Saturday, August 31, 2019
Romeo and Juliet Fate
Forced marriage – Feud (we don't know what the feud is over, its never explained. Its clearly fate because they don't know what they're arguing about) – Meeting at the party (Romeo is drugged) – Violence: Deaths of Table and Mercuric (influences) when Romeo kills Table everything starts falling apart – Forced marriage – attitude to women – If women were valued, women would not be forced into such as marriage and not treated Just as objects, we may see more love and less violence.Mercuric says if you fall in love you become less masculine – Prologue (Not only will they die, the only way for the feud to end if for them to die.This is the only way out, it is certain) from the outset the viewer knows they'll die, not only for each other but to stop violence and feud because its written in the stars – Loveliness between Montague and Caplet – Only example of love besides Romeo and Juliet, is Romeo and Mercuric but Romeo doesn't love Mercuric back, no one loves anyone, or doesn't seem too, Lady Caplet doesn't love Juliet Romeo: Romeo-reckless young man (Friar Lawrence tells Romeo to slow down, find quote) Rushes into things, very in-touch with his emotions, lets it get the best of him (top with heart, symbolic) â€Å"Oh I am fortunes fool†is he was passionate young man, he would not have made the decision to kill Table Romeo and Juliet are in no way to blame for their untimely deaths, discuss. Agree: – Fate has determined that they must die (as is written in the prologue)
Friday, August 30, 2019
Does Music Really Create Better Students Education Essay
In 1981 Bob Marley died of malignant melanoma, a unsafe malignant neoplastic disease found in the toe. â€Å" He was a large musical figure to the universe: his music spoke to an exhausted and oppressed coevals that had experienced incredible poorness, racism, hungriness, and force †( HistoryWorld 2 ) .A Bob Marley ‘s lazy, loosen uping reggae music connected non merely with his Jamaican chaps, but besides to the young person in the United States and Western Europe so efficaciously that he was looked upon as one of the most influential political figures in the western world.A Bob Marley, a hapless Jamaican Rastafarian of 30 old ages, was lifted to a place of unofficial but immensely important political power by nil more than his religious, socially cognizant music.A Bob Marley is one of many instrumentalists that have proved that music can hold a profound consequence on many facets of humanity. Music is the most common linguistic communication in the western world.A Books must be translated, addresss interpreted, symbols and hand-gestures explained.A Music, on the other manus, is different.A American, Chinese, Russian, Italian, and German instrumentalists all â€Å" read †and â€Å" hear †the same music, â€Å" enchantment †chords the same manner, and know the same musical â€Å" alphabet. â€Å" A The alone uniformity of music makes it the lone linguistic communication that can be understood at face value by, rather literally, everyone who hears it.A While music is heard, on the most basic degree, uniformly by every hearer, it is wholly unfastened to reading. A It is about certain that each and every hearer who hears the exact same composing, in the exact manner, at the exact same clip, will construe it in a wholly original way.A A A A A A A The uniformity of linguistic communication and originality of reading that music provides causes it to unite both the logical â€Å" left-brain †and the originative â€Å" right-brain †in ways which no other medium renders possible.A For illustration, Miles Davis ‘s legendary free wind album Bitches Brew was captured in one recording and is wholly improvisational with perfectly zero anterior planning.A The antonym, nevertheless, can be seen in the preciseness and technically pristine playing of the great classical fiddle ace, Itzhak Perlman.A Both Davis and Perlman are playing nil but the standard 12 notes found in the musical alphabet.A Both exhausted countless hours for the huge bulk of their lives practising their trade, honing their accomplishments, analyzing the elaboratenesss of music theory, and the natural philosophies of their peculiar instruments.A The consequences of all of this pain-staking research and pattern, when interpreted and utilized by two d ifferent heads, are entire opposites.A On the one manus, the consequence is musical flawlessness – on the other, its opposite.A Both are superb, both are rooted in a really scientific and precise survey of music, both are wholly originally and are really different from one another.A This unusual combination of logic and creativeness becomes increasing apparent when music is utilized in the acquisition procedure and makes music critical portion of a kid ‘s instruction due to its consequence on concluding abilities and possible as a larning tool in many scenes. â€Å" Music is a powerful tool and as seen can dramatically better and enrich everybody. It makes sense to force music instruction and to let immature coevalss to derive these fantastic benefits – higher intelligence through increased originative thought, job resolution and physically stronger encephalons, a higher perceptual experience of life including better attitudes, strong desires to accomplish and carry through and higher ego esteem, better developed subject, survey accomplishments, concentration, communicating and squad accomplishments which transfer from instruction through to career and a better apprehension of communities and society †( Guth 1 ) . A Music holds tremendous potency for helping in the educational process.A At the root of music ‘s possible as an educational tool is the alone manner that affects the human brain.A In recent old ages, scientists have made amazing finds demoing that music has a significant consequence on a hearer ‘s concluding abilities.A Scientists have been analyzing the effects of music on persons ‘ concluding abilities since the Gallic scientist Dr. Albert Tomatis began analyzing the effects of music composed by Amadeus Mozart on autistic kids in the late 1950's.A Children were trained to prove out how music effects their public presentations. At the terminal of preparation, all the kids were able to execute simple tunes by Beethoven and Mozart. When they did â€Å" they were so subjected to spatial-temporal logical thinking trials calibrated for age, and their public presentation was more than 30 % better than that of kids of similar age given either computing machine lessons f or 6 months or no particular preparation. †( Bridgett 3 ) Since so legion scientist at the helm of legion surveies have concluded non merely that music has a positive consequence on the encephalon ‘s capacity to believe critically, but that music can arouse drastic alterations in temper and heed. A survey published in May of 2001 by Atkinson College ‘s Psychology Department examined the cogency of the Mozart Effect.A The research workers tested the effects of listening to a bright, up-tempo piece of music on spacial logical thinking and compared them to the effects of listening to a slow, sad piece of music.A They measured non merely the participants ‘ ability to ground following hearing to the piece but besides the consequence that the piece had on their mood.A They found that those who listened to the sad music experienced feelings of ennui or unhappiness and performed significantly worse on the concluding trial. The survey concluded that music ‘s consequence on concluding and test-taking abilities is really a bypr oduct of the effects music has on mood.A They concluded that the Mozart Effect resulted in â€Å" an sweetening of spatial-temporal logical thinking public presentation after listening to Mozart ‘s music for 10 proceedingss depends on the person and the particular undertakings chosen. †( Bridgett 6 ) Then In 2008 the Osaka School of Medicine conducted a survey that expanded on this concept.A The 2008 survey examined topics ‘ encephalons as they listened to music.A This survey focused on the key of the music and its consequence on the brain.A The survey found that music composed in a major manner ( which tends to sound â€Å" happier †) reduces emphasis degrees and can greatly cut down mental weariness which can halter the encephalon ‘s ability to treat information and do decisions.A Music composed in a minor manner ( which tends to sound â€Å" sad †) besides had a positive consequence on the encephalon but non to the same extent.A A While the music does impact the human encephalon unusually and positively, the possible benefits music can convey to pupils are non limited to its mensurable impact on the brain.A Music is besides an effectual tool for larning a assortment of accomplishments that are good to pupils ‘ mundane lives in the long term, including logical thinking and analytical abilities, teamwork, and discipline.A One accomplishment that music helps to learn that is really closely related to its antecedently mentioned effects on encephalon chemical science is by conditioning pupils to look at and analyze state of affairss creatively.A Music presents an remarkably synergistic and entertaining manner of learning pupils to believe critically and to work out jobs that are frequently abstract and subjective in nature.A â€Å" The substance of drama in really immature kids is normally comprised of the environmental objects and experiences to which they have been exposed. If the music environment is sufficiently rich, there will be a uninterrupted and of all time richer spiral of exposure to new musical elements followed by the kid ‘s playful experimentation with these elements. †( Suda 6 ) Music instantly teaches pupils to do abstract associations between what their fingers do and what they hear come out of their instrument.A Students can instantly get down, merely by larning a simple tune that they hear on a regular footing ( Happy Birthday, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, etc. ) , larning to organize and do these associations.A Once pupils learn to read music an wholly new kingdom of possibility is opened.A Students so get down doing associations between what they read on the piece of music, what note they are to play ( A, C # , D, Bb, etc. ) what their fingers should make to properly p lay the note ( on many instruments this may affect a determination between to feasible methods of playing the same note ) , and what the note will sound like in context.A When reading music, nevertheless, this melodious reading is accompanied by an every bit of import rhythmic reading.A A A A A A A Rhythm is highly of import to any piece of music and is an effectual tool for learning fractions and division.A Being able to split is critical to being able to read rhythms.A The basic rhythmic pulsation of a piece of music is called the beat.A You may detect a performing artist ‘s pes tapping as he plays.A Performers frequently tap their pes on each round or every other beat.A The velocity with which the beats pass is called the pacing. Throughout a work, the music will be notated with a series of specific types of notes.A Among these are whole notes, half notes, one-fourth notes, and 8th notes.A In 4/4 or â€Å" common clip, †if a note is marked with a whole note the note will be held for four beats.A If marked with a half note it will be held for half of four beats.A In order to decently read a beat a pupil must larn how to divide.A Harmonizing to a recent survey on a school, â€Å" 76 per centum of kids enrolled in the music plan performed above norm on their math ematical scrutinies †( 2 ) . This clearly makes rhythm an effectual tool for larning peculiar mathematical accomplishments. More of import than the specific accomplishments that reading music and rhythm aid to learn is the fact that public presentation of a piece of written music requires insistent and changeless exercise of these skills.A A While reading a piece of music a individual must travel through all the associations necessary to play a note that they see written and at the same time analyze the peculiar rhythmic marker and keep the note for the proper duration.A Before the note has been sounding for its full continuance, the performing artist or pupil must already be treating the following note and finding its proper rhythmic value.A A piece of music every bit simple as â€Å" Jingle Bells †will necessitate a pupil to do this association over one hundred times.A Scientists have discovered that larning to read music or play a musical instrument develops higher believing skills.A †The kid who is skilled at music excels at problem-solving, rating, and analysis.A Music reading uses the same part of the encephalon that ‘s used in mathematical thought †( Schellenberg 4 ) .A That ‘s why so many adept instrumentalists are besides rather good in math.A Music requires changeless mental exercising that can fix the head with the ability to do split-second analyses in any state of affairs. A A A Not merely does music promote a pupil to work independently, it besides encourages pupils to join forces with others and work as portion of a team.A For most kids, athleticss squads are the lone chance to larn how to work as portion of a team.A Sports, nevertheless, are highly limited in their ability to provide different ability levels.A Sports tend to offer squads for really specific age degrees and, at each interval, there is a really limited scope of accomplishment levels.A This often consequences in the exclusion of kids who, due to their physical properties or skill degree, can non maintain gait with the rate at which other kids their age learn.A Sports, by nature, are besides highly competitive.A This competition consequences in competition non merely between squads, but between team-mates and consequences in the exclusion of kids who can non efficaciously assist their squad win.A â€Å" Music allows people of all ages and accomplishment degrees to take part and join fo rces †( Guth 1 ) . Unlike athleticss, which is limited to athletic peoples, music is something that ensures people that no affair what their ability degree or when they began to larn about music, can bask the educational benefits that music offers.A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Music may besides be used to profit pupils in the survey of History.A It is important for a pupil to hold a thorough apprehension of the societal and cultural context of a historical event if he or she is to understand it completely.A For this ground CollegeBoard has stated that the surveies of â€Å" cultural, economic, political, and societal developments and artistic look and rational discourse are the main aims of their Advanced Placement European classs †( 1 ) .A Music is a microcosm of the society that produces it, and is, hence, reveals much about the thoughts and doctrines of a clip period.A The late seventeenth century and the mid eighteenth century were know as the â€Å" Age of Enlightenment †a clip of progressive idea and philosophy.A This is apparent in the music of the time.A Around the bend of that century came the morning of the Classical Period.A This was a clip of complex, yet subdued music.A Composers like Wolf gang Mozart and Franz Shubert composed spectacularly complex and intellectually stimulating music that reflected the meditative, subdued philosophical nature of much of European society. In short, music is intended to be a vehicle for self-expression and in a universe where so much history is left off the functionary record, music is the lone penetration we have into the elaboratenesss of society that would otherwise be lost forever.A Exposure to the music of different civilizations and even different categories or societies within a peculiar civilization shows us how the universe looked through the eyes of those who were at that place and helps us to understand the societal context of the events that we study in history category. A A A A A A A A A A A Music is besides utile in the survey of English, much in the same manner that it ‘s utile in the survey of History.A Literature and music, over the class of history, both evolve as parts of larger artistic movements.A Romanticism, Impressionism, Realism, and other artistic motions all have distinguishable features that are seeable through the scrutiny of all artistic media.A For case, Romantic authors wrote about the extremes of human emotion.A Edgar Allen Poe wrote of horror and enigma and many other authors wrote of freedom, joy, hatred, fright, and the full spectrum of human emotion.A â€Å" Music of the Romantic period explored the same full scope through the usage of complex, modulating harmoniousness and wild swings in pacing and dynamic †( HistoryWorld 8 ) A Through the observation of music of assorted clip periods and civilizations, much can be learned about the larger artistic motions of which plants of literature were a portion. Music ‘s possible educational benefits are countless, but doing these benefits accessible to kids can show rather a challenge.A There are, nevertheless, several ways that music can be made more readily available to students.A The first and most straightforward manner to advance music instruction is to do instruments more available to pupils outside of the classroom.A Music instruction is often available through private teachers but, due to fiscal or other restraints, is frequently non a feasible option.A In the past 50 old ages, direction in the humanistic disciplines have alternately ascended and descended in their popularity, verve, and support, particularly in the K-12 classs. â€Å" Music has taken some of the biggest and more frequent cuts among the humanistic disciplines due, in great portion, to the high costs of sheet music and instrument purchase and fix. Other humanistic disciplines direction such as ocular humanistic disciplines, dance, and choir have suffered great ly from clip to clip, but music seems to hold taken the greatest hit †( Guth 2 ) . Many of these establishments, are sustained by authorities money or the contributions of private citizens.A This greatly limits the support that is available for new extracurricular activities or the enlargement of those that are in topographic point already. A A A A A A A A A A A A Integrating music into the current instruction system would let for the sweetening of the nucleus capable affair upon which simple, in-between, and high school instruction is based.A While music ‘s utilizations as a instruction aide do it highly utile, incorporating musical analysis into the nucleus course of study would let pupils to enrich their instructions and would besides expose them to a linguistic communication that is genuinely cosmopolitan and is proven to heighten their heads ability to analyse and reason.A The usage of music in the instruction in some signifier or another will expose pupils to a sophisticated cosmopolitan art-form that is both aesthetically and practically valuable.
American Dream: Then and Now Essay
Imagine you are one of the early settlers in America. You left Europe, a world full of religious persecution, political oppression and poverty behind you. You have dreams like: -Personal freedom, self-fulfillment, dignity and happiness, -Economic things, like prosperity and success -Rising from poverty to fame and fortune (from rags to riches) -Social dreams of equality and a classless society -Religious dreams of religious freedom in a â€Å"promised land†in which they were God ´s chosen people -Political dream of democracy It ´s in the soul of Americans and it is reflected in basic beliefs and values. Some of important foundation stones are -The Declaration of Independence in 1776. It ´s the legal foundation of the American Dream and states that â€Å"all men are created equal†and that every citizen has â€Å"a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness†-The Bill of Rights in 1791. It limits the powers of the central. Federal government and confirms the freedom and equality of all American citizens. -The â€Å"Frontier†1790 till 1890 The moving of pioneers westward and the establishment of the North American continent. Since then the â€Å"frontier spirit†roots in American souls. -In 1865 Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery after the end of the Civil War -In 1920 do all American women get the right to vote -1870: Voting rights are extended to all adult males of all races -Franklin D. Roosevelt apply in overcome the extreme poverty and inequalities that resulted from the Great Depression of the 1920s -As a result of Martin Luther King ´s Civil Rights Movement and his dream of a colour-blind society, racial segregation in public places, scools, etc. and job discrimination are banned in 1964 This way of fighting for one ´s nation dream gives America its character and is still shared by most Americans today Individualism: In the early days, the success of most Americans depended on their ability to confront the hardships and challenges of the wilderness on their own. Today, the idealization of the self-reliant, self-sufficient, independent individual is still alive. Government regulation is often resisted, and it is seen as the individual’s responsibility to make a living and succeed in a competitive society. Freedom: The freest and best society in the world, superior to every other nation. Their country as a welcoming haven for those longing for individual freedom and opportunity. Mobility; optimism; flexibility: Settling the West meant making a fresh start in a land of spaciousness. Today with the same sense of optimism about their chances to succeed, Americans are still prepared to move great distances to improve their lives through a better job or a more pleasant climate. They also accept a high degree of social mobility (upward and downward) on the â€Å"ladder of success†as a fact of life, and relate this success primarily to individual achievement and their own flexibility when looking for new opportunities. Hard work: According to the Puritan work ethic, it was the individual’s duty to work hard and to show self discipline. Material success through hard work was seen as a sign of God’s favour and a good education as the key to prosperity. Patriotism: Foreign visitors to America are quick to observe numerous patriotic symbols. American flags are omnipresent, and stickers announce â€Å"I’m proud to be an American†. National holidays such as Thanksgiving and Independence Day (4th of July) intensify the sense of national pride. An actual topic is the weapons law culminated. On Friday the 14th of December a heavily armed gunman killed 26 people, including 20 children from 5 to 10 years old, in a rampage at a Connecticut elementary school. It was one of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. According to the character of America: Individualism, freedom and personal responsibility, a lot of Americans would say, that’s important to have guns. Like â€Å"defense yourself if you have to†It ´s like you take the Alcohol out of Germans society. Germans without Beer. But this problem is a much bigger than alcohol because it takes a lot of human lives and it ´s a problem of basics in many American minds. The gun lobby wants to prepare schools with armed teacher and security guys. Obama wants stricter laws, but whether he really achieves it, it’s a matter of how Americans think over themselves and their dreams and how strong the gun lobby really is. What do you think is it possible for Obama to strict gun laws in America, according to the actually American dream?
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Customer Service Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Customer Service - Assignment Example The needs and requirements of the different types of customers visiting the hotel are as follows: Backpackers and Solo Travellers These travellers spend a lot of time exploring the city alone and prefer convenient amenities and services at affordable prices. They are regarded as one of the most important customers as they are regarded as one of the most important customers, which contribute highly to the hospitality industry (Capozzi, 2013). Couples They form an important part of the hotel industry and have tailor made hotel accommodation like couple and honeymoon suites. These customers also expect special types of discount and incentive packages to be offered to them (Capozzi, 2013). Families Families visiting the hotel have few specific needs, like kid friendly environment, spacious rooms, and discounts. They also require some additional amenities like booster chairs, wide stroller friendly paths and changing station (Capozzi, 2013). Corporate Customers Their requirements are very different from the individuals and services like fast speed internet access, detail to quality of hotel accommodations rooms and services, and various other service offerings (Capozzi, 2013). (b) The reliance on customer service methods like, feedback survey would be significant in improving the hotel structures, procedures and quality, which would be for the betterment of the entire organization (Capozzi, 2013). A customer feedback survey was drafted to understand the customer requirements and is provided in the appendices. (c) Service Current Policy Feed Back Evaluation Method Customer Expectations Travel services Customer is supposed to book the rental car and travel facilities six hours before the required time. It includes travel facilities only to immediate travel locations. The feedback was collected through the customer information filled in the complaint register (Chilisa, 2011). Customers want booking of travel services through telephone and also flexibility of timings. T ourist services As per the current policy only visitors of the hotels are allowed for the service and need to book the tourist service 3 months in advance. The information was collected through the feedback form during their travel visits. Customers are happy with the existing services only the timing factor poses to be a hindrance. Customers want to book the travel prior to one month instead of three months. Pubs, nightclubs and bars. The bars and the nightclubs, pubs are located separately and the timings of these facilities are 10:00 am to night 2:00 pm. The members of the hotel and the visitors are only allowed to visit the hotel. The feedback was collected through the survey conducted by the researcher. Customer wants the extension of timings of the nightclubs, pubs and bars till 3:30 pm. Catering The catering services are offered to corporate and individual customers as per advance booking. The feedback was collected through the survey polls conducted through an opinion form. The catering service needs to be upgraded as per the menu by inclusion of more menus. Membership Clubs The member ship clubs are given on the annually and half yearly basis and discounts, special privileges are provided to customers. No customer survey was conducted, but the opinion of the members was taken into general consideration. None The management has considered various changes in
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Soc Of Develop Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Soc Of Develop Countries - Essay Example This highlights that the Hondurans have not realized a new engagement strategy as per the Obama’s undertaking. The Obama administration has called for the promotion of democracy and has clearly indicated that Coup is not an appropriate approach of resolving conflicts; however, the administration has not responded accordingly. The article observes that the US administration has adopted a silent position because of the fear of the growing authority in the Latin nations. This indicates the administration’s views are not justifiable. The secret of the people’s power in a situation of a revolution emanates with their ability to uniting for a common interest. A revolution may start with few individuals; however, if these individuals have ideologies that can attract other peoples to their side, they can easily establish a huge group with a strong command (Griffiths, 2011). This is affirmed by the fact that a leader may silence one or two protesters, but can hardly suppress millions of protesters who are determined to witness a change. Apparently, no personal skills or leadership tactics can survive such forces. Accordingly, focus is an imperative aspect that is attributable to the secret of the people’s authority during revolution. Indeed, people who has strong quest of changing a certain situation are likely to attain the same (Handelman, 2011). Political instabilities and poor governance that fails to uphold the concept of democracy are crucial factors, which may lead to suctioning of military interventions in the Third World politics (Handelman, 2011). An autonomy state reserves the authority of controlling its territory. However, in situations where a state fails to exercise appropriate control, global military intervention becomes essential. This is primarily promoted by a situation that present existence of persistent unsettled religious, racial or historical concerns of great magnitude. Importantly, military intervention may be necessary in a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Introduction to Psychology ........Midterm quiz, Essay
Introduction to Psychology ........Midterm quiz, - Essay Example Moreover, some of the behaviors are the outcomes of unconscious mental activities. In other words, mental processes are conscious and unconscious. But we don’t know which behavior is the outcome of the conscious or unconscious mental processes. So psychological studies based on mental processes alone may not be logical In an experiment to determine whether a drug reduces anxiety, the experimenter manipulates who in the experiment gets the drug and who gets the placebo. The variable that is manipulated is the drug. In a double-blind experiment, neither the individuals nor the researchers know who belongs to the control group and the experimental group. In the above experiment the experimenter knows which subjects are getting the drug and placebo. In order to make the above experiment a double blinded one the experimenter should also unaware of what is given to the subjects. A psychologist decides to study whether Buddhist meditation reduces anxiety and interviews 20 people who meditate regularly and 20 people who do not meditate at all. The experimenter asks a series of questions designed to test anxiety level and finds that those who engage in meditation have less anxiety.  It is possible that people who are less anxious to begin with choose to meditate. Moreover it is not clear from the study that whether the subjects were suffering from anxiety disorders or not before the start of the meditation. It is also not clear that whether the subjects used any other medications at the time of testing the Buddhist meditations. The selection criteria of the subjects are also not evident from the study. It is quiet possible that some of the subjects might be children who usually experiences less anxiety compared to adults.  Identical twins come from same egg and sperm whereas the fraternal twins come from different eggs and sperms. Thus Fraternal twins develop
Monday, August 26, 2019
Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) formula 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) formula 1 - PowerPoint Presentation Example To begin with, cell Phones have got many different features and purposes that have helped the society in various ways. The primary features of Cell Phones especially Smartphone include Internet application services and money transfer services (Vats Web). Most current account customers can instantly send or receive cash using their smart phones. An individual with a smart phone can accept credit card payments quickly, securely from anywhere. This feature, which is easy to set up, allows a user to key transactions and adds a credit card swiper to take advantage of low rates. Smartphone allows use of master account by linking many accounts to create an enterprise level solution. These features make it easier to do business from any corner of the world. Customers with Smartphone can now scan in their checks deposit from anywhere. The issue of mailing checks or making queues at the ATM is long overdue to Smartphone users using the Mobile PC deposit app. In addition, cell Phones have numerous internet application features that have to a great extent benefited their users. Smartphone uses web browsers of very high quality that can be used to browse internet with ease compared to other standard phones (Vats Web). The Smartphone can be connected to the laptops to access the internet and some Smartphones have expandable memories and powerful processors that help in storing large media data and can be used to connect to stream media from internet media providers. Smartphone, by using app such as Open Garden allows users to share mobile web access by forming a mesh network by connecting it to laptops. Interestingly, a Smartphone user can participate in teleconferencing by using noise cancelling handset to reduce noise and using the Smartphone timer to manage the teleconferencing duration. Moreover, the big memory in the Smartphone and powerful processors allow users to download songs games and videos anytime (Vats Web). Some Cell Phones enable live streaming
Sunday, August 25, 2019
An Investigation of the impact of change on Sotheby's Research Paper
An Investigation of the impact of change on Sotheby's - Research Paper Example 5 Changes in Auctioneering Process†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦. 6 Impact of Technological Changes to Sotheby’s Company †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 Impact of Technological Changes on Buyers and Sellers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Financial Policy Changes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦ 8 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 Recommendations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... 10 Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.... 12 Impacts of Changes to Sotheby’s Company Introduction and Background Sotheby’s is a multinational corporation that has its origin in Britain, but is currently headquartered in New York. It is one of the world’s largest brokers of decorative and fine arts real estate, jewelry, and collectibles (Innovation, Theories of Art, and Sotheby’s Company 2011, 63). The company divides its operations into three segments. These include finance, Dealer and auction. Among other products and services, the company deals in a range of services including Private Sales to Corporate Art Services. Traditional operations of Sotheby†™s Company make it the fourth oldest auctioneering company in continuous operation in over 40 countries and with 90 locations worldwide (Gus 2012, 44). By December 2011, the company boasted of 1446 employees worldwide. Sotheby’s is arguably the world’s largest art enterprise with global sales that totaled up to $5.8 billion in 2011 (Gus 2012, 44). Relative success of the company can be attributed to its efficient mode of operation that it established right from its inception in 1744 in London. The company has maintained a culture of management that looked at the business in three distinct dimensions. The company viewed and treated the business as having the categories of finance, auctions and finance. Sotheby’s is a master at managing timing during biding struggles among wealthy buyers. This is a unique piece of art the company has learnt to perfect and preserve over the years. Auctioneering capabilities of the company has made it become a marketing timer as w ell. In November 2013, the company’s shares were trading just below the highest level hit in two years. The company announced reviewing its finances and capital allocations in a bid to determine the best options it has of returning capital to shareholders. Terms of reference This report focuses on intricate analysis of the procedures the company uses to acquire and sell the products it involves in. Additionally, the research places emphases on financial changes that the company has developed and how it is expected to change the future of the company. Other than considering the changes that have taken place from the earliest years of the company, the research puts into account dynamics in the design of the business to the latest plans the company has. It is aimed at providing academic reference to academicians and general audiences who have the interest in knowing the development of Sotheby’s as it embraces changes over the decades of its existence. It was compiled and presented on 15, November 2013. Procedure In order to determine the effects of change on the operations of Sotheby’s Company, the research took an analytic assessment of publications concerning the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Ansewering the international business policy (questions) Essay
Ansewering the international business policy (questions) - Essay Example Dogs often put business strategists to their wits’ end as they worry what to do with them. Unprofitable business units, as a matter of fact, consume similar financial resources as their profitable counterparts. Hence, business strategists often undergo a serious decision-making to handle Dogs among the portfolios of companies they manage. Some of the ways to deal with unprofitable business units or product lines include: (i) establishing a partnership with a brand company that sells similar products; (ii) undergoing merger with another company; (iii) or selling the under-performing business units and invest the proceeds in other businesses that may yield some profits in the near future (Dalton et al., 2007). Selling of unprofitable companies have become the most popular option companies’ managers use to discard off low-yield business units in recent years. 2 2. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are examples of Baltic States. The prospect of finding new positions in their ma rkets may be remote due to the poor economic activities in these countries. For a new company entering the countries must resort to a policy of market development before it could assume the market leadership in these countries. The process of market development is a quite risky adventure because there is no 100% guarantee that it is going to be successful. The process involves using the company’s limited resources (both physical and human) to research the Baltic markets, analyse the available opportunities, undertake products’ publicity, and organise distribution channels that may be different from the ones available in the countries (Stonehouse et al., 2004). There are some common risks associated with market development. Some of these problems are cultural risk, financial risk, market risk and resource risk (Haberberg and Rieple, 2008). Some of the questions to be asked about this process are (i) what of if the cultures in the Baltic States are not receptive to forei gn participation in a particular industry in the country, say, hospitality industry? (ii) how could the company entering into the Baltic markets scrupulously manage its resources? (iii) And what are the possible market risks associated with this kind of business adventure? Once these burning issues can be successfully resolved, it will possible to for the new company to control the market it targets, and also reap the complete benefits this adventure will bring (Haberberg and Rieple, 2008). 3 3. In an economically viable country like Austria, competition among the business operators in the country is inevitable (De Wit et al., 2004). Engaging in â€Å"price wars†is one of the characteristic features of competition in the markets. Price wars force every player in the market to offer competitive prices that would draw consumers away from their rivals and promote continued patronage of what goods or services they offer (Winninger, 1994). To win these wars, some companies may of fer discounts on each of their products; they may also provide subsidies to state or non-private organisations to purchase large quantities of their products (Winninger, 1994). Other incentives for consumers include reduced Value Added Tax (VAT), free delivery mechanism and post-delivery services that many other companies
Friday, August 23, 2019
Applying Standardized Terminologies in Practice Essay - 3
Applying Standardized Terminologies in Practice - Essay Example f bedside patient care of a boy with tonsillitis to help assess the significance of standardized nursing informatics terminologies and the related NANDA, NIC and NOC (Nolan, 2004). Cavendish (2001) defines standardized nursing Terminologies or language is like a common language among nurses, readily understood by all the nurses, to describe particular patient care (American Nurses Association, 2006a). It provides practicing nurses with a common ways of communication outside the normal communication languages. It is important that nursing practitioners confirm their understanding of such terminologies into their work. The application of standardized nursing terminologies for documentation of home care or nursing care is important both to the direct/bedside care and to the nurse nursing profession (Nolan, 2004). Johnson, Maas & Moorhead (2000) outlines that; tonsillitis is a common bacterial infection among children and adolescents and very less with adults. Because of its common nature, especially during winter and other cold months, there are a plethora of records, data and information about its diagnosis and care especially among children and adolescents. Subsequently, American Nurses Association (2006a) acknowledges that there are standardized terminologies that nurses must master. In addition, the situation also exists Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) and in Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) with certain standardized language (Cavendish, 2001). According to Johnson et al. (2000), NANDA classifies tonsils under the broad category of patients with impaired swallowing and throat infections. NANDA defines this category as conditions with abnormal swallowing function mechanism or associated with deficits in pharyngeal, oral, or esophageal function or structure (Cavendish, 2001). According to NANDA, such infections and impaired function are common with children, particularly in wet or cold months of winter. However, it should never be a surprise if
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Write a research paper on INC Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Write a on INC - Research Paper Example Jeff Bezos was not a born entrepreneur, he graduated from Princeton University and began to work in the field of computer science on Wall Street moving on to become the vice president at Bankers Trust (Byers). Due to his interest in the rapid use and growth of Internet technology, he devised the idea of Thanks to the idea generated by Jeff Bezos, he quickly gained the identity of being the prominent entrepreneur who devised the dot-com idea and made him a billionaire soon. It started off as the bookstore initially and has now transformed in to the largest online retailer of the world as well. It has expanded its operations in a variety of ways and offers millions of online books, movies, songs, merchandise and just about anything. It can be safely concluded that Amazon has converted into an ‘everything store’ where merchandise of every kind is traded online. Shoppers are offered convenience that have the facility of shopping for almost anything online and can easily download books, games and films to even their portable devices such as tablets or smart phones. Other products such as the self publishing and online advertising are also offered on Therefore, the customers’ Amazon Inc serves have been stated in the mission statement itself, which are consumer customers, seller customers and the developer customers. Therefore, Amazon Inc is a platform which does not only let the customers to download and buy the merchandise, but at the same time gives them a platform to sell their merchandise online as well to the interested customers. The marketing strategy that has been introduced by Amazon rests on six facets: it not only offers products and services to be purchased by the customers but at the same time, interface is user friendly which can be easily and conveniently used by the customers. The services and products offered at Amazon vary from small scale to the
Tui Mod 6 Self Reflective Paper Essay Example for Free
Tui Mod 6 Self Reflective Paper Essay As I reflect back on the last two months I start to think of what I have learned while in OPM300, Introduction to Operations Management. In this essay I will discuss the following topics, what I learned the most in this class, something’s that I didn’t really catch on to and how I can improve. One important thing that I learned in this class is if you don’t have a good logistical support then your business can fail quickly. After spending numerous hours on research for Wal-Mart Stores I caught on to the fact that in order for that sore to be so successful the management has to know when to place its order for restock, stay on top of inventories and know when to get rid of a product that’s not selling. Without a good logistical support department Wal-Mart would surely fail. In Module 4 I didn’t not grasp the concepts you were describing on AON and AOA Network Conventions. I spent about an hour going through the slides and couldn’t grasp the process being displayed on the slides. Where these the answers to the previous slides concerning Pert and CPM? My research habits this past semester have been less than stellar. I would find my mouse clicking on topics that had nothing to do with what I was trying to research and instead of reading material on the topic that I was researching I found myself reading the news or sports. I am going to have to find a way to isolate myself and focus on the main topic and not get side tracked so easily. Over all I think that this was a great class. The material was all there and the Session Long Project helped me understand some of the Operational Management processes that happen inside a store that I would have never thought of before. References: 1. 2.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Finding the Gravitational Constant: Cavendish Experiment
Finding the Gravitational Constant: Cavendish Experiment Matt Cramb  The experiment explored the story of gravity, how it was discovered and derived from observations and experimentations, and attempted to recreate those initial tests. This was done to determine whether an increase in mass will increase the force of gravity, a statement which was supported by the experimental data, despite the numerous flaws inherent in the experimental design. Finding Gravity Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces of nature, and Nave, R (2017) also explains that it is the force responsible for constructing and regulating the movement of galaxies, stars, and planets. In 1687, Isaac Newton formulated his famous Equation of Universal Gravitation based, purported by Physics Classroom (2016), on an injury in an apple orchard. Whatever the circumstances, it had far reaching impacts on the science of the time. But something crucial was missing from his equation. Newton knew from scientists before him that the force exerted by gravity grew weaker as distance between objects affected by gravity increased, or represented mathematically; Where: This was nothing new for science of the time, but Newtons major discovery was that of the universality of gravity, which indicated that all objects which possess mass also exerted gravitational forces. This discovery led to another addition to the equation, because Kurtus, R (2016) reports Newton realized that objects with less mass exerted weaker gravitational forces. Therefore, he postulated that; Where: To convert this theory into an equation, Newton only needed one more piece. A constant was needed to calculate the exact gravitational forces on objects. This constant was called the gravitational constant, or G. In the equation, G presents as follows: However, the value for G wasnt found until much later, by Lord Henry Cavendish, over a century later.   The Cavendish Experiment In Cavendishs experiment, according to Shectman, J (2003) two spheres were attached at opposite ends of a beam which is suspended from the ceiling of a custom-built shed by a thin wire. Masses are placed to the sides of the spheres, to attract them, exerting gravitational forces sufficient to rotate the beam to a measurable degree. Cavendish measured the movement of the beam using a telescope positioned far from the shed. To use this apparatus to calculate G, a formula must be created, using torque, oscillation period, torsion constant, inertia and gravitational forces. The torque on the beam can be measured by the angle of deflection of the torsion wire, using Hookes Law: Where: However, torque can also be measured by the following expression: Where: Torque can also be calculated as a vector product with this equation: Where: And because, in this experimental setup, r and F are perpendicular vectors, there are two F, and r is half the length of the beam: Combining these two formula together results in the following: From Newton, the formula for force was also known, and could be substituted in from above. The torsion constant was measured by Cavendish by disturbing the beam, then measuring the period of oscillation. This can be done using the below equation. Where: This moment of inertia can be calculated from the sum moments of the two spheres at each end of the beam. The moment of inertia for each sphere is calculated by the equation: Since each sphere had equal mass, the total I is equal to: Inserting this into the period formula and rearranging for the torsion coefficient gives: When inserted into the formula for torsion coefficient above, gives the following: With this equation, the measurements needed to be taken from the experimental apparatus are: Variable: Explanation: Units: m Rad m kg s Using the experimental setup described above, according to Kurtus, R (1997) Cavendish determined: Preliminary Trials Failed Attempts For this experiment, two previous iterations of the experiment were run. The first was to determine the validity of running such an experiment, and the second was a full-scale experiment which provided no useful data. The first experiment was done using a meter-long beam and tennis balls attached to either end. A laser beam reflected off a mirror attached to the torsion wire, giving a result of angle. However, in practice, this rig did not come to a final resting position so that the period of oscillation could be measured. Instead the torque already present in the twine torsion wire twisted the beam against a chair leg, preventing it from fully coming to a balance of forces. The second experiment had results as follows: Variable: Explanation: Units: Results: m 1.25ÃÆ'-101 Rad 9.0ÃÆ'-10-2 m 1.765 kg 1.6 s 2.25ÃÆ'-102 m3kg-1s-2 2.419ÃÆ'-102 The value for G calculated by this experiment was vastly different to Cavendishs value of . This meant the experiment was concluded to be not statistically valid, for a variety of reasons. These experiments were refined and transformed into the final experimental setup. Theoretical Data Using Newtons formula for each of the three experiments which will be conducted can determine the value for . To do this, the masses and distance must be known ahead of time. These can be found below, and copied in the results section. OBJECT MASS (kg) Mass of Sinkers Mass of Cup 1 Mass of Cup 2 Mass of Bowling Pins Using Cavendishs above listed value of G, the projected data can be calculated. MASS (kg) FORCE OF GRAVITY ( Later, these will be compared with the experimental data. Based on the above background research, the magnitude of gravity in the system will increase proportional to an increase in the mass of the large masses. Or, as increases, will proportionally increase. This hypothesis has been supported by the background research, which has guided its creation through empirical data, and researched phenomena. However, because of the precision required to obtain an accurate result, research indicates the final calculated measurement for G will be vastly different from the real value. 25.5cm support beam12cm length of fishing line2x sinkers of mass 3.28g2x plastic cups2x bowling pins of mass 1.6kg1x stopwatch1x ruler1x camera1x plastic storage box approx. 70cm x 40cm 1m2 wire mesh Safety Before the experiment was conducted, a thorough risk assessment planner was completed and approved. Measures were taken to ensure no harm came to experimenter through heavy masses falling or water causing a slipping hazard. These measures included: Constant supervision Correct and appropriate use of safety equipment, which in this experiment meant wearing a lab coat throughout Safe handling of heavy masses and water. A risk assessment matrix provided by the Department of Education (2017) was also completed. Likelihood Consequence Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Critical Almost Certain Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme Likely Low Medium High High Extreme Possible Low Medium High High High Unlikely Low Low Medium Medium High Rare Low Low Low Low Medium The likelihood of injury was unlikely, as experimenter has previous experience. The consequence was also minor, indicating injuries not requiring medical attention (i.e. bruises, minor cuts). Therefore, the total risk was low, which indicates no further control measures need be put into place. However, in due diligence the above measures were still implemented. Procedure Firstly, to limit air flow; a major disturbance in the preliminary trials, the system was constructed inside a large plastic storage container. This container was placed a distance away from walls, to reduce the effects of other gravity sources. Then, two sinkers, whose masses were known, were attached to either end of a support beam, which was hung from the top of the box by a length of fishing line. This was suspended by the wire mesh atop the box. The fishing line was chosen as twine had been used in preliminary trials as the torsion wire, and had been shown to not be effective due to the latent torque. After letting the system come to a complete rest, it was disturbed by gently pushing one end of the support beam. The period of oscillation was measured by a stopwatch. To further reduce misrepresentation of data, six measurements were taken and averaged. The system was then allowed to come to rest again, and a measurement of the rest position taken by a camera from above. This would eliminate the need to reach into the box to take measurements and thus disturb the experiment. It also provided clearer results. Then, the two cups were introduced to the system 6.25cm away from the end of the support beam, at opposing sides and ends, so the attractive forces of the masses rotated the beam. The cups were initially filled with 250g of water, then 500g, then the cups were swapped with the 1.6kg bowling pins. Each iteration of the experiment, when the system came to rest for a third time, a measurement of the final rest position was taken using the camera. This data was recorded and processed by comparing photographs of the different rest positions and calculating angle of deflection. The results were then tabulated. Images of the experimental setup. Mass OBJECT MASS (kg) Mass of Sinkers Mass of Cup 1 Mass of Cup 2 Mass of Bowling Pins Period of Oscillation TEST NUMBER PERIOD (s) 1 20 2 22 3 21 4 21 5 21 6 21 Avg. 21 Rest Position TEST NUMBER MASSES USED ANGLE OF DEFLECTION (Rad) 1 No mass used 0.00 2 Cup 1 9.65 3 Cup 2 3.31 4 Bowling Pins 1.00 OTHER Data Variable: Explanation: Units: Results: m 0.0625 m 0.255 Magnitude of Gravity Using Newtons formula for each of the three experiments will determine the value for . Firstly, the value for G for each equation must be calculated. MASS (kg) VALUE OF G ( Now the force for gravity can be calculated. MASS (kg) FORCE OF GRAVITY ( findings The experiment shows that using Cavendishs method to determine the value for G was flawed, but that the experiment could have obtained an accurate value for G. These flaws will be examined below, but a basic rundown and description of data obtained will be given here. Magnitude of Gravity As can be seen by the graph at the end of the results section, the magnitudes of gravity measured do not accurately match the theoretical data obtained. These values, and the values for G, are vastly different to that originally measured by Cavendish (found in background research), likely because of the various flaws in the experimental design, which will be discussed in the Evaluation section. However, the results far more accurately correlate to the theoretical values than those in previous experiments, and the average trendlines do indicate that the trend matches that predicted. At 250g, the first mass, the experimental data differs wildly from the theoretical. Experimental Data Theoretical Data At 500g, the second mass, it drastically spikes, much higher than either of the other points. Experimental Data Theoretical Data At 1600g, the final point, the data dips down lower than expected again. Experimental Data Theoretical Data Its unclear from the background research conducted whether Cavendishs data deviated so much, but he also had a larger rig, which as discussed below, may have helped his experiments accuracy. Period of Oscillation The average period measured was 21 seconds, which is far shorter than the fifteen minutes measured by Cavendish. This is probably mostly due to the shorter beam, the effect of which can be seen with the torsion coefficient formula derived from the background research. The squared length of the beam demonstrates an exponential relationship between the torsion coefficient, an increase in which will decrease the period, which can be seen in the following formula for period of oscillation: Recording Equipment The equipment used to measure the period of oscillation may not have changed in the two hundred years since Cavendishs original experiment, however all other recording equipment did. A camera and digital analysis was used to take measurements, which may have causes slight issues with the orientation of frames in the software, but overall was more accurate than taking the measurements by hand when compared to the preliminary tests when this was done. The lengths were taken with a tape, and so were only calculated to two decimal places. However, this will likely not impact greatly on the results of the experiment, which can be shown mathematically. Using the same formula as above, and two length measurements as given below, the difference can be theorised. cm Value for k K (2 decimal places) Length 1 (two decimal places) (given by experiment) 6.25 2.35497 2.35 Length 2 (six decimal places) 6.247832 2.35334 2.35 Limitations Recommendations There are several reasons for why the value for G determined by this experiment differed so greatly from Cavendishs value, and these expose various flaws and strengths in the original design. They will be examined each using the following method: Name Explanation of Flaw Effects Comparison to Preliminary Trials Comparison to Cavendish Experiment Recommendation/Refinement Measuring Inaccuracies Various opportunities for error arose when observing and recording data in the experiment. Most of these examples, such as misreporting the period of oscillation by a fraction, would have a m Ethical Issues in Patient Information | Case Study Ethical Issues in Patient Information | Case Study Peeking in the EMR for all the right reasons Patrick Bobst Technology has embedded itself into everyday life and is integrated into everyday human activity. Corporate scandals, violations of intellectual property rights, and violations of customer, patient, employee privacy is uncovering challenging dilemmas and ethical decision-making in every the industry around the globe. Technological advancements not only increase the impact of carelessness, foolishness, recklessness and even malevolence but also enable anyone with access to learn much more and much faster than ever before(Curtain, 2005). Ethics enables individuals with the guidance of rational approaches to make the right justifiable decision. Ethical choices distinguished from other choices involve the continual conflict of fundamental values, as well as incorporating scientific inquiry that may be influential but cannot provide answers(Curtain, 2005). Most notably, ethical choices involve placing one value above another, and because values are of the utmost importance, any decision r eached will have profound, multiple and often on anticipated impact on human concern(Curtain, 2005). Case study Jessica Parker is a nurse that has the burdening task to solely support her three small children and is in severe financial distress since her divorce. Her ex-husband, Frank Parker has evaded court ordered child support obligations for over a year and has been able to evade authorities with no known address or phone number. Jessica’s house is about to be foreclosed upon, and her automobile repossessed. Although Jessica periodically picks up extra shifts, utilizes friends instead of childcare, and despite making multiple drastic cuts to her budget, she is unable to overcome the perils of increasing debt. One day a friend that informs her that Frank Parker received stitches in her emergency department after a minor motor vehicle accident (MVA). The next day she worked Jessica looked up her ex-husband in the EMR and proceeded to gather his needed contact information. Jessica immediately passes along the phone number, living address and employment information to her attorney which in turn succeeded in the actions of court ordered child support payments being automatically garnished from his wages along with a judgment for past due child support in an amount that will stabilize her current debt. Ethical dilemma When a couple chooses the responsibilities of being a parent, it is a commitment for life whether they are living together or separately. Jessica is in a stressful environment where she holds the custody of the children and the other parent is legally obligated to provide financial support to ensure a safe and healthy environment for the children. Jessica is clearly struggling financially and the situation will continue to worsen without the court ordered child support from ex-husband. She solved the dilemma of finding her ex-husband’s whereabouts by utilizing the hospitals EMR. By utilizing the EMR in an inappropriate manner, Jessica violated multiple provisions of the American Nurses Association (ANA) code of ethics including provision 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. These provisions stipulate the patient’s right to privacy, the duty to maintain confidentiality of all patient information, and the protection of participants in research(Nursing World website, 2011). A breach of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) may have been committed under the privacy rule where â€Å"patients have a right to expect privacy protections that limit the use and disclosure of their health information†(McGonigle Mastrian, 2012, p. 173). â€Å"However, the privacy rule permits unauthorized disclosures of protected health information to public health authorities for specified public health activities including†¦. child abuse or neglect†(Lee Gostin, 2009, p. 82). Possible Alternatives At the point when Jessica suspected her husband might have been in the EMR system, an alternate path might be (1) hiring a private investigator. The ex-husbands MVA is a matter of police public record and private investigators are trained and have the resources to find information in ways others might not think about; (2) contact the local child support enforcement agency with the information of the MVA; (3) contact her attorney for a medical record subpoena. Hypothesize Ethical Arguments In this scenario, Jessica showed a clear breach to hospital policy, statutory and common-law duties of confidentiality and privacy. However, Jessica’s morals were dealing with the resolution of what is right and wrong in her own situation creating the dilemma of what is morally right and not looking at the evidence that indicates that she is also morally wrong. Depending on the discipline and point of view, the term value can have different meanings. Jessica’s objective moral values may include justice, freedom and welfare, which might be her basis for decision-making. The welfarism normative ethical approach applies to Jessica situation where morality is viewed and centrally concerned with the welfare or well-being of individuals, and where advancing the best interests of individuals makes the most fundamental sense(Keller, 2009). The ethical theoretical Principlistic approach validates itself with its universally recognized moral principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence , beneficence, and justice(Bulger, 2009). Autonomy considers the right of the individual to choose for themselves, nonmaleficence asserts an obligation not to inflict harm intentionally, beneficence refers to actions performed that contribution to the welfare of others, and justice refers to the fair, equitable, and appropriate treatment in light of what is due or owed to a person(McGonigle Mastrian, 2012). â€Å"Principlism is a unified moral approach in which the addition of each principal strengthens the legitimacy of each of the other principles to the extent that each principal is specified and balanced using independent criteria and yet each principal still supports each of the other principles†(Bulger, 2009, p. 121). In Jessica’s scenario she might consider that it is generally morally right to obtain her ex-husbands contact information in the EMR because this action obeys the role moral rule what is due or owed which in turn is derived from the principal justi ce. The crux of the dilemma lies within Jessica’s responsibility of providing her family a safe and healthy environment with financial stability, her utilization of the hospitals EMR balanced with her ex-husband’s medical record confidentiality rights. Investigate, Compare, and Evaluate Alternatives to him In Jessica’s case, there is no ambiguity in our nursing code of ethics when it comes to maintaining patient privacy and confidentiality. All the alternative methods provided to pursue the coveted contact information are the only acceptable legal pathways. These alternative methods safeguard patient rights, do not violate policy and laws, do not result in bad consequences, nor do they nullify rules and regulations. Each alternative provides expected outcomes that far exceed the risk of harm that include â€Å"civil liability, job loss, disciplinary action by state licensing boards, and even criminal investigations and sanctions†(Hader Brown, 2010, p. 270). Chosen alternative Simply from a financial standpoint the alternative chosen for Jessica would be to contact the local child support services agency. Hiring a private investigator or attorney can be cost prohibitive especially with her financial difficulties. Conclusion From nursing school until retirement, nurses are taught there is no leeway when it comes to HIPAA’s integrity and confidentiality of patient information. A problem with ethics is the logic of reasoning being used in moral deliberation and moral justification(Reidl, Wagner, Rauhala, 2005). Jessica’s deliberation of moral reasoning resorted from weighting only the positive self-fulfilling gain and omitted possible alternatives in her morally perplexing situation as well as her personal reasons in moral justification. Principlists consider principles to be at the heart of moral life negotiating between the four fundamental principles and the unique nature of specific moral situations on the other(McCarthy, 2003). With the technological advancements in today’s society the ethical questions evolve around how individuals choose to use or abuse their tools. Healthcare informatics intersects healthcare, ethics and informatics and all practitioners, for the publicâ€℠¢s good, must be bound by additional ethical, moral, and legal responsibilities (Curtain, 2005). Barrie Effy (2008), conclude in their study that ethical education in information technology changed attitudes and aided students in affective learning, an important and necessary component in the overall learning process(Barrie Effy, 2008). References Barrie, L., Effy, O. (2008). Ethical issues in information technology: Does education make a difference. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 4(2), 67-83. Bulger, J. W. (2009). An approach towards applying principlism. Ethics Medicine, 25, 125-125. Curtain, L. L. (2005). Ethics in informatics. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 29, 349-352. Hader, A., Brown, E. (2010). Patient privacy and social media. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 78, 270-274. Retrieved from Keller, S. (2009). Welfarism. Philosophy Compass, 4(1), 82-95. Lee, L., Gostin, L. (2009). Ethical collection, storage, and use of public health data: A proposal for a national privacy protection. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 302(1), 82-84. McCarthy, J. (2003). Principlism or narrative ethics: must we choose between them? Medical Humanities, 29(2), 65-71. McGonigle, D., Mastrian, K. G. (2012). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Nursing World website. (2011). Reidl, C., Wagner, I., Rauhala, M. (2005). Examining ethical issues of IT in healthcare. Retrieved from
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Charlie Wilsons War
Charlie Wilsons War Phase II: Synopsis In the year 1979 the Soviet Union took over the Afghan capital city of Kabul and started a war that devastated the people and land of Afghanistan. A congress man of Texas took it upon himself to help the Afghanistan people suffering from the Soviet Union invasion. Congressman Charlie Wilson, with the help of Gust Avrakotos and Joanne Herring, fought with stubborn politicians, nation leaders, and endured career damaging stories in order to give the people of Afghanistan a fighting chance. With the budget for the war effort being only 5 million, Congressman Wilson, with the help of an anonymous donator, raised the fund to more than 1 billion dollars. The Afghan war effort, set on an equal playing field with the Soviet Union, was able to overcome the Soviet Union and take back the Afghanistan peoples homes. Phase III. Analysis The movie Charlie Wilsons War takes place from 1979 to 1989 and tells the story of how the biggest covert operation in America happened. Charlie Wilson, a Texas congressman, who, with help, raised the necessary funds needed in order to give Afghanistan weapons that could help throw out the invading Soviet Union forces. Based on a true story the movie sticks to the facts and realistically portrays the main character, Charlie Wilson, and the events that lead to the freedom of Afghanistan. The film shows the importance of what happened and how it changed future events. Charlie Wilsons War described the proceedings from 19 years ago that shaped the way events have happened today. The movie focused on the funds, and how they were gathered, that gave the Afghan fighters the weapons and training that they needed. Congressman Wilson, with the help of others, raised the governments budget for the Soviet-Afghan war from a few million to 750 million. With a new flood of money and weapons to help in their fight, the Afghanistan people were armed and inspired to fight the invading Soviet Union forces. As a reward for making it possible to defeat the Soviet Union, Congressman Wilson was given the stinger tube that shot down the first enemy aircraft. Something about the events of the film that has to be noted is the impact that the events of the past had on our present. Had America not interfered, Afghanistan would have been taken over by the Soviet Union which could have lead to them eventually controlling Pakistan and the stores of oil. Allowing the Soviet U nion to take control might have prevented the conflict we have with the countries in the Middle East now. However, allowing both Afghanistan and Pakistan to fall into the hands of the Soviet Union would have meant that we would surrender the supply of oil Pakistan held. Charlie Wilsons War is a film of importance, showing scenes of historical events that have come to dictate the way both Afghanistans and Americas people live. Based on a true story, Charlie Wilsons War holds several historical events which should be noted. Inspired to help the refugee situation in Afghanistan after reading an Associated Press report, Congressman Wilson began to help build funds that would allow the Afghan people to fight the invading Soviet Union. Elected to be on the House Appropriations Subcommittee of Defense, Congressman Wilson was able to request, and receive, a doubled budget for the Afghanistan war. With the help of both politicians and private citizens, Congressman Wilson was able to raise enough funds to support the Afghanistan war effort. This covert operation, named Operation Cyclone, was the largest covert operation to ever happen in the history of the CIA. After ten years of fighting the Soviet Union, Afghanistan became the first country to ever defeat the Soviet Union. The Clandestine Services organization gave the Honored Colleague award for the first time to a citizen, Charlie Wilson, for his efforts in the Afghan War. The historic events in this film shaped many peoples opinion about the situation in Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan 19 years ago resulted in opposing political views in the United States each having valid reason for helping or not helping the situation in Afghanistan. The side I agree with would be the people who were for supporting Afghanistan in their fight against the Soviet Union. Giving The United States a valid reason to support Afghanistan with a covert operation and giving more than 5 million as funding, would hide the fact that we were are in no way friendly towards Russia. Another reason for the U.S. to intervene would have been that we are a nation who stands for justice and the massacres and other atrocities happening in Afghanistan demanded our attention. In helping Afghanistan we also helped ourselves, not only did we get the satisfaction of seeing the Soviet Union beaten, we also kept something far more valuable than, our oil supplies, out of their hands. In the movie the Afghan leader talking to Congressman Wilson said that the only reason the Soviet Union wa s attacking was because of their location relative to Pakistan. By controlling Afghanistan the Soviet Union would have a direct road to Pakistan and where they could control the flow of oil. The Soviet Union had control of the oil it would have led to serious economic problems for the United States. Many people who know how we helped Afghanistan say that by our contributing to their war effort in the past we just gave them weapons to use against us now. Although there may be some truth to our own weapons being used against us, the fact remains that in the past we did not know this and we could not ignore the suffering people of Afghanistan. Helping Afghanistan was to our benefit in the past and I agree with the decisions made by people like Congressman Wilson and Joanne Herring who raised the necessary funds. Every film has good moments and bad moments, although Charlie Wilsons War is not exempt from this, it is one of the movies that almost perfectly shows the true story. Most films that are based off a true story stick to the very basics and add to the movie to make it interesting or dramatic. This movie however, tells the true story with very little the added fiction. Charlie Wilsons War accurately describes the events that occurred in the late 1900s. The meeting with Gust Avrakotos was not how the actual event happened; however, Congressman Wilson did eventually meet with Mr. Avrakotos when he went to the CIA to learn more about weapons for Afghanistan. Although the movie does focus on the serious nature of what is happening, it also adds comedy providing a break from all of the technical names and political scenarios. Though I could have done without the nudity in the movie, it helps to show the reason Congressman Wilson was called Good Time Charlie. Despite some of the flaws in the film I still recommend this film to anyone who wants to watch a great story. Charlie Wilsons War is a fun and historically accurate movie that shows the difference one man can make. The movie has love, conflict, courage, sorrow, and comedy which will keep its viewers captivated until the final scene is finished. I give Charlie Wilsons War four and a half stars for the ability to stick to the truth and still keep the audience involved. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn a little more about American history.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Sassoons Use of Irony in Glory of Women Essay -- American America His
Sassoon's Use of Irony in Glory of Women The role of women during the Great War has been portrayed in many different ways in literature. They are seen as factory workers, nurses who saved soldieràs lives, sweethearts and relatives to label just a few. In "Glory of Women, Siegfried Sassoon makes ample use of irony within the structure and the content in order to portray his view of the role of the young, working, British woman during this time period. Sassoon's use of irony can first be seen in the structure of the poem itself. A superficial glance at the poem shows that it is written in fourteen lines, making it appear as a sonnet. A closer look at the structure, however, shows that "Glory of Women" is in the form of both the English and the Italian sonnet, creating a completely unique sonnet altogether. There is an octet, which a closer look shows is really two quatrains, and a sestet which are distinguished by a subtle change in mood and characterize the Italian sonnet. The two quatrains, a characteristic of the English sonnet that can be identifi...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Book of Enoch :: essays research papers
The Book of Enoch We first learn of Enoch in Genesis 5 but it leaves us with questions. Hebrews 11 has the answers and Jude quotes Enoch! How did Jude come to know the words of Enoch? They are not in the Bible. The answer of course, is The Book of Enoch. A book which is actually quoted not only by Jude, but also James the natural brother of Jesus. The quote in (Jude 14-15) & (1 Enoch 1:9) is as follows: "In the seventh (generation) from Adam Enoch also prophesied these things, saying: 'Behold, the Lord came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners spoke against him'." What is the Book of Enoch and where did it come from? Enoch was the grandfather of Noah. The Book of Enoch chapter 68:1 "And after that my grandfather Enoch gave me all the secrets in the book and in the parables which had been given to him, and he put them together for me in the words of the book of the parables." This makes it possible for the Book to have survived the flood as its not too hard to accept that Noah would have taken his Great Grandfathers writings with him onto the ark. The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth of Christ and yet is considered by many to be more Christian in its theology than Jewish. It was considered scripture by many early Christians. The earliest literature of the so-called "Church Fathers" is filled with references to this mysterious book. The early second century "Epistle of Barnabus" makes much use of the Book of Enoch. Second and Third Century "Church Fathers" like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch "Holy Scripture". The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ. This and many other books became discredited after the Council of Laodicea. And being under ban of the authorities, afterwards it gradually passed out of circulation. At about the time of the Protestant Reformation, there came to be a renewed interest in the Book of Enoch which had long since been lost to the modern world.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Monsters Are Due on Maple Street
Twilight Zone The series Twilight Zone is a show that combines science fiction with society. Every episode ends with a shocking, unexpected twist. â€Å"The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street†is an episode that informs society about the fear of prejudice and hysteria. In this episode, a loud shadow in the sky passes through Maple Street. The shadow is actually a meteor. Unexpected and strange things start to happen like the electricity and cars turning off. The people who live on Maple become very curious on what the meteor has done to the neighbors living on the street.A young boy named Tommy tells the adults that everything weird happening is because of the aliens from outer space, which he read about in a comic book. First the adults refuse to believe a child, but then they unconsciously start pointing fingers at who can and cannot be aliens. People were getting blamed for doing normal things such as insomnia, looking at stars, and experimenting on a radio, but then the neig hbors would exaggerate and make it sound suspicious, strange and unusual. As the episode continues, the adults become paranoid and start to lose their minds.This twilight zone episode reveals to us that the real monsters in society are ourselves. The neighbors were very eager to figure out who and what was the cause of the power outage. Neighbors would blame other neighbors for the outage because they believed that one person was an alien. Even though they had no proof or evidence, they used their words to blame the suspects. A ruckus of mass paranoia occurs and everyone believes that everyone is an alien. Tommy compares the real life situation to a similar problem he read in a comic book about aliens taking over a town.The power outage that happened in the comic book is also occurring in real life. The adults do not believe him at first, but then they begin to slowly and senselessly start blaming other people for being an alien because they are afraid. Just like the media nowadays, mass paranoia affects everyone. The media exaggerates how something â€Å"might†happen and society makes it a big deal before anything is really happening. They cause concern and stress upon themselves because of what the media says. The central theme that exists within the episode is that words are mankind’s reatest weapon. I believe that words may not be able to physically hurt someone, but they can emotionally. Emotional pain is sometimes harder to endure than physical pain. In the neighborhood, some of the neighbors like Les Goodman are accused of being a suspect because his car randomly turned on, while everyone else’s didn’t start. Though he has no effect on the aliens, a woman claims that she has seen him look up at the sky late at night, as though he is waiting for something. She thinks he is waiting for the aliens or something from outer space.Therefore Goodman becomes an immediate suspicion to all the neighbors. Everyone in the neighborhood is now more aware of him, claiming that his family isn’t human, but aliens. The woman was being the real monster to society because she had no idea what she was talking about and jumps to conclusion about Les Goodman. Since she made a comment that didn’t have supported evidence, she dug Les Goodman into a hole, making people think he is an alien because everyone starts to believe her. This episode conveys propaganda to the audience. Everyone is following everybody else’s opinion, and they are all being biased.Just like in real life situations, propaganda occurs in the media. We are informed about a particular person’s point of view and their idea soaks up into our brain. Towards the end of the episode, all the neighbors are at their highest point of terrorization and fear. The mob starts to panic as they see a shadow figure approaching their neighborhood. Charlie assumes the shadow to be a monster. Therefore, he starts to act malicious and grabs a gun to sh oot the shadow. Everyone comes near the monster and it turns out to be Pete Van Horn, who was one of the neighbors coming home from town.The lights in Charlie’s house randomly turns on and everyone starts to tell him that is he held responsible for the death of Pete. He is now accused of being a monster because of the electricity in his house turning on, and a murder of an innocent man. Charlie was trying to protect his people, but he ends up accidently shooting a person. Everyone starts to blame him for being a monster and throws rocks at him. He did something to help, but since someone said that he is a monster for killing and having his light turn on, he is evil.This shows that all of society is influenced to have the same viewpoint of a specific person, and sometimes they tend to follow counter-information. This episode challenges social convention because society expects us to have the same perception as what the government wants us to think. The people living on Maple w ere so afraid of what was happening that they believed anything anyone said. Steve has a radio in his garage which he has been working on by himself, and they assume that he is working on an odd electronic related to the aliens. Steve was one of the first to be suspicious of Les Goodman.When Steve was blamed of being an alien, he becomes hypocritical and yells at the neighbors and tells them they are all standing out on the street to crucify someone, and that they are all set to find a scapegoat. Steve knows the only thing that will happen to the neighbors is that they will all become obsessed with finding a scapegoat, and in result they are going to eat each other up alive. Out of fear and panic, they all ruin themselves and each other. Like social convention, Steve and Les have done something odd and different, so they have been frowned upon.In the beginning of the episode, everyone on Maple Street seems happy and cheerful. It is sunny outside and kids are playing in the streets. Once it gets darker at night, the power is still out and there is no more light outside or inside. Everyone is using candles for light, there are no more children around, and the streets seem very dark and mysterious. The neighbors are portrayed as mobs. They all stick together and follow each other wherever one goes. This shows society believing one person’s point of view. The people in the back of mob don’t have much to say.Instead they just stand there and agree with the main person speaking because they are weak and do not have anything to say. Their faces have a shadow and it is dark surrounding all of them leaving making it very suspenseful. The darkness adds a more mysterious effect. The secretive aura of the darkness represents a hidden truth behind society’s lies that are spoken to us. In the end, no one living on Maple Street was an alien. Though there really was an alien, the aliens believe that stopping a few machines, putting the street in darkness will ruin the neighbors without the aliens even being round the humans. The aliens assume that all the neighbors will pick on the most dangerous enemy and be prejudice towards the enemy and to others. But as this all happens, the neighbors’ most dangerous enemy is actually themselves. They destroy themselves by panicking and finding a scapegoat. Everyone is torn apart and no one knows or believes the truth. â€Å"There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men†is said at the end of the episode. I believe this quote sums up the people living on Maple Street perfectly.Their suspicion destroyed the neighborhood to a point where an innocent life was taken. The people are all thoughtless and frightened and are lying just to protect themselves. Community and society are easily manipulated when they are terrorized. The government tries to takeover some of society’s weak minds and influences them to believe what i s right and what is wrong. The community and society speaks before they think, even though sometimes it is not true. They create a monster to themselves because they are creating false facts for everyone to be concerned about.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Reconstruction in the South Essay
Reconstruction is the Federal Governments plan(s) to abolish slavery, change the way of life in the South, and to bring the nation back together after the devastating effects of the Civil War. Many Government plans were brought up but never fell through. Likewise, Presidents over the years, after the Civil War, had also brought their own Reconstruction plans to the nation. Several good things came from each plan but not one individual plan had drastically changed America on its own. Although Lincoln and his 10% plan would have reshaped the nation and connected the broken line between the North and South, however, it had never taken action because of Lincoln’s assassination on April 14, 1865. However, Reconstruction created many new social changes to the nation. Civil Rights had been shaped over many years; the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments were passed giving African Americans the right to vote, and the Freedmen’s Bureau was established. Reconstruction was a long and rough time for the government and the people. Our Nation had never before needed to recover from such a tremendous loss from something like the Civil War. Reconstruction had failed in several ways. Slavery had still been practiced in the south under different titles of work, ways of life in the south had remained the same, and Redeemers made sure blacks were not represented in government. Before this particular Reconstruction plan was brought up it had been thought about for awhile by a group of Radical Republicans who created the Radical Republicans’ Plan. These Radicals wanted to spark the necessity to take action on the problems occurring in the South. The plan had consisted of three major ideas; â€Å"these ideas were based off of revenge, concern for the freedmen, and political concerns†(Travel and History par. 1). One of the ways that these Radicals wanted revenge was by â€Å"punishing the South for causing the war†(Travel and History pa r. 1). They also felt that â€Å"Southern states had to apply for readmission back into the Union and were required to submit state constitutions that ratified the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments (Ohio History Central par. 11). Also when Ulysses S. Grant took office he â€Å"kept soldiers in the former Confederacy for the duty of protecting African Americans from the Ku Klux Klan and similar groups (Ohio History Central par. 11). These Radicals felt that â€Å"the federal government had a role to play in the transition of freedmen from slavery to freedom†(Travel and History par. 1). They believed that the government needed to aid former slaves into getting good work and treated fairly. Also, many members â€Å"wanted to keep the Republicans Party in power in both the North and the South†(Travel and History par. 1). This way only Republican ideas would be brought up and many Republican based laws would be passed. This is the general idea for the Radical Republicans’ plan and would not be brought up again until Ulysses S. Grant is elected into the Presidency. The former Civil War, Union General, Ulysses S. Grant was elected into office in 1868. President Grant did not take much care in his Presidency campaign because he did not care if he had won or lost. Thus, Grant did not have his own plan for the problems of Reconstruction. However, Grant was a Republican and â€Å"favored the Radical Republicans’ Plan,†(Ohio History Central par. 11) so most of what he tried to accomplish was based on these views. When Grant won his election many republicans realized that he had won by a small margin of votes. Looking deeper they noticed that â€Å"roughly 450,000 African Americans had voted Republican and the majority of whites in the South voted Democrat†(Davidson J. p. 348). Republicans in office realized that an amendment must be created to protect black voting rights so the African American population would co ntinue to vote Republican. The Fifteenth Amendment was created in 1869 and was ratified in 1870; â€Å"this forbade any state to deny any man the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude†(Davidson J. p. 348). However, many states found loopholes to this amendment by issuing literacy tests, poll taxes, and property requirements for voting. Mainly this counted out most of the African American voting population. Although he his mostly known for his scandals, Grant had many other significant highlights during his time as President that greatly contributed to Reconstruction in the South. During his time in office, â€Å"Grant signed a series of Reconstruction related ‘Enforcement Acts’†(Simpson B. par. 6). The main effect these laws had was they â€Å"completely denied states to deny any man the right to vote†(Simpson B. par. 6). He had also signed the Ku Klux Klan act which banned the â€Å"illegal intimidation†of blacks where states were unwilling or unable to provide protection, and for private parties to conspire to violate civil rights. Violation of this law was a federal crime. Before Grant had left office, â€Å"In 1875 he signed last major piece of Civil Rights legislation until 1964†(Simpson B. par. 6). In 1877, Grant had completed his final term as President. Several years later Grant had been slipping deeper and deeper into debt from family troubles. He started to write his memoirs and later had attracted cancer. After he had finished his memoirs he had died in 1897, from the cancer he had acquired. Luckily his writings had sold more than enough copies to provide and settle his family’s debt. Reconstruction had ended in 1877, and many of Grant’s accomplishments had changed society in the South and for the future. Bibliography Davidson, James W., and Brian DeLay. U.S. A Narrative History. 1st ed. Vol. 2. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009. Print . Foner, Eric. Reconstruction America’s unfinished revolution, 1863-1877. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. Print . â€Å"Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan.†Travel and History. Web. 11 Sept. 2009. . â€Å"Reconstruction – Ohio History Central – A product of the Ohio Historical Society.†Ohio History Central – An Online Encyclopedia of Ohio History – Ohio Historical Society. Web. 1 Sept. 2009. . Simpson, Brooks D. â€Å"Let Us Have Peace: The Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant.†Teaching American History in Maryland – Documents for the Classroom – Maryland State Archives. Web. 14 Sept. 2009. .
Effective Malaria Treatment In Tanzania Health And Social Care Essay
1 IntroductionMalaria is a disease which is caused by mosquito bite on human organic structure. It threatens 1000s million people wellness in full Torrid Zones and semitropicss particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The influence of malaria on the wellness and economic systems is immense. In this part over one million people die every twelvemonth because of malaria and most of them kids under the age of five. To contend this staggering job it have in recent old ages been on the docket for both affected provinces and international giver bureaus. Access to an effectual and prompt intervention for immature kids and pregnant adult females is regarded as really of import. The ACCESS programmes aim is to turn to jobs sing entree to effectual and prompt malaria intervention in rural Tanzania. The result of the work should ensue in proper steps to heighten the cognition of recognize symptoms, the demand of right intervention and increase the handiness of medical specialty and quality of supervising. The most vulnerable groups which are kids under the age of five and pregnant adult females is focused in the plan. The country in Tanzania that are included in the survey is the two territory of Kilombero and Ulanga in the south-east. The two territories is separated by the Kilombero River and forms the Kilombero Vally floodplain. The handiness to the Kilombero territory is by a largely unpaved route that are connected to the Tanzania-Zambia main road. To make the Ulanga territory with vehicles the solely connexion is a motorised ferry over Kolombero River.2 Undertaking factsThe population of the two territories in 2002 were 517000 and most people get their supports from farming. For most households the agriculture is done in distant Fieldss in the flood plains. A consequence of the distance to the Fieldss is that households are forced to travel to their agriculture sites during the cultivating period. They spend up to six months in the Fieldss and during this clip unrecorded under simple conditions and are more open to mosquito. The cultivating period coincides with the high malaria transmittal season and as a consequence of this malaria spreads widely and repeatedly during this period. Based on these facts the Ifakara Health and Research and Development Center along with the Swiss Tropical Institute has examined and implemented a batch of malaria control intercessions like insecticide-treated cyberspaces ( ITN ) . In add-on to that there are two chief attacks in the ACCESS intercessions. Through societal selling attacks by increasing the petition for right malaria diagnosing and intervention throughout the community With the aid of preparation, instruction, enhanced supportive supervising and new nosologies make the supply of quality malaria case-management stronger. To advance these attacks three chief countries of intercessions has been undertaken. Area1: Behavior alteration Sensitization of community leaders Social selling chiefly through route shows Particular runs in Mother and Child Health ( MCH ) clinics Improved entree for families passing the cultivation period off from place Area2: Improved quality of attention in wellness installations Area3: Improved malaria instance direction in drug merchandising stores3 Issues of SD sing this undertakingIn the ACCESS undertaking issues refering SD which are stated below can be found. These issues are besides described how they are included in the three countries of intercessions that are involved in the programme. Health attention Education Human demands Gender Equity Economic Capacity edifice3.1 Area 1Sing the different actions undertaken in the behaviour alteration attack SD issues like wellness attention, instruction, human demands, gender and equity.a ) Health attentionThrough these societal selling messages the people aware strongly the malaria symptoms and immediate intervention the right medical specialty and good protecting equipment like ITN and IPTp ( Intermittent Preventive Treatment in gestation ) .B ) EducationDramatic shows at the roads having about malaria disease. To do people effectual attending dance competitions were conducted. Theater shows portraying right intervention through function dramas were performed. Effectss of malaria were taught through public talk. Besides cinema show on malaria intervention was run. Feedback Sessionss at the terminal for better interactions. During the feedback session promotion-materials were distributed to the audience. Posters and hoardings were put up in small towns and along Celsius ) Hum an needsThe acknowledgment of the demand to heighten the cognition about malaria and the undertakings undertaken in this intercession country interrelate to human demands.vitamin D ) GenderPregnant adult females and female parents of kids under the age of five and kids under the age of five are the mark group for the undertaking.vitamin E ) EquityThe undertaking stresses the importance of people?s handiness to entree wellness attention. During the cultivation period people stay in the Fieldss and the handiness to medicate is poorer.3.2 Area 2For the undertaking to better quality of attention in wellness installations aspects like instruction, economic and wellness are dealt with.a ) Health attentionIn this intercession enhanced quality of attention was focused chiefly. Correct diagnosing with the counsel from Integrated direction of childhood unwellness ( IMCI ) algorithm and enhanced laboratory diagnosing. Ordering the right drugs and exact dose of antimalarials, febrifuges. Proper and right advice on how to forestall malaria and better intervention.B ) EducationThe wellness installation staff were trained on malaria intervention through initial refresher preparation. Routine supportive supervising was strengthened. Introducing quality direction strategy at all wellness Celsius ) EconomicThe preparation which was based on IMCI algorithm has proved that it is cost effectual since it was done by agencies of coaction between the staffs and council wellness direction squads in rural Tanzania. In add-on to that they have introduced rapid diagnostic trial ( RDT ) an impracticable thought to microscopy which was one time once more proved to be cost effectual.vitamin D ) Capacity edificeThere was a Joint venture between supportive supervising and quality direction in order to increase their capacity.3.3 Area 3This intercession which reference to better malaria instance direction in drug merchandising stores concern SD issues sing capacity edifice and instruction.a ) Capacity edificeThrough the debut of Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets ( ADDO ) in the two territories the trade channels and entree to medical specialties and pharmaceutical services enhanced.B ) EducationTo beef up the consciousness and behaviour of ADDO proprietors of and the forces the undertaking have provided instruction.3.4 The ecological, economic and societal facetsIn a undertaking like ACCESS which focal point is to analyse and better intervention and attention for a disease the ecological portion have a minor impact in the work in this instance. Social and economic demands for people is more critical. The SD issues that are stated earlier all have to interrelate for a successful result of a undertaking like this. The demand for worlds in the country to acquire keep to proper medical specialty and intervention is obvious and this emphasis the human demand. The chosen attack to better the cognition amongst people to acknowledge symptoms and the demand for prompt intervention for illustration links instruction and wellness together. As the chief mark group is pregnant adult females, immature female parents and kids under five this can be regarded as a gender affair that is interrelated in all issues. Even if the people know how to handle malaria and they have accessibility to anti-malarias they need to hold money to buy it. In the respect of regional, national and international interrelatedness of a undertaking like this it can be benchmark and applied in different topographic points and to other diseases4 Issues of SD excluded in the undertakingTorahs Even the authorities has taken some enterprises to set about effectual malaria intervention it would be better if the authorities has introduce or do some regulations and ordinances. Environment One could sing the exposure to mosquito in the Fieldss as an environmental issue but no measurings within the undertaking is taken4.1 Suggestions/feedback related to this undertakingTorahs For illustration the authorities can do a regulation like household card for the poorer 1s while the hapless 1s non able to entree the quality and effectual intervention. Family card meant for acquiring medical specialties at a cheaper rate aided by authorities Environment Within the undertakings framework some probe sing the exposure and how to minimise it could hold been performed. Possibly some information on how to protect yourself against mosquito could hold been provided. Possibly some bio-friendly pesticide could be used during the mosquito genteelness period to cut down the degree of exposure during the cultivation period.5 ConsequencesThe sensitisation of community leaders were rather successful in the facet of engagement. On mean 90 % of the invited attended these meetings. The route shows were besides by and large good attended. The work forces were nevertheless 2,2 times more likely to hold attended these shows although adult females and kids was the focal point group in the undertaking. The particular runs done in MCH clinics have up to the beginning of 2007 resulted in that about 28 % of adult females in generative age has attended such session. In Ulanga have 89 % of the wellness installations received training Sessionss to better the cognition and in Kilombero that figure is 93 % . The handiness to proper medical specialties has in the two territories increased through the ADDO programme. The quality of advice in these accredited stores has besides shown to be better than in an ordinary drug store.6 DecisionTo reason, this undertaking which was done by Ifakara with the great support from Swiss Tropical Institute and ACCESS has widely used SD constructs in every intercessions. The premier focal point of the undertaking dealt with wellness attention of people refering to a developing state which is one of the major points discussed in every acme of developed and developing states related to SD. In footings of wellness attention, instruction, human demands, gender and equity there were actions taken in the intercession 1 and in footings of quality of attention in wellness installations sing instruction, economic and wellness there were actions in intercession 2.In intercession 3 the chief facet of SD was to develop i.e. educate the store keepers every bit good as the poorer people. In such a mode the SD constructs has been widely used and researched by the ACCESS programme I. From the results and experiences of ACCESS I the ACCESS plan has started the 2nd stage in May 2008 and its premier focal point was enhanced handiness to effectual malaria intervention for pregnant adult females, kids under the age of five and immature female parents. The Phase II continuance is similar to phase I and it is about 3 old ages.
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