronger, taller, faster and less likely to be overweight, but they have then tendency to die before their female counterparts. Their date rate is higher than women in many different societies. Women, as a group, live longer than men. In all developed countries and most undeveloped ones, women outlive men, sometimes by a margin of as much as 10 years. In the U. S.  life expectancy at birth is about 79 years for women and about 72 years for men. The gender discrepancy is most pronounced in the very old: among centenarians worldwide, women outnumber men nine to one. The gender gap has widened in this century as gains in female life expectancy have exceeded those for males. The death rates for women are lower than those for men at all ages–even before birth. Although boys start life with some numerical leverage about 115 males are conceived for every 100 females. Their numbers are preferentially whittled down thereafter. Just 104 boys are born for every 100 girls because of the disproportionate rate of spontaneous abortions, stillbirths and miscarriages of male fetuses. More boys than girls die in infancy. And during each subsequent year of life, mortality rates for males exceed those for females, so that by age 25 women are in the majority. The reason women live longer than men can be explained from a biological, psychological and social view point. There are physiological, psychological and social factors that can account for longevity of women. The reason women live longer than men is because they have better cardiovascular endurance, they have two x chromosomes which further delays aging, men are more engaged in risky behaviors that can cause death, and another reason is that men are more likely to die from depression women. Women have an advantage over men in terns of cardiovascular endurance; disease such a heart attack and stroke are less likely to affect women than men. Woman develop these diseases later in life at about their 70s and 80s while on the other hand male normally get these types of disease about ten years younger in their 50s and 60s. A woman’s heart can become more active than men. A major contributor to biological age is one’s heart activity; when the heart is more active and healthier a person’s biological age can be reduced because of how the heart is still working in a proper way. A woman’s heart tends to be more active primarily because of how the menstruation process causes the heart to exercise and to work at a greater level. One proposed reason for this is the menstruation process which causes a woman’s heart to become active by the release estradiol hormone in the woman’s body during the process. Estradiol will work to give the woman’s heart a greater amount of energy because this is an especially powerful form of estrogen that can cause her heart to be more active. It is more powerful than other types of estrogen that can be found in a woman’s body. Because of the workout that is given to the heart during the menstruation period the heart will be able to work at a better rate and as a result to help with getting one’s biological age reduced. Another reason for the delay in cardiovascular disease in women is that women are relatively iron deficient in comparison to men. This is due to the loss of blood during menstruation; it is especially active in young females. Iron play a very active role in reaction within our cells that produce damaging free radicals which attach unto the cell membrane and DNA, and may translate into aging the cell. A second possible reason for why women live longer than men is the difference in genetic make up. The existence of a second X chromosome in women while men have an X and a Y chromosome is a proposed reason for the longevity of women. When there is damage caused to the cell variations, women have back-up chromosome variations that men do not have. The assumption is that since men only have one X chromosome, they have a greater chance of aging more rapidly. Chromosomal differences between men and women may also affect their mortality rates due to diseases. Chromosomes carry genetic mutations that cause a number of life-threatening diseases, including muscular dystrophy and hemophilia. Because women have two X chromosomes, a female with an abnormal gene on one of her X chromosomes can use the normal gene on the other and thereby avoid the expression of disease even though she is still a carrier of the defect. Men, in contrast, have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, and so they cannot rely on an alternative chromosome if a gene on one of the sex chromosomes is defective. If a man has a defect in this gene, his body's ability to repair the mutations that arise during cell division could be severely compromised. The accumulation of such mutations is thought to contribute to aging and disease. The second X chromosome as a longevity factor in and of itself. Although one of the two Xs is randomly inactivated early in life, the second X seems to become more active with increasing age. It may be that genes on the second X activates and compensate for genes on the first X that have been lost or damaged with age. A third reason for the mortality rate be higher for males is the fact that men are more likely to engage in risky life-threatening behavior thus raising the mortality rate among them. While this is a more social reasoning it can be explained using biological terms. The male specie experience what is known as â€Å"testosterone storm†in their late teens and 20s. At this stage the level of this hormone is in high quantity and it induce some dangerous behavior and bring out an aggressive nature in men. Some male dominated sports such as drag racing, motorcycling, sky diving, mountain climbing and even boxing are dangerous sports that have caused death of the participants. They may also engage in reckless behavior such as smoking, abusing alcohol, poor dieting and driving without a seat belt. These reckless behavior can cause death in the long run by death or immediately by accidents. The homicide rate of men is much higher than that of females. Men are more involved in violent and illegal activities that most of the time result is death due to violence. Such activities include scamming, drug dealing, gang involvement, gun trafficking, among others. In Jamaica murder is one of the leading cause of death for men in early adulthood, and some of the time these victims are perpetrators of this same crime. As the saying goes â€Å"live by the gun, die by the gun†. A forth and final reason is that men are more likely to die from depression that females. Depressing is higher among male that females. While many females will go to seek help for their depression, male are more reluctant to actively seek help from a counselor or even a friend. They would prefer to keep it inside and they may hold the motion that as long as it is not visible then its fine. Many men are harboring emotional distress and torment that cause depression. Depression and grief and affect one's health and further cause death. Depression can lead to suicide; men are more likely to die from attempted suicide than females. This is because male tend to use more fatal methods to carry out the action, for example, a woman would probably try to kill herself by overdosing on pills or medication while a man would jump off a ten story building. Overdose of pills can be remedied if detected early enough but if when a person jumps off a building there is no turning back or pause, they are heading at full speed ahead to the ground causing immediate death. In conclusion, the mortality rate for men is higher at all ages than female; it is almost as if women have a natural adaptation for survival. There are biological, psychological and social reasoning for this phenomenon which are hormonal difference, difference in genetic make up, psychological healthiness and the social on look on risk taking and dangerous activities.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Cause And Effect Of Procrastination
problem runs rampant particularly among college students in the form of procrastination. Procrastination is the art of putting something off until the very last possible time that one still has the ability to achieve it. Procrastination often has very negative effects and can cause underachievement, stress, and lack of sleep. However, some people would argue that they work best under the pressure of a deadline, so procrastination may be capable of helping to produce good results in these cases. Some†¦ Procrastination Cause and Effects Doing things at the last-minute is a trait that many people do not wish to have, but have done at one point or another. Putting things off or procrastinating is an idea that someone puts a certain task or chore aside until it is urgent. It is common among people who do not feel like completing the task at that very moment. Procrastinating can have many effects on someone’s life in more than one way. One effect that procrastination can have on a person’s life is†¦ some research conducted on the effect of academic procrastination with either self-determination theory or subjective well-being. However, there is not much research on procrastination with both self-determination theory and well-being together. These topics are of interest because the literature shows that these two factors appear to be related to each other in some way. It makes sense that an individual 's level of motivation and happiness would have some effect on whether or not they procrastinate†¦ down, but by then it is too late. Procrastination becomes a part of a routine- a habit. An individual can prevent it once he or she puts his or her mind to it and desires to change. More specifically, college students develop this pattern of putting assignments off to the side until the very last minute. There are numerous reasons as to why students procrastinate, but there are also ways to be more productive and avoid it. Although it may seem like procrastination is more satisfying and more convenient†¦ Procrastination Oh, how I am absolutely notorious with this.. My bittersweet, guilty pleasure! And at most times completely unaware that I do it or that I 'm subconsciously sabotaging myself to defer whatever it is that I should be doing. To procrastinate is to delay or postpone action. Some might even use the word lazy to describe someone that has a habit of this. A procrastinator rarely ever does nothing but rather always doing something (little, tedious, time consuming, mostly unimportant things)†¦ Topic: Procrastination Purpose: To inform audience about the facts, causes, and drawbacks or procrastination Introduction: As students we value our time and know that every bit of our time cost something. We chose to attend school in hopes of bettering our future. With this amazing opportunity we are granted the freedom of making our own decisions including what to wear, eat, or when to do our work. Having this freedom we often decide that since no one is making us do the work that we have time†¦ guilty of it at one time or another; We have been victims of procrastinating, especially as students. Procrastination is defined as â€Å"putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention†(Harper, 2015). This can include putting off assignments, papers, and projects. As you can imagine, the outcome of doing this is always negative. Procrastinating not only has psychological effects, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, but it additionally takes a toll on your body. Students†¦ Just about every person in the world has faced procrastination before in their lives. Procrastination is one of the things that I hate because I procrastinate with many things in my life. One of the main things I personally procrastinate most frequently on is school work. I know just about every college student can relate. There are many different reasons why people procrastinate, maybe they do not enjoy the task at hand, maybe they are afraid of failure, or maybe they are just lazy. There are a†¦ date. This action is called procrastination. Procrastination is the action of postponing or delaying a task. Everyone does it and sometimes people do it without even noticing. There are many reasons why people procrastinate, and it is not hard to control. The following paragraphs will explain reasons people procrastinate and strategies on how to deal with procrastination, ways to overcome procrastination, statistics about procrastination, and side effects of procrastination. One of the reasons why†¦ will explain the consequences of students procrastinating in college. The consequences discussed will be how procrastinating affects students grades, as well as students who do not procrastinate on a regular basis. Later on, solutions to reduce procrastination in college that can also be applied to your life in general. Holding students accountable for submitting work on time and holding instructors accountable for enforcing these standards will also be discussed. How colleges can help students quit†¦
Friday, September 27, 2019
Brazil - Individual vs Collective Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Brazil - Individual vs Collective - Assignment Example The Brazilian people also embraced the European cultures and innovations that significantly shaped the local civilization in the country. This has ultimately made the present day Brazil a fusion of different cultures making it complex and distinct. With a population of nearly 190 million people, most of them being whites of Italian, Polish, and Portuguese origin, Brazilians mainly follow the Catholic doctrine. The Portuguese occupation of the country for many years has also influenced the Brazilian official language that is Portuguese, although there are exists a small fraction of natives who speak their languages (Valenà §a, 2006). Brazilians value the family unit and its structure hence families are generally big usually even comprising of extended family members who share a closeness with each other and offer support and any help to one another each time the need arises. Brazilians distinguish each other by class according to how wealthy one is with regard to his or her money flow as well as the person colour. Individuals from darker ethnicities are more disadvantaged in the country. The immense disparities in wage brackets tend to create an enormous gap between the locals leading to a lack of interaction between those from the lower economic scale and the rich or upper-class category. Brazilian women are also usually delegated to lesser paying jobs like nursing and teaching. The people of Brazil are known to be affectionate with women kissing each other's cheeks as a sign of salutation and men shaking hands firmly. Brazilian businesspersons will normally first have an amicable relationship with each other before engaging in business deals that are prone to last a long time because of the fact that they put a lot of weight on the people they are dealing with. They are particularly keen to deal with people and not companies hence the need for a personal acquaintance with business partners.Â
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Compare Short Stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Compare Short Stories - Essay Example material assets. He regards every relationship to be driven by politics and fails to find any relationship that is purely based on love. Sammy has been presented as a character that is very upset about the norms of his surroundings. Although he has worked at the super store for a considerably lengthy period of time as is reflected by the way in which he remembers â€Å"cat-and-dog-food-breakfast-cereal-macaroni-rice-raisins-seasonings-spreads-spaghetti-soft-drinks-crackers-and-cookies aisle†(Updike, 228), he finds the store extremely unappealing. This is partly due to the nature of behaviors of people that he encounters on daily basis, as well as the nature of business that his super store practices. Taking a closer look at Krebs’s behavior regarding his community and Sammy’s perception regarding his superstore job, reveals that fact that both characters are dissatisfied with the prevailing system. The reason for this discontent appears to be the gap that prevails between their ideals and the reality. Both characters are in fact reflective of the feelings of people who are truthful in their stance and are yet subjected to unfavorable behaviors of the people surrounding
Guy de Maupassant, The Necklace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Guy de Maupassant, The Necklace - Essay Example In the story â€Å"The Necklace†Guy de Maupassant makes use of the services of a third person narrator who owns a restricted sagacity. â€Å"I†is not employed in the story. The one who narrates the story has a connection with each and every character in the story which is told in retrospect. Maupassant writes, â€Å"She was one of those pretty and charming girls born, as though fate had blundered over her, into a family of artisans.†The narrator does not examine the inner world of a specific character at the given time. When Mme. Forestier meets Mme. Loisel after the lapse of a number of years, she does not refer to the substantial dent in the beauty of the latter, a routine conversation ensues, as if it is of no consequence, with no surprise element contained in the exchange of thoughts. As such limited knowledge about the characters is revealed, which is mostly about Mme. Loisel, the main character. In employing the third person, the characters emerge with l imited temperament; the narrator provides an opportunity to probe deeply into the working of the mind of the character than the narrator who is just concerned with the facts. Characters in a story are either â€Å"static†or â€Å"dynamic†. Dynamic characters impact the course of the story as it makes progress. Static characters move leisurely and have nothing much to contribute as they are not well developed. Mme. Loisel belongs to the second category. Her outlooks and emotional state change a number of times throughout the story.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Comparison of Southeast Asian and Northeast Asian Art Essay
Comparison of Southeast Asian and Northeast Asian Art - Essay Example The greatest difference in style and perception has been induced by religion, history and the philosophies. The Southeast Asian artworks are a genuine product of Hinduism and Buddhist doctrines drawing from Indian traditions, whereas China, Japan and Korea draw largely from Buddhist and Chinese influences. Again both bear testimony to art production and patronage entertained with social and cultural demands. Cultural interconnections between these two regions are vivid and yet their art signifies an extended cultural code that encloses all the underlying spiritual beliefs of the regions religion-philosophic mind that embed the interrelation of mythology, symbol and spiritual thoughts. The advent of Buddhism introduced sculpture, painting, and architecture of a more religious nature. In China, the figures of Buddha and bodhisattvas became the primary source of influence, although the major route was India, which bore the seat of influence till the 6 th century A.D. The distinction was markedly perfected during the T'ang Dynasty that became more dramatic and restrained by the 7th century that gave way to Major sites of Buddhist art in cave temples include Donghuang, Lung-men, Yun-kang, Mai-chi-shan, and Ping-ling-ssu. Buddhist sculpture in the Ming dynasty became miniature in style made of jade, ivory, and glass, of exquisite craftsmanship but was devoid of any further experimentation and inspiration. The art of figure painting in the T'ang dynasty (618-906) and landscape painting in the Sung dynasty became very prominent. With the coming of the Yuan dynasty (1260-1368) both landscape painting and human painting concentrated more on brushstroke. Brushwork was also done on bamboo and surface painting with a variety of brushwork became an important aspect of still-life painting. Painting during this period became more sophisticated and a part of the leisure culture. Under the Ch'ing dynasty (1644-1912) the applied arts became very technical till the 19th cent., after which with the coming of the communists in the twentieth century art became a product of graphical propaganda. Shih-T'ao and Chu Ta were artists of great creativity. But little or no experimentation in painting marks this period. What is remarkable with Chinese painting is that it has maintained a single characteristic all through history-the extravagant detailing and obsession with the brushstroke. Paintings bore dry or wet-brush technique, with an incredible variety ranging from swirling patterns to staccato dots.1 And thus one inevitably arrives at the highest artwork that the Chinese generated through calligraphy and paintings on ceramics that reached a high perfection in the S 'ung Dynasty. Though calligraphy was part of painting, literature and inscriptions, calligraphy is indebted to Wang Hsi-chih (c.303-361) and his son, who made brushwork the biggest legacy in Chinese art. Chinese architecture also had major impact on Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan. Unlike Western structure it stresses the visual impact of the width of the buildings rather than its height and depth though Pagodas are a rare exception to this rule. But asymmetry has been part of Chinese art which let the scrolls and also its gardens become a wandering maze of surprises and unique symbolisms. Incase of symbolism, the Chinese also have the greatest and enduring symbols of the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
A Case Study of Abercrombie & Fitch Entry into the Brazilian Market Research Paper - 1
A Case Study of Abercrombie & Fitch Entry into the Brazilian Market - Research Paper Example Some may also depict law costs of production characterized by cheap power, raw materials, labor and transport, but with very high tax rates and strict laws for involvement in social corporate responsibilities. Since Abercrombie and Fitch is one of the multinational companies forecasting to open and expand new market in the rapidly growing and stabilizing Brazilian economy, it must first consider understanding various risks likely to occur in its foreign mission in Brazil. Foreign currency risks involve risks accruing from the periodical fluctuations in the value of the foreign currencies. One type of financial risk accruing from fluctuation in foreign currencies, and likely faced by Abercrombie and Fitch is the transaction risk (Mullineux, 1987). Exporters and importers are the likely business people to experience such risks, as they need to deal with different currencies to stamp their trading. The risks likely faced by exporters involves fall in the value of the local currency in t he foreign market as at the time of product arrival and making of payment by the foreign importer. When this happens, the foreign importer will have to convert the payment in consistence with the prevailing transaction and not with initial value as at the time ordering for the product. This then translates into substantial profit for the importer and loss on the side of the exporter. To the importer, foreign exchange risk may occur when the foreign currency of the exporter gain value by the foreign importer.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Regionlized Endogenous Growth in Est si Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Regionlized Endogenous Growth in Est si - Essay Example Following the pth of tht sin industril forerunner, four "tigers" - the two Jpnese ex-colonies, South Kore nd Tiwn, nd two islnds, Singpore nd Hong Kong, the first city-stte, the other British colony tht will soon revert to Chin - embrked on their own export-led mnufcturing revolution, doubling rel GDP every eight yers during 1950 to 1985 (n eight-fold increse in ll). In the lte 1970s, Chin ccelerted its mssive moderniztion progrm, introduced mrket mechnisms, nd welcomed foreign investment; since the 1980s, it hs been the world's fstest-growing economy, verging lmost 10% yerly in the lst decde nd hlf. Over tht period, three Southest sin countries - Indonesi, Mlysi, nd Thilnd - hve proved tht they, too, cn sustin growth rtes of over seven percent yer, speed tht doubles the size of n economy ech decde. Since the 1980s, these Est sin economies hve been growing three times fster thn the OECD economies, twice s fst s the rest of Est si, three times s fst s Ltin meric nd South si, nd five t imes s fst s sub-Shrn fric. Their export performnce hs been prticulrly impressive, with their shre of world exports of mnufctures shooting up from nine percent in 1965 to 21% in 1990. Those re the indictors behind the phenomenon tht hs vriously been clled "Pcific Shift," the "rise of si," the "Pcific Century," or, s the title of recently published World Bnk study puts it, "The Est sin Mircle." One of the Est sin Mircle hs tken plce under the egis of the Px mericn, which ppered fter WWII. TPx mericn constitutes n economic system of wht my be clled "hegemn-led mcro-clustering". The ltter implies phenomenon in which hegemon economy propgtes growth stimuli to its closely ligned cohort of countries by mens of dissimiltion of technology, knowledge, skills, mrket informtion etc. The rise of the Paz Americana originated from "Yankee ingenuity" in the innovation of interchangeable parts and assembly-line operations, which eventually culminated in the techniques of mass production - and the pattern of mass consumption. Under Px mericn many South Eastern countries received a benefit as their economies significantly improved and were enhanced. Particularly, Japanese automobile industry replaced "just-in-time" parts delivery by "just-in-case" inventory, which relied heavily on a cooperative group of suppliers of parts, components, and accessories. Furthermore, Japanese process fragmentation has become all the more fine-tuned to make use of labour costs and technological capabilities of suppliers at divergent levels of country's industrial hierarchy.In the wake of Japan's rapid catch-up with its current account surplus rising, the Japanese yen became grossly undervalued and soared in market value. As for East Asian countries they benefited a lot from the catch-up economics as well. According to the World Bank (1993), Asian Economies got the fundamentals right by way of: 1) carefully limited and "market-friendly" government activism; 2) strong export orientation; 3) high levels of domestic savings; 4) accumulation of human and physical
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Cinema Essay Example for Free
The Cinema Essay The movies that are being compared here are made at two different periods of time and for audience of distinct mentality. Movies are made keeping in mind the taste of audience because it is totally show business. But here two movies, one of which was made almost more than 50 years before the other are somewhat similar. The base of â€Å"Singin’ in The Rain†, made in 1952 is same as â€Å" Linda Linda Linda†which was released in 2005. Both the films are musical blockbusters and were liked by the audience at the time of release and afterwards too. If we compare both these movies we will see that the plot of old ovie is not typical and lots of Hollywood movies has been made on this plot but â€Å"Singin’ in The Rain†is remembered today because it took the cinema from silent era to talkies. Its music is being admired till date and is considered as a movie with great combination of action and humor. The film is a total entertainer with almost everything being expected from a movie. â€Å"Linda Linda Linda†came out in 2005 targeting a different audience that was young and in the modern era. The taste of this audience was completely different from that of 1950s ut this movie also proved to be successful and the base here was once again music and dance. The story of course is admirable here and the film is entertaining and technically competent. There are four girls who want to create their own rock band for the upcoming function of their school. Plot of the movie revolves round the experiences of these girls to find a singer and everything needed to make a band. Their ultimate challenge became to play a single song for the function. The movie of the 1950’s was focusing on the music of that period and that of 2005 represents the music of this era.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Islamic Law In Saudi Arabia Sociology Essay
Islamic Law In Saudi Arabia Sociology Essay Islamic law, or Sharia (termed Syariah in Malaysia), refers to the sacred holy laws of the Islamic religion. Sharia mingles with multiple fields addressed by secular law, which may include economics, crime, and politics, as well as personal matters such as hygiene and sexuality. Sharia mainly derives from two sources, of which the 1st one would be the heavenly revelations in the Quran, and the 2nd being examples and sayings laid down by Prophet Muhammad within the Sunnah. In addition to the above mentioned sources, secondary sources are also adopted. One example of these secondary sources is the ijma of various prominent ulamas in the Islamic world. In regards of the topic at hand, I shall explain how Islamic law is practiced in Saudi Arabia. Before I go into explaning how Sharia is practiced in Saudi Arabia, I would like to point out that this essay will only touch on the developments and the ways in which Sharia is implemented in the Third State of Arabia, also known as the current Saudi Arabia. Sharia was officially enforced in Saudi Arabia by the Basic Law in 1992. The Basic Law of Saudi Arabia is a charter written in Arabic which bears marking resemblance to a constitution. It is divided into nine chapters, and consists of 83 articles. It is based on the Salafi school of understanding of Sharia and it does not bypass the fiqh. In Chapter 1: Article 1 of the said charter, it is expressly written that, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state with Islam as its religion; Allahs Book and the Sunnah of His Prophet, Allahs prayers and peace be upon him, are its constitution, Arabic is its language and Riyadh is its capital. In Saudi Arabia, criminal cases are tried under Sharia courts. These courts exercise authority over the entire population. In other words, people who are not of Islamic faith are still subjected to the criminal laws of Saudi Arabia. Cases which involve small penalties are adjudicated in Sharia Summary Courts, whilst more serious crimes are tried in Sharia Courts of Common Pleas. In events where either party finds the decision made was unsatisfactory, the said party can also appeal through the Court of Appeal. For civil cases, it could also be tried in Sharia Courts, but with one exception: Muslim of the Shia denomination may try such cases in their own courts. Other civil proceedings, such as those involving claims against the Saudi Arabia government, and claims on the enforcement of foreign judgements, are held before a special panel in certain specialized administrative tribunals, such as the Board of Grieviences, and Commission for The Settlement of Labor Disputes. In strict adherance to the Saudis sources of law, the system prescribes corporal penalty or capital penalty, which in the Sharia sense may include amputations of limbs for certain crimes such as homicide, rape, robbery, drugs trafficking, adultery, and homosexual/bisexual activities. It is to note that petty theft is also punishable by the means of amputation of the hand, although, it is rare for first-time offenders. For less serious crimes, such as drunkenness, the courts may impose less severe punishments, such as floggings. Under Saudi law, when someone commits murder, accidental death, and/or bodily harm, the said person is open or subject to punishment from the victims family. Retribution may also be, and are usually, sought through the method of blood money. It is to note that the blood money being payable for causing a womans accidental death, or, that of a Christian male, is only half as much as that for a Muslim male. All the others (men or women of different faiths and believes other than Islam) are valued at 1/16th. The main reasoning for this, according to the Sharia, men are expected by right to be providers for their families and thus are expected and assumed to earn more fiscally in their lifetimes. The blood money by a man would be expected to be enough to sustain his family, for at least a short period of time. Honor killings are also not punished as severely as murder. This generally stems from the fact that honor killings are within a family, and done to compensate for some dishonorable act committed. Saudi Arabia is also the one and only country in the world where women are prohibited to drive on public roads. Women can only drive in off-road conditions and in private housing compounds, some of which extend to many square miles. The ban may be lifted soon, although with certain conditions. The Saudi government regard its construction of Islamic law as its sole source of guidance on human rights, and Sharia has failed to evolve and develop to ensure the rights of women are protected. In addition to prohibition on driving on public roads, women are not allowed to travel around without the permission, written or verbal, of their closest male kin. This resulted in women being restricted from travel by their sons and/or younger brothers. Divorcees are required by law to return to the home of their father, and any form of travel must then be approved the father. In other words, under Saudis law, women of 30 or more years old cannot make independent decisions without the approval of male relatives. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.MORE TO COME. QUICK OVERVIEW OF THE PRACTICE OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN SAUDI ARABIA Human rights in Saudi Arabia are based on sharia laws under the rule of the Saudi royal family. The Saudi Arabian government has also been known and criticized for its lack of regard for the religious political minorities, homosexuality, and women. The Human rights of Saudi Arabia are specified in article 26 of the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia, the constitution of Saudi Arabia, as mentioned earlier. Then, in October 1997, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ratified the International Convention against Torture according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The first independent human rights organization in Saudi Arabia, the National Society for Human Rights, was established in 2004. In 2008, the Shura Council ratified the Arab Charter on Human Rights. It is to note that Saudi Arabia, is one of around thirty countries in the world with that still practices judicial corporal punishment. For Saudia Arabias judicial corporal punishments may include amputations of either limbs for robbery, and flogging for smaller crimes such as drunkenness. The exact number of lashes is vaguely prescribed by the law; it is varied in accordance to the judges discretion, and may range from dozens of lashes to several hundred, which is usually applied over a period of weeks or months. In 2004, the United Nations Committee against Torture criticized and deplored the Saudi Arabian law over the amputations and floggings it carries out under Sharia. The Saudi delegates, responded, unfazed, in the defence of legal traditions that has been held since the birth of Islam 1,400 years ago, and rejected interference of any kind in its legal framework. For serious law-offenders, Saudi Arabia also engage themselves in capital punishment, which in Sharia include the likes of public executions by beheading. Beheading is the punishment for rapists, armed robberers, drug traffickers and of course, murderers, according to strict interpretation of Islamic law. In 2005 there were 191 executions, in 2006 there were 38, in 2007 there were 153, and in 2008 there were 102. To illustrate how serious is human rights infringement in Saudi Arabia, I would like to draw a simple reference to a spokesman for Saudi Arabias National Society for Human Rights. He reasoned that numbers of executions are rising because crime rates are rising, that prisoners are treated humanely, and that the beheadings deter crime, saying, Allah, our creator, knows best whats good for his peopleShould we just think of and preserve the rights of the murderer and not think of the rights of others? WOMEN RIGHTS/GENDER ISSUES Religion affects all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia, and Saudi women face discrimination in many aspects of their lives. The Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia, which is about 90% of the population, are governed by strict conservative interpretations of Islam. Saudi Arabia is a patriarchal society in which women are treated and seen as 2nd class citizens only. And because of that, they continue to become victims of discrimination, everyday. They have lesser say than men in family matters; their freedom of movement is very limited; and their economic opportunities and rights are restricted. In addition, womens actions and choices depends on the permission or wishes of their mahram. Saudi Arabia also applies rules of strict gender segregation and unrelated men and women are separated in all public places. Women also, do not enjoy the freedom of dress, but are required to cover themselves completely from head-to-toe. The usual dress-code includes a jet black cloak-like garment (abaya) and a matching face veil (niqba). Women who deliberately choose to not cover or as they say, protect, themselves fully, which r ates is increasing in certain parts of the country, run the risk of being provoked and harassed. Although they make up 70% of those enrolled in universities, for social reasons, women make up just 5% of the workforce in Saudi Arabia, the lowest proportion in the world. These treatments of women has been referred by social scientists as Sex segregation and gender apartheid. Even implementation of a government resolution supporting the expansion of employment opportunities for women, met strong resistance from within the labour ministry, from the religious police, and from the male citizenry. In most parts of Saudi Arabia, it is thought that a womans place in this world is in the home, tending for her spouse and family. Rooting from tradition, there is also segregation inside their own houses as some rooms have separate entrances for men and women. Before 2008, women were not allowed to enter hotels and furnished apartments without a chaperon or mahram. With a 2008 Royal Decree, the one and only requirement needed nowadays to enable women to enter hotels are their national ID cards, but the hotel must let the nearest police station know of their length of stay and room reservation. The driving ban for women was unofficial until 1990 when it was introduced as official legislation after 47 Saudi women drove cars through the streets of the Saudi capital, Riyadh. Even though illegal, women in rural areas and other areas outside cities do drive cars. It may sound made-up, but according to credible studies, many Saudis believe that allowing women to drive could lead to Western-style openness and an erosion of traditional values. Womens rights calls for reform in Saudi Arabia calls that are testing the Kingdoms political status quo. International, as well as local womens groups are also forcing the government to react, taking advantage of the fact that some rulers are eager to project a more progressive image to the West. WOMEN/FAMILY LAW While the Saudi Arabian law is silent on the legal age of marriage, the practice of forced marriages was prohibited by the countrys religious authority in 2005. Nevertheless, to be fair to the case, the level to which said bride is involved in decision-making in regards of her own marriage varies between families. According to Saudis family law, the marriage contract is between the mahram of the bride and the husband-to-be. An estimated 16 percent of girls between 15 and 19 years of age are currently married, divorced or widowed in Saudi Arabia. Polygamy is allowed under Sharia and a Muslim male could take as many as 4 wives, given that he can give equal support and treatment. The practice is reportedly on the decline, but both for demographic and economic reasons. Women are discriminated against with regards to parental authority as, legally, children belong to their father. If divorced or widowed, a woman is normally granted custody of daughters until they reach the age of nine and sons until they reach the age of seven. Older children are often awarded to the divorced husband or the paternal grandparents. Women cannot confer citizenship to their children (if born to a non-Saudi Arabian father). Female genital mutilation is not a general practice, but reports suggest that there is some occurrence of the practice among Shia Muslims in the Eastern Province, and possibly among some Bedouin groups. Violence against women is common and there are no specific laws addressing the issue, nor any adequate protection for the victims. Incidents of domestic violence are rarely reported or even talked about publicly. For instance, the so-called honour crimes, whereby a woman is put to death or punished by male family members for having put disgrace to the family honour, are also prevalent. The suspicion alone of a womans wrong-doing is often enough for her to be subject to violence in the name of honour. Women, as well as men, may be subject to harassment by the countrys religious police, the mutawwain; torture (although outlawed); and physical punishments, often without having their case presented in court. Islamic law provides for detailed and complex calculations of inheritance shares. A woman may inherit from her father, her mother, her husband, her children, and under certain conditions, from other members of her family, but her share is generally smaller than a mans entitlement. A daughter, for example, inherits half as much as a son. This is commonly justified by the fact that a woman has no financial responsibility towards her husband and children. Women, particularly in rural areas, are often deprived even of their entitled share as they are considered to be supported by their fathers or husbands.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Comparison: the Jade Peony, horses Of The Night, Masque Of The Red :: essays research papers
Comparison: "The Jade Peony", "Horses of the Night", Masque of the Red Death" I noticed that i enjoyed most of the storys not only for the obvious reasons such as good charactors, mood, and imagery but also because of writing style and fluency. I noticed some storys I enjoyed reading even thought nothing in it really interested me too much, while other storys that were about topics I usally enjoy reading about I had to put down because I would end up going over every sentence two or three times each. So on that note I belive the most important part of writing is making it fluent and easy to read. The three storys I will compare and contrast are: "The Jade Peony", "Horses of the Night", and "The Masque of the Red Death." I intend to fine wether or not the author of these storys was sucessful in making it readable in the sence of comprehanceability and fluency. The first story I will be discussing is called "The Jade Peony" by Wayson Choy. I did not enjoy what this story was about nor did I enjoy reading it. Luckly it was short, If It wasnt I doubt i would have made it throught the whole thing. The main problem with this story was the inconsistance of the sentences, some sentences were too long while others were very short. The only way to truly fix this story would be to re-write it. The second story I chose to write about is called "Horses of the Night" by Margaret Laurence. I did enjoy reading this short story dipite the fact it seem to jump around alot; it would talk about somthing fairly in-depth then just suddenly jump to a different subject or time-era of the story. The author seem to show very good writing ability however so I think perhaps she did this on purpose either just for somthing different or maybe to give you a break from what she was currently writing about. And finally the third and personal favourite story i chose to include in this paper is called "The Masqe of the Red Death." This story is nice and easy to read even though it uses fairly large words and complex sentences. This story just happens to be writen by one of my favourite writers as well: Edgar Allen Poe. I enjoyed this story mainly because like i said it was easy to read
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Patrick Henry: Fight against the Constitution :: American America History
Patrick Henry: Fight against the Constitution Although Henry refused to serve on the Constitutional Convention, Madison needed Henry's persuasive ways. Henry had a way to make people agree with his ideas. Even though Henry didn't serve on the Constitutional Convention, he was still present to put in his word. As soon as the meetings opened, Henry began to argue against the Constitution. This argument went on for three weeks. Henry was aware that the new government had to be strong, but felt that the Constitution made the central government too powerful. He thought that the power should lay in the hands of the states. "What right had they [the group that wrote the Constitution] to say 'We the people,' instead We, the States?" he demanded. Not only was Henry in fear of the central government gaining power, but was also worried about protecting the South. He felt that the fast growing North would have more impute into how the government was to be ran. Henry feared that the South would be out voted in Congress. Patrick Henry was quoted before by saying, "I am not a Virginian. I am American." Henry meant that all the states, North or South, should get equal say in what happens in the government. After all it is the same country and will effect both sides. Also, Henry refused to support the Constitution because it was lacking a bill of rights. He called it, "the most fatal plan that could possibly be conceived to enslave a free people." In other words he thought that without a bill of rights, we (the people) would be enslaving ourselves. Henry thought that the Constitution didn't protect the basic freedom of the people. Henry believed that people wouldn't be safe from a powerful government without the bill of rights. The Constitution took away the power from the states, ignored the South, and didn't protect the people it represented. To Patrick Henry, these were big mistakes and couldn't put his support behind them. When the power is taken away from the states, it makes the federal government very strong. He knew that there had to be a strong central government, but felt that the Constitution went too far. Henry wanted to protect the South. After all, at that time the South was more than half the country. If the country at that time was compared to a human body, the South was the heart of the country.
Behavioral Phenotypes of Inbred Mouse Strains :: essays research papers
Molecular geneticists have recently been using targeted gene line mutations so as to effectively isolate certain genes as being the cause of a specific phenotype. However the effects of a gene can be a result of complex interactions within its genetic background. Scientist have tried to maintain and isogenic genetic background. However in choosing the appropriate isogenic background it is important that all of the effects of it be documented so that the appropriate selection of genetic background can be chosen for an expected phenotype and so that the results can be interpreted properly. The effects of different strains on the performance of various different tests of an animal’s behavior are documented here. A well established measure of mouse behavior is open field locomotion. In this measurement a mouse’s amount of movement, rate of movement and other behaviors are measured. These measurements are proposed to suggest specific levels of emotionality and anxiety in mice as well as other underlying traits. The levels of activity and anxiety have been measured for specific strains. The best choice for a strain when trying to assess the level of activity or anxiety for a mutation is the strain that is known to produce the opposite level of anxiety or activity. There are two types of learning tasks that have been assessed for. Complex learning tasks involve and animal using multiple pieces of information simultaneously and Avoidance tasks which involve the animal avoiding a location where they have previously received a shock. Other behavioral traits that have been assessed are aggressiveness, reproductive behavior and the effects of acoustic startle where the reaction of a mouse to a loud noise is measured as well as its reaction when the sound is preceded by a relatively quiet sound The effects of genetic strains have also been studied with regard to their effects on certain drugs. The effects of drugs such as ethanol show that it is very hard to generalize the effects of a specific drug on a specific strain since the reactions vary with the dose given and with the reinforcing effect that it has on the mice. In some studies it was shown that despite the noticeable mean effect of ethanol on a strain it did not have the same effect with a different dose. However certain generalizations of strains sensitivity to ethanol have shown themselves to be robust across several procedural variations.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Enki Bilal’s Perspective on Art in Hatzfeld
Marshal Josip Broz Tito was a Yugoslav revolutionary and statesman, serving in various roles until his death in 1980. Eventhough his presidency has been critisized as authoritarian, Tito had successful economic and diplomatic policies which helped him to be considered as a benevolent dictator by many people including citizens of his own country and those of others. He was a relatively popular public figure both in Yugoslavia and abroad. Tito had internal policies which successfully deal with coexistence of the nations of the Yugoslav federation.The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (otherwise known as SFRY) was the Yugoslav state founded during World War II until it was dissolved in 1992, following the Yugoslav Wars. It was a socialist state and a federation made up of six socialist republics: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. Initially siding with the Eastern bloc under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito at the beginning of the Cold War, Yugoslavia pursued a policy of neutrality after the Tito–Stalin split of 1948, and became one of the founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement.After the death of Tito in 1980, rising ethnic nationalism in the late 1980's led to dissidence among the multiple ethnicities within the constituent republics, followed by collapse of inter-republic talks on transformation of the country and recognition of their independence by some European states in 1991. This led to the country collapsing on ethnic lines, followed by the final downfall and break of the country in 1992, and the start of the Yugoslav Wars.Often described as Europe's deadliest conflict since World War II, the conflicts have become famous for the war crimes, including mass murder, genocide and war rape. These were the first conflicts since World War II to be formally judged genocidal in character. According to the International Center for Transitional Justice, the Yugoslav Wars resulted in the deaths of 140,000 people. The Humanitarian Law Center writes that in the conflicts in former Yugoslav republics at least 130,000 people lost their lives.War rape occurred as a matter of official orders as part of ethnic cleansing, to displace the targeted ethnic group. One of the common misconceptions about the Yugoslav Wars is that they were the result of centuries of ethnic conflict. In fact, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the ethnically mixed region of Dalmatia held close and amicable relations between the Croats and Serbs who lived there, and many early proponents of a united Yugoslavia came from this region, such as Dalmatian Croat Ante Trumbic.However by the time of the outbreak of the Yugoslav Wars the historical hospitable relations between Croats and Serbs in Dalmatia had broken down, with Dalmatian Serbs fighting on the side of the Republic of Serbian Krajina. Clear ethnic conflict between the Yugoslav peoples only became prominent in the 20th century, beginning with tensions o ver the constitution of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes in the early 1920s and escalating into violence between Serbs and Croats in the late 1920s after the assassination of Croatian nationalist Stjepan Radic.Severe ethnic conflict occurred during World War II during which the Croatian Ustase movement committed genocide against Serbs, while the Serbian Chetnik movement responded with reprisals against Croats as well as murdering Bosniaks. However the Yugoslav Partisan movement was able to appeal to all national groups, including Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. Josip Broz Tito was half-Croat half-Slovene. Born Enes Bilalovic in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, to a Slovakian mother and a Bosniak father who had been Josip Broz Tito's tailor, Enki Bilal moved to Paris at the age of 9.Given all these historical informations, what can be said on Enki Bilal's perspective on art? Hatzfeld, a tetralogy deeling with the difficult past and the break up of Yugoslavia from a future point of view ca n help the reader to find an answer to that question. But first of all, what is art? Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities; the visual arts includes the creation of images or objects in fields including painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media.Until the 17th century, art referred to any skill or mastery and was not differentiated from crafts or sciences, but in modern usage the fine arts, where aesthetic considerations are paramount, are distinguished from acquired skills in general, and the decorative or applied arts. (Wikipedia) According to Levi-Strauss, art has had a great number of different functions throughout its history, making its purpose difficult to abstract or quantify to any single concept. This does not mean that the purpose of art is â€Å"vague†, but that it has had many different reasons for being created.The different purposes of art may be grouped according to those that are non-motivat ed, and those that are motivated. Motivated purposes of art refer to intentional, conscious actions on the part of the artist. Some of these functions may be as following: The Avante-Garde: Art for political change. One of the defining functions of early twentieth century art has been to use visual images to bring about political change. Art movements that had this goalâ€â€Dadaism, Surrealism, Russian Constructivism, and Abstract Expressionism, among othersâ€â€are collectively referred to as the avante-garde arts.Art for social inquiry, subversion and/or anarchy: While similar to art for political change, subversive or deconstructivist art may seek to question aspects of society without any specific political goal. In this case, the function of art may be simply to criticize some aspect of society. (Wikipedia) Bilal seem to question what art is and its practice at the end of 20th century. In the second book of the tetralogy, 32 Decembre, on page 9, Nike and his so-called gir l friend receieve an invitation to a party in the form of nuclear light.The invitation appears as a small nuclear explosion, this is a fascinating visual little show but the amount of effort made is certainly unnecessary. It is absurd and pointless. This is an all white party. People who are participating are literally coloured in white. Again a detail Nike thinks that it is absurd. On page 18, Nike finds out that him and the other people who are at the party are actually walking on a white canvas. This puts them in a situation where they are nothing but the art work, they are objects but not subjects.He finds this absurd as well and he does not like it. After a while, it becomes obvious that whatever he or other people at this party are doing there, it is to create and to be part of an art work. This fact is hard to deal with. Warhole, evil and powerful scientist of the first book gets some artistic spirit in the second book of the tetralogy. His starts to consider his new evil pro jects as art works. He also reancarnates himself as the v. g. a. (very great artist) Halrowe. Art is depicted as dangerous in the second book.The story itself becomes more postmedern in that second part. Surreal events and images start to appear more and more, one of them being the head of the Warhole ehich has fishes all around. Warhole is saying things like â€Å"search for power and the joy of creating†. He is pictured as a crazy dangerous artist-scientist. He is calling what he does â€Å"absolute evil art†. Bilal is questioning what does art mean when it is separated from its social context. At the beginning of the first book, he is making a referral to Abdullah Sidran, a Bosnian playwriter†¦
Monday, September 16, 2019
Mind and Consciousness
Mind and consciousness appears to act as inseparable entities. Daily functions  are taken for granted, not given much thought how everyday habitual patterns work. Television programming, selection of music, newspapers, magazines, people we choose to communicate with and the invitation of outside influences has an overall impact on our conscious minds, eventually. Environments, situations and circumstances seem to be automatic, these conditions arrived without any conscious effort.  All external factors  entering into minds is in the process of becoming a part of the consciousness, but almost always temporarily. Understanding differences between consciousness and mind is crucial to understanding the environment we are living in, and our daily behavior. Many people say, they would never select to live in the conditions they live, or are associate with their friends, or select other situations they are currently in. This is where the consciousness is separate from the mind. The mind or brain would not accept these predicaments, but the consciousness selected these situations. People valuing their freedom to go out dancing in nightclubs, or go chase their kids or dog in the park chooses to stay in the middle, maybe lower financial income. Millionaires have to keep up a certain image, because someone is always watching. Running with a dog in the park is not considered sophisticated behavior of an outstanding citizen. The consciousness chooses financial status, friends, environments depending on beliefs. It has often been said by many motivational speakers, â€Å"you are what you think.†Over time, repeated thoughts automatically reoccurring become part of the consciousness. People start behaving like the actors they see on television without realizing they changed, or they pick up an accent. Once the consciousness accepted the outside messages, these beliefs become a part of the person, or who the person actually is. The difference between the mind and consciousness is the mind changes, but the consciousness is permanent or takes a long time or repeated programming for a temporary change. â€Å"Consciousness (pure awareness) is who you are, and does not have a physical origin†(Morose, 2004). Consciousness is much more permanent than the mind. The mind brings us into different environments through jobs, relocations, leaving old friends, meeting new people. Through external changes, we keep our same beliefs, values, feelings; our consciousness. When we leave a place physically, our internal, invisible consciousness goes with us. â€Å"Using the example, Alzheimer’s disease, the brain or mind functions do become partially or totally inaccessible, but consciousness never alters†(Morese). Although the physical body changes, the mind does not. The mind and brain are physical external objects. The conscious mind is the actual soul or internal intentions of the person. Outside appearances are usually an accurate reflection of who they are on the inside. The mind is a fascinating mystery. Scientists conduct numerous studies and research trying to find out more about the minds and consciousness. Naturally, diagnosing physical problems, such as Alzheimer’s, and several forms of brain damage are much easier than unraveling the real mysteries of the mind. Scientists and doctors can see a brain. They cannot see the mind. Much of the conclusions of exactly how the mind works is left up to beliefs, opinions, and study’s of similar patterns. Even when external influences alters personality, it is only for brief periods. For example, a well behaved teen getting mixed up with the wrong crowd intentions will become obvious through any type of discipline or counseling resulting from temporarily choosing the wrong path. The conscious mind is permanent, the mind is changeable. Once external conditions change, the consciousness reveals itself. Source: Morose, (2004) The Separation of Mind and Consciousness; retrieved 13 December 2007  Â
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Countryside v.sCity Life Essay
Have you ever thought about your birth place? Do you make your own decision where to live? I believe every person, in a certain time, think about the place they should live: countryside or city? To make the best choice, we must look at three big differences between countryside and city: the environment, education, entertainment. First of all, the countryside has a quiet and peaceful environment. Since most people living in the countryside make their living mainly on farming, the atmosphere is kept fresh and healthy. They are living close to the nature with green vegetables, pure water. In the countryside, people are neither in a hurry, nor anxious. They can stay in their house until they feel the need to visit their farm. On the contrary, the city has a busy and stressful environment. Everyday city dwellers have to face with pollution by noise and smoke from a huge amount of vehicles. Since many people work in factories or offices, and they also get paid by working hours, every day they are full of schedules and plans. As a result, they are suffering more pressures than those living in the countryside. The next difference between city and countryside is education. In the countryside, there are not many high graded school, many students have to go to the big city for higher education. While schools in the countryside don’t provide much services for students, many schools in the big city are equipped with modern labs supporting for practice and research. Others with workshops on or off campus give the learners the best training for later work. Schools in big cities also offer many activities for low grade students like field trips and boys and girls club. In higher levels, with many exhibitions, fairs, festivals and conferences, students are much easier to do their researches. Entertainment is another concern of many people. In the countryside, entertainment is only in some physical activities: fishing, biking, hiking, swimming. These things, in fact, are only practice outside and sometime not enough for the human nonstop needs. In big cities, there are more culture activities like concerts and cinemas making the richness of mental life. Entertainment of the nightlife including casinos, clubs, hotels, recreation and shopping centers, gyms, fashion centers, contributes to the liveliness of a city, which we are hardly find in the countryside. In conclusion, both countryside and city has their own values. Therefore, people can choose living in the countryside or in the city depending on their most needs. For me, each person only has one life. We are not able to choose the birth place but we completely can choose the place to live. That is the part of reaching our most optimal peak of life. Once we look back we are proud of the happy time we have ever lived in that place.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Human Origins Exhibit Project Essay
After visiting the new David Koch Hall of Human Origins Exhibit in the Smithsonian Institution, Museum of Natural History, it can be inferred that the main concept being portrayed in the said display is the important role that the environment has played in the evolution of human species. Consequently, the previously mentioned idea has long been acknowledged by a number of scientists and researchers worldwide and was cited in various scientific studies and research investigations. Environment is a said to be the main substrate that brings about changes in the life of early humans (Smithsonian Institution, 2010). The environment being defined here includes all the living and non-living elements that affect the manner by which humans live their lives and these are characterized by climate changes, fluctuations in temperature, topographic features of the land, the animals that thrive in the area of concern, and the overall intra- and inter-specific interactions of these organisms (Sample, 2007). One specific example of the impact of environmental activities to human evolution is seen on the events that took place in eastern Africa’s ancient climate. These events are deemed to have occurred about 2. 5 million, 1. 5 million, and 1 million years ago, periods which are also considered to be the era when important human species have emerged (Sample, 2007). These early human species are composed of the Homo habilis, Australopithecus afarensis, and the Homo erectus, humans species who were expert on the various usages of stones and on hunting (Sample, 2007). The coincided emergence of these human species with the shift on climatic features of the Earth during these times clearly signifies an important role of the environment to the development of the lives of our early ancestors. In order to further illustrate the changes in the features of the environment that shaped the future of human species, it will be necessary to cite specific examples of the effects of climate changes on the path of human evolution. First, sudden shift in the temperature of eastern Africa about 3million years ago resulted to drastic changes in the landscape of the said area (Sample, 2007). Researchers found out that lakes of about 300 meters deep were discovered to have been present in many regions of the area but eventually vanished as a result of climate changes and temperature elevation. A direct consequence of the said event is the death of the organisms that were deriving food and water from the lakes, an event which has resulted to the subsequent rupture of the biological food chains and eventual death of the organisms (Sample, 2007). In this case, the aquatic-based population of living organisms, like freshwater fishes, depleted and left the humans with less food for consumption. Another notable event is the conversion of the forest landscapes to unfruitful land areas which are not suitable for supporting the growth of plants and other botanical species (Sample, 2007). Accounts on the investigations of the eastern Africa have shown that this area has encountered about 450C of atmospheric temperature which resulted to the depletion of natural resources. In the face of these occurrences, hominids tried to adapt themselves on the facets of the changing environment. Many were able to successfully withstand the alterations in the environmental setting by allowing the development of larger brains, more powerful jaws, and more diverse food choices (Sample, 2007). Others, however, failed to adapt and evolve thereby preventing the proliferation of their genetic linkage in the succeeding generations. In general, the exhibit showed that the early human species made adjustments in accordance to the changes that happen in their surroundings (Smithsonian Institution, 2010). Changes in the temperature gradient, water availability, and land fertility all contributed to the quality of life that the human species will have. Hence, any alteration or drastic changes on the features of these factors had brought about significant changes in human evolution. What is the theme or take-home message of this exhibit? It is believed that the take-home message of the exhibit is to remind the viewers of the importance of the environment in the lives of humans. In connection to present issues in global warming, the exhibit serves as a direct warning of the things that might happen to the human population today if we will not take care of our environment and will allow the destruction of our natural resources. While it is true that the environment provides humans with numerous resources, it is equally important for people to take care of the environment. Humans must work hand-in-hand to prevent the abusive utilization of our natural resources and everyone must be aware of the issues that concern our Mother Earth. Life on Earth is made possible by the numerous interactions that characterize our surroundings. Destruction or death of any of the elements on these interactions will surely result to notable changes. In like manner, it is important for humans to take care of the environment because all of us are gaining benefits from it. Lastly, the David Koch Human origins Exhibit is a simple everyone of what has the modern human species has achieved and the responsibilities that goes along with these evolutionary achievements.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Torts law problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Torts law problem - Essay Example Based on this certificate, Rhett purchased the land. Later on when Rhett submitted his plans for construction of a residential subdivision, the Council rejected the proposal, on account of flood risk. Due to the refusal, and no other recourse left with Rhett, he had to sell his land to a local farmer at a substantial loss. Now from the facts above, it is quite clear that, there was injustice meted out to Rhett. Now, the problem that Rhett is facing has a solution in Law of Torts. Law of Torts is the field of law which deals civil harms that may be caused to a person. The concept of negligence is integral to the Law of Torts. The definition of negligence under tort law states that, â€Å"the breach of a legal duty to take care, resulting in damage to the claimant which was not desired by the defendant†[L.B. Curzon, Dictionary of Law]. Another popular definition states that, â€Å"Negligence is the omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided upon those consideratio ns which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, would do, or doing something which a prudent and reasonable man would not do.†[Per Alderson B., Blyth v Birmingham Waterworks Co. (1856)]. From Lord Curzon’s definition, we understand that there are three important aspects to prove negligence, one being ‘legal duty to take care’, ‘breach of duty of care’ and the third one being ‘damages’. We will first understand the three ingredients of negligence, and then go on to observe whether the problem at hand actually amounts to negligence, and if so, what the recourse that Rhett has is in this given scenario. Now the duty of care essentially means that, every person owes a duty not to harm their neighbour, and reasonably foresee, whether there action may cause to the person. This principle was laid down in the landmark judgement of Donahue v Stevenson. Further in Capro v. Dickman, their primary components of Duty of Care were la id down. The judgement said that Harm must be (1) reasonably foreseeable (2) there must be a relationship of proximity between the plaintiff and defendant and (3) it must be 'fair, just and reasonable' to impose liability. Now as goes for the ‘first component’, we have to determine whether the Council clerk could reasonably foresee the harm he was about to cause Rhett. In this scenario, it can be reasonably assumed that the clerk knew that the whole and sole responsibility of running the background check on the said property was on him. He was also aware that, if there was any irregularity in the records, it was his duty to point out the Scarlette. Failure to do so, would result in great harm to the buyer of the land, as the buyer was solely depending upon the background check of the Council. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that, the clerk was in a position to ascertain the kind of harm he would cause if he did not take the proper steps to give the proper backgrou nd check on the aforesaid land. So we are sure, that the first ground of Duty of Care exists. Moving on to the ‘second component’, i.e. the relationship of proximity between the plaintiff and the defendant. There was a definite relationship between Rhett and the Council clerk. Rhett had approached the Council clerk, to provide him with the background check on the said land. Therefore, Rhett was expecting the clerk to carry out his duties rightfully and perform the check for him. It was the clerk’
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Pit Stop Case Report Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pit Stop Report - Case Study Example Though the company was expecting to generate cash flows from the restructuring of the company, it had to incur $52 million cost due to the termination of the operating leases or due to the closure of the pit shops. The report is an attempt to analyze that the closure of the operations should be classified as discontinued operation, and to establish which procedure should be undertaken by the company in that situation. Closure of the Pit Store Auto World had two different segments: the Auto Boyz centre and the pit stop centers. The company submits their financial statements as per the US GAAP method. They followed the requirements as mentioned in the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) standards. As per the FASB statement number 131, the company discloses its financial reporting about different statements (FASB, â€Å"Summary of Statement no. 131†). It has been found in the financial statements of the company that the company’s net sales and operating earnings ar e mentioned segment-wise. As per the FASB standard 146, the company also meets the criteria and it has to reveal the costs associated with the retirement or disposal of assets (FASB, â€Å"NEWS RELEASE 07/30/02†). ... flows after disposal and the cash flows can be classified as direct cash flows, then the operations cannot be referred to as discontinued operations. When the company is generating cash flows after disposal and the generated cash flows can be classified as indirect cash flows, then the operation can be called as discontinued operations. In the case of Auto World, the company is not generating cash flows which can be classified as direct cash flows, so the operation can be classified as discontinued cash flows (Jarnagin 36-37). Due to the closing of the pit stop shops, the company management estimated that the restructuring and other charges would be $52 million. The charges were due to the termination of the operating leases and also included some other costs. The accountants of the company should not include this cost as the cost in the segment of the pit stop centre because the cost is from the discontinued operation. So the accountants should include and disclose this cost in the income statement of the company for the next quarter. Recommendation The decision of the management is right as they want all of their services to be available under one roof, which will be more profitable for them and attractive to customers. To avoid the pre tax of $52 million, the company management should use the pit stop stores as stores including both the pit stop stores and the Auto Boyz centers. They should continue operating until the contract with the lessor is terminated, and then they can relocate their branch or extend the contract with the lessor. In this process they don’t have to incur the cost due to the termination of the operating lease, but they have to incur little cost due to the stoppage of operation and the relocation of stores. Conclusion Auto World has taken the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Outline week 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Outline week 4 - Assignment Example Such incidences may include screening for malarial parasites in our blood. Tertiary interventions are procedures taken to reduce the impact caused by the disease after infection and hence reduce its lifespan or longevity. Such interventions may include using proper dosage for treatment of malaria and also using drugs in which malaria will not easily develop resistance against. B. Use of treated mosquito nets and vector control strategies targeted at the environment and indoor residual spraying with DDT have proved very successful in preventing mosquito bites. Use of protective clothing and larval control are very effective. Use of prophylaxis such as quinine, doxycline, mefloquine, and atovaquone has proved positive as secondary intervention measures (Bartoloni A, 2012). In terms of tertiary prevention, patients who treat the disease early prompt diagnosis and reduced complications have shown over 90% full recovery. C. There are opportunities to change the prevalence of malaria. There is need to continuously alter the use of chemoprophylaxis due to the ability of mosquitoes to develop genes which are resistant to drugs if given for a long time. Moreover, there is need to improve screening services as an intervention measure. Provision of knowledge and education to communities most affected is necessary as a way of fighting
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Hamlet by Shakespeare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hamlet by Shakespeare - Essay Example In his first soliloquy, he explains that he is unhappy about his mother marrying King Claudius, just with in a month after the death of his father .More over he does not trust King Claudius. At the same time Ophelia who is in love with young Hamlet is advised against this love affair by her father Lord Chamberlain Polonius as well as her brother Laertes, which makes Hamlet more unhappy. Young Hamlet meets his father’s ghost who tells him that he was killed by Claudius by poisoning. The ghost wants young Hamlet to take revenge for his death. The ghost asks him not to punish his mother for marrying King Claudius, for she will get judged and prosecuted by her own consciousness and in the heaven. Hamlet wants to take revenge on the king, but is fed up with the vanities and deceits of life. â€Å" To be, or not to be , that is the question : /Whether ‘ts nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles/And b y opposing end them.†(Act 111, Scene1, 56-60) Meanwhile different theories arise regarding the strange behavior of young Hamlet. Hamlet had met Ophelia, badly dressed and left with out uttering much to her. Knowing this incident Polonius theorizes that Hamlet’s strange behavior is due to the rejection of him by Ophelia. Queen Gertrude believes that, it is the death of his father and her hurried marriage that is disturbing Hamlet.
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Divided Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Divided Kingdom - Essay Example In Samaria which was the capital of Israel at the time, people fed on their children (2 Kings 6:25-30). According to Collins, for both Judah and Israel, the offences against God were: idol worship, religious syncretism, desecration of the temple with idols, a litany of social and economic injustices and moral decadence. All these problems persisted because of Israel and Judah’s failure to listen to God’s word which came through the prophets. Bad leadership may also have exacerbated this unfortunate state of affairs. All the kings of Israel were not faithful to YHWH, while the bad kings in Judah were Rehoboam (930-913 BC), Abijam (913-911 BC), Jehoram (848-841 BC), Ahaziah (841 BC), Queen Athaliah (841-835 BC), Uzziah (781-740 BC), Manasseh (697-642 BC), Amon (642-640 BC), Jehoahaz (609 BC), Jehoiakim (609-598 BC), Jehoiachin (598-597 BC), Zedekiah (597-586 BC). The good kings of Judah were Asa (11-870 BC), Jehoshaphat (870-848 BC), Jehoash (835-796 BC), Amaziah (796-781 BC), Jotham (740-736 BC), Hezekiah (716-687 BC) and Josiah (640-609 BC) (Collins, 75). Question 2: The history outlined in 1 and 2 Kings is a theological history rather than an accurate accounting of events because therein, the authors were interested in giving an explanation for the division of Israel into two; the reason for the captivity; and hope for the future, rather than an accurate blow-by-blow chronicles of events. The Deuteronomistic History clearly shows that both Judah and Israel succumbed to unfaithfulness to YHWH, and that total destruction of both empires was the appropriate punishment. Again, there are those who trace Deuteronomistic History back to the Babylonian Exile of 585 BC, as the place and time of authorship. The gravity behind this standpoint is that the authors of these books may have been written out of retrospection, and not at the time the actual events contained in Deuteronomistic History materialised. This is to the effect that writing from memory may not be as detailed as a writing which may have been composed at the actual time an incident happened. While this absence of much specific detail may accost the books in Deuteronomistic History, it is not to be misconstrued as to mean contradiction. Instead, details such as exact timeframes and more details concerning Judah are characteristically missing from Deuteronomistic History. Being in Babylon, the authorship behind the Deuteronomistic History may have written to explain the reason behind God’s people being in exile, in lieu of giving a blow-by-blow account on the details which built up, in the run-up to the Exile. In another wavelength, other theorists such as Thomas Romer, a French scholar, have come to see a distinct party of authors who may have had different views (Raymond, 130). 3: David and Solomon as Both Good and Evil Kings Both David and Solomon are remembered simultaneously as both good and evil kings because their regimes were marked with faithfulness and u nfaithfulness to God. The good exploits David and Solomon exacted emanated from faithfulness to God, while their negative acts were are a result of their unfaithfulness to God. David’s goodness is exemplified in the fact that he is the only king, who presided over a united Israel, transported the Ark of the Covenant from Shiloh to Jerusalem, established Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, drove away Israel’s enemies from Jerusalem and Israel, extended mercy to Mephibosheth (the house
Sunday, September 8, 2019
RECOMMENDATION ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
RECOMMENDATION ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION - Essay Example The main source for reference for this study is a 2003 World Bank endorsed report which provides facts about the practice. It also recommends possible interventions that can be taken by various stakeholders. One may ask whether the responsibility of containing this evil be left only to governments. The main stakeholders such as employers, guardians, civil groups, labor authorities and governments have a mandate to collectively strategize on how to look and solve this issue once and for all. This is because if this does not happen the larger society will be in ruin as Larson (14) observes. Introduction Child labor is a nagging issue that is present in most developing countries. This is because of the fact that the policies and laws that govern labor are either too lenient or don’t exist at all. This can be traced back to the period when the world was in the Industrial revolution era according to Sailee Kale (1) who is a contributor to the issues that relate to labor. At thi s point in time, many industries were constructed to manufacture commodities. Because the owners were keen to reduce the expenses that were originating from the inputs, they resolved to adopt cheap labor to maintain the desired profit levels. The main source for this labor was destitute children who could work for food and menial allowances. Such situations are reported by NGOs and the media on a daily basis in India and Africa where children toil the farms and manufacturing factories. The main cause of this situation as this study is going to highlight is poverty and ignorance. Faraaz Sidiqi a human labor consultant speaks widely on these issues and interventions that ought to be taken if the battle against child labor is to be won. Background Information According to Sidiqi (20) Africa and Asia account for more than 90% of the global child labor exploitation cases. This is because of the fact that they are developing at a unusually high rate. Countries in these regions have ag riculture and industrial sectors as the backbone for their economies. The two sectors are labor intensive meaning that they demand a high recruitment of workers to carry out menial jobs. Labor costs take the largest fraction of input expenses in any industry hence a constant search for cheaper supply by the owners. The available option for such labor is the children who are an easy target since they may not be aware of their rights. In the report that was investigating the trends of child labor from 1993-2003 by the World Bank, 22% of all workers in Africa and 15% in Asia were children. This can be a staggering revelation especially at this age and time when the world stresses on education for the future generations. The children working on massive farms or dungeons of factories miss education. The other issue on why the situation is prevalent in today’s society is the policy framework that exists in the affected countries. The laws that dictate labor in those countries are e ither too vague or are not implementable at all by the authorities as the report shows (67). Therefore, the starting point for solving this problem is through a thorough scrutiny of the laws that dictate how children and labor issues relate. This paper will expound on other probable causes of child labor and its associated effects. Later on, there will be a comprehensive look at recommended practices to change the aspect of child related labor. Causes of Child Labor Poverty and
Nursing informatics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Nursing informatics - Essay Example The key aspect of integrated clinical systems is that they help health service providers gather and store health care related data as a part of the general workflow. In this scenario, an electronic health record system facilitates the health care service providers to get data for billing, the doctor to perceive developments in the efficiency of treatments, a medical researcher to examine the effectiveness of medicine in patients with co-morbidities and a nurse to report an unfavorable reaction. Additionally, an EHR system puts together data to deal with different requirements. The basic goal is to gather data once, then utilize it numerous times. The majority of commercial electronic health records join together data from the large subsidiary services or departments, such as laboratory, pharmacy and radiology, through a wide variety of health care actions (i.e. medication administration records [MAR], nursing plans and medical physician orders). In other words, the use of an EHR system is the next step in the continuous development of healthcare sector that can reinforce the link between healthcare service providers and patients, because the data, and the appropriate and timely accessibility of it, allow health service providers to provide better care and make better decisions ... personal information that is stored in EHRs can be: (TechTarget, 2011; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2012; National Institutes of Health, 2006) Family history Contact information Allergies Insurance information Information regarding visits to health care specialists Immunization position Information regarding some conditions or diseases A list of medications Records of hospitalization Information regarding some surgeries or procedures performed What are Advantages of EMRs? Healthcare firms can save space by reducing paper work desired for hospitals, medical offices or insurance businesses. One more benefit of electronic health records is that they enable health care groups to organize health care services. In addition, the use of electronic health record systems can save a lot of time. Although faxing and email helps one doctor to obtain data and information from another laboratory or doctor, but for this they had to wait for a long time. But with EHRs, healthcare profess ionals can have immediate access to a patient’s details and data, such as lab tests, x-rays and details of recommendations or allergies, in this way they will be authorized to act right away, as a result saving a lot of precious time (Ellis-Christensen, 2012; Ausmed Education Pty Ltd. , 2012; Outlook Associates, 2010). Given below are some of major advantages of EHRs: (Ausmed Education Pty Ltd. , 2012) Improve communication among healthcare professionals Reduce repetition of information Information is accessible to healthcare professionals remotely All healthcare professionals can access same latest information Improve loyalty and reliability of healthcare Information less likely to be lost or destroyed (as it can happen in case of paperwork) Can more correctly store financial data
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Choosing a College Course Essay Example for Free
Choosing a College Course Essay Introduction Many students find it difficult in choosing what course to take in college. For seniors or graduating high school students, the pressure goes higher as the end of their term is coming because the time is running and decreasing for deciding what course they will take. Choosing a course is really a hard decision to make. Your future depends on it and the decision you will make would determine what life you will have in the future. This is the first step in your life as an independent person and this is the first step for your success. You should be careful in choosing a course because when you have started on it there is no way getting back. You can shift to another course but a lot of thing will be wasted: your effort, money and time. So from the start you should pick the right one and you should make up your mind that this is the course for you and this will lead you to success. Many would say that they haven’t chosen yet or they were not sure about the course they want to pursue. Some might have chosen before and decided what to take but in the end they want to change it because they weren’t sure or still confused. And the wide range of choices of college courses made it more difficult to choose. But you are not really â€Å"clueless†in choosing what course to take, there are some factors you would consider and this might help you pick the suitable and best course for you. Your Personal Interests The most basic consideration in the choice of a college major or college course is, of course, what you want. Is there something that you’ve always wanted to get into, something that resonates within the very fiber of your being? If so, that may be where you’re meant to go. The more interested you are in a subject, the more likely you are to study it and achieve a strong result. This is particularly important at college when you are responsible for your own study. List the fields of study that interest you, and come up with a list of courses you would consider studying based on these interests. Add the topics that you were most interested in during school as well as jobs that you envied others for. At some point, many students try to fit in a course or two based purely on personal interest. While their majors may reflect their primary interest, most people are interested in more than one intellectual pursuit, so a biology major who has a passion for movies might take a film course. This is not necessarily what are you good at, but what do you love doing? You might be great at math, but you spend your weekends fixing up bits of old computers. So don’t study math, focus on IT or computer engineering instead. Specialize in your passion. Cost Of Study Affordability is another aspect you need to consider while deciding on your course, as well as the additional costs that occur, such as text books, field trips etc. However, do not let cost hamper your career choice, as there are a number of financial assistance options available to complete the course. College tuitions soar each year, advancing far in excess of the inflation rate. The overall inflation rate since 1986 increased 115.06%, which is why we pay more than double for everything we buy. On the other hand, during the same time, tuition increased a whopping 498.31%. See chart below Many schools have increased tuition fees due to higher overhead costs. Fuel and labor costs continue to rise. Many older college buildings are in need of renovation or replacement. The demand for expanded libraries and new research and computer labs is at an all-time high. Some schools also need additional security measures. But Dont Let College Costs Scare You! These costs may seem overwhelming, but there are ways to keep expenses down. Remember that college educations come at all levels of cost, and that financial aid can reduce that cost. If a school is a great fit for you but seems too expensive, it makes sense to apply and then see whether your financial aid offer will bring the cost down. Dont give up on a college because of its sticker price. Financial Aids Grants and scholarships are the most desirable types of funding you can receive to pay for your college education, since they don’t need to be repaid. While any amount of free money will be competitive, especially in a tough economic climate, the sooner and more often you apply the more luck you’ll have. The list of reasons why a scholarship may be given to a particular student is quite long, although some of the more popular awards are given to students who achieve academically, are athletically gifted, choose to enroll in a particular program of study, are part of a certain kind of organization, or choose to enroll in the military and still further their education. A scholarship might cover the entire cost of your tuition, or it might be a one-time award of some cash. Either way, it’s worth applying for, because it’ll help reduce the cost of your education. Career opportunities Look at the career prospects of the course before selecting one. Consider various factors such as income, job security, stress, responsibility and other benefits while researching a profession. Not all courses are created equal. Yes, they all offer a diploma upon completion, but they dont guarantee a job. When you are choosing a major, it would be wise to check out the job placement statistics of others who have pursued this degree. There is no reason why you should be the guinea pig; if a specific career is your reason for choosing this major, investigate the success of others. If you want to avoid a data entry position, check out all of the opportunities available and your chance at landing one of those positions after graduation. Commitment, Time and Practical Considerations Choosing a college course requires you to look inwards and assess your commitment to your chosen path. Assuming that you have the issue of money and other practical considerations settled, do you actually possess the skills and the patience to go the distance? Moreover, do you actually want to do so? There’s also a chance that your parents may be expecting you to tread a certain academic path; will you have the strength and the will to stick it out against all odds? You should also be aware of what you’re getting into when choosing a college major. What will your college course require you to do? Are you willing to do it? As a case in point, if you’re squeamish about the sight of blood, why should you decide to go for a Nursing Degree? To be certain that you will be committed to your studies, find out the duration of your course. Taking double-degrees, full time or part-time depends on your personal choice. Ensure that you will be able to balance your other priorities along with education. Study flexibility varies amongst universities. Demand If your goal is to be employed immediately after graduation, base your choice not on popular courses, but on employable courses, or courses that are the most in-demand in the job market. Job seeking is becoming an increasingly competitive sport these days. With thousands of students graduating each year and limited number of job opportunities available to them, plenty of job seekers end up resorting to options they wouldn’t had to choose if they had other alternatives. These days, there is no time to get into a career and then decide if it is the right one for you. You should know right from the beginning what is right for you and what career you can excel in. Thanks to the very competitive nature of the employment sector, getting the right job or choosing the right career is not as easy as it once used to be. Everyone is looking for help in deciding what career should be chosen. Obviously, in todays competitive world, everyone wants a job or career that has high pay, job stability, and great future prospects. However, owing to the bad effects of the recently experienced economic recession, a majority of people are looking forward to changing careers. The careers that are being sought after are top jobs in demand for the future, which are mostly from the medical field. The main reason why medical jobs are and will be in demand is because they do not have any impact of the financial crisis arising in the economy. So if you want to secure a job in the future, pick a course that is in demand after you graduate. Conclusion Even you have known some things that you might consider in choosing a course, the choice is still yours and the one who will decide is no other but you. Choose on what you think is the best for you and what you think that will give you success. But remember that even you have chosen a course that is qualified for all the factors listed and will give great results, it not ends in there. The most important thing is in everything you do always give your best shot. Work hard for everything you want to achieve and accomplish. Don’t quit and never give up. And most of all ask God for help and guidance in everything you do. Pray for it. God has the best plan for you. When you do all these things, I’m sure that whatever course you will take, you will be successful and you will have a wonderful future.
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